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AINIS 2016 - Third International Workshop on Advances in Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems (AINIS 2016)

Date2016-09-05 - 2016-09-09


VenuePaphos, Cyprus Cyprus



Topics/Call fo Papers

Third International Workshop on Advances in Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems (AINIS 2016-Fall)
In conjunction with The 12th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference
Coral Beach Hotel, Paphos, Cyprus, September 5-9, 2016
IWCMC 2016:
Submission Site:
Workshop Chairs:
Lei Shu, Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology, China,
Mithun Mukherjee, Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology, China,
Yan ZHANG, Simula Research Laboratory & University of Oslo, Norway,
Yu Zhang, University of Lincoln, UK
Pierluigi Siano, University of Salerno,
With the development of wireless communication technologies, e.g., wireless sensor networks, wireless mesh networks, large scale industrial plants slowly get the opportunities to adapt their advantages. Traditional industrial fieldbus can be replaced by wireless networks, which give more flexibility with lower cost and risk of single point of failure. Thousands of industrial equipment can also be monitored by using wireless sensors to detect their health status and even diagnose the type/location of fault based on extracted features. We see a huge potential of applying wireless technologies and artificial intelligence to make the existing large scale industrial plants smarter. In recent years, industrial IoT (IIoT) have drawn significant interest in industrial environment. It allows a tight and seamless integration between lower layer components, such as sensors and actuators, to the higher level connected with the cloud platform. We also see a huge amount of effort should be made to realize this beautiful computing vision. Thus, in this workshop, we are interested in exploring recent emerging technologies and research developments on industrial networks and intelligent systems to advance the step towards the smarter plants in conjugation with this 12th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference Coral Beach Hotel, Paphos, Cyprus.
Authors are invited to submit previously unpublished papers to this workshop. Topics include, but are not limited to:
? State-of-the-art technologies in industrial networks and intelligent systems
? Cloud computing for intelligent industrial processing management
? Big data analysis and processing in various industries and services
? Quality of service for software in IIoT
? Software architectures, protocols, and algorithms for IIoT
? Intelligent middleware for industrial networks and systems integration
? Wireless industrial networks development
? Industrial wireless sensor networks and its applications
? Large scale industrial plants monitoring and security
? Automated manufacturing systems
? Design of intelligent industrial systems
? Computational intelligence in automation
? Opportunistic networks in the industry
? Security of wireless industrial networks
? Fault diagnosis on large scale industrial equipment
? Intelligent energy harvesting technologies for industrial networks
? Low emission energy and efficient resources use for a sustainable city
? Hardware and software design and development for intelligent systems
? Simulation and testbed of current industrial networks and intelligent systems
? Applications of intelligent systems in smart cities and various industries
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: 15 January 2016 (Deadline Extended: 15 February 2016)
Acceptance Notification: 15 April 2016
Camera-ready Paper Submissions: 10 May 2016
Registration Deadline for Authors: 10 May 2016
Submission Guidelines
Prospective authors are invited to submit original technical papers (up to 6 pages of length), using the EDAS link:
Follow submission guidelines provided at the conference site:

Last modified: 2016-01-24 21:12:49