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CQSM 2014 - Communication QoS and System Modeling Symposium

Date2014-02-03 - 2014-02-06


VenueHonolulu, USA - United States USA - United States



Topics/Call fo Papers

Communication QoS and System Modeling Symposium at ICNC 2014
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
February 3-6, 2014
Symposium Chairs
Lydia Y. Chen
IBM Zurich Research Laboratory
Säumerstrasse 4 8803 Rüschlikon, Switzerland
Antonio Pescapé
University of Napoli ''Federico II'', DIETI
Via Claudio, 21 - 80125, Napoli (Italy)
Communication networks are designed to offer services to end-users with suitable Quality of Service (QoS)
level. To such an end, network traffic should be analyzed and appropriately controlled so that the desired
QoS requirements are achieved. The development of today’s applications, network technologies and
standards greatly leverages modeling and design tools. Furthermore, different methodologies including
analytical modeling, simulation, experimentation, and monitoring are needed to support designs of
communication networks and services. The aim of the “Communication QoS and System Modeling”
Symposium is to provide an international forum for the discussion of communications service provisioning,
the quality and mechanisms to support such services as well as the techniques to model and assess the
efficiency of communication networks. Authors are invited to submit original technical papers covering but
not limited to the topics of interest listed below:
? Quality, scalability, reliability, and
performance in network and their services,
o Internet
o Optical networks
o Autonomic systems
o Wireless and mobile networks
o Wireless and mobile networks
o Grid and distributed computing
o Wireless and mobile networks
o Multimedia networks in voice over IP
and IPTV
? Performance of large-scale experimental
? Standardization aspects of QoS and reliability
? Network Performance evaluation methodologies
o Network simulation
o Network modeling
o Network measurement and monitoring
? Design of networks and their services
? Cross-layer design, modeling and optimization
? Traffic economics
? Application/ service oriented networking
? Traffic workload modeling and characterization
? Traffic and workload control
? Traffic engineering and traffic theory
? Metrics and models for QoE
Submission Guidelines
Please follow the author instructions at
Direct paper submission link of this symposium is
Important Dates
? Paper submission: July 5, 2013
? Paper Acceptance: Sept. 20, 2013
?Camera-ready paper: Oct. 20, 2013LydiaY. Chen
Dr. Lydia Y. Chen is a performance analyst at IBM Zurich Research Lab since 2007. She received PhD in
Operations Research and Industrial Engineering from Penn State University. She completed
undergraduate studies at National Taiwan University and British Columbia University. She has
published papers in several international conferences, such as Sigmetrics, INFOCOM, Globom, ICC,
CGO, CCgrid, ICPE, HPDC and DSN. She has served as a TPC member on a number of networking and
performance conferences, including INFOCOM, GLOBECOM, IPCCC, ICC and ICNC. She is a member of
the ACM and IEEE.
Antonio Pescape ? is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Engineering and Systems of
the University of Napoli Federico II (Italy) and Honorary Visiting Senior Research Fellow at the School
of Computing, Informatics and Media of the University of Bradford (UK). He received the M.S. Laurea
Degree in Computer Engineering and the Ph.D. in Computer Engineering and Systems, both at
University of Napoli Federico II. Antonio Pescape ? teaches courses in Computer Networks, Computer
Architectures, Programming, and Multimedia and
he has also supervised and graduated more than 100 among BS, MS, and PhD students. His research
interests are in the networking field with focus on Internet Monitoring, Measurements and
Management and on Network Security. Antonio Pescape ? has co‐authored over 130 journal
(Communications of the ACM, IEEE Communications Magazine, JSAC, IEEE Wireless Com‐ munications
Magazine, IEEE Networks, etc.) and conference (SIGCOMM, IMC, PAM, Globecom, ICC, etc.) publications
and he is co‐author of several patents pending. He has served and serves as workshops and
conferences Chair and on more than 150 technical program committees of IEEE and ACM conferences,
including IEEE ICC (NGN symposium). He has served as Editorial Board Member of IEEE Survey and
Tutorials (2008‐2011) and was guest editor for the special issue of Computer Networks on “Traffic
classification and its applications to modern networks”. For his research activities he has received
several awards. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE. Antonio Pescape ? has served and serves as
independent reviewer/evaluator of research and implementation projects and project proposals co‐
funded by the Sweden government, several Italian local governments, Italian Ministry for University
and Research (MIUR) and Italian Ministry of Economic Development (MISE).

Last modified: 2013-05-11 10:53:00