WAHS 2014 - Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Symposium
Topics/Call fo Papers
Call for papers
Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Symposium, ICNC 2014
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, February 3-6, 2014
Symposium Co-chairs
Cheng Li, Memorial University, Canada, Email: licheng-AT-mun.ca
Lingjia Liu, The University of Kansas, lingjialiu-AT-ittc.ku.edu
Honggang Wang, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, hwang1-AT-umassd.edu
The Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Symposium focuses on all topics related to ad hoc networks
and sensor networks. A wireless sensor network is a wireless network consisting of populations of
spatially distributed nodes with limited resources that can cooperatively monitor physical or
environmental conditions at different locations. Each node is capable of computation, sensing, and
communication. Challenges may be exacerbated by the presence of mobile nodes in the network. Such
networks may consist, for example, of independent and isolated fixed devices that gather environmental
data, they may be embedded in urban environments in order to facilitate actuation over managed
resources, or may be fixed to and move with the object of interest. Ad hoc networks may exist in
environments where there is no pre-existing communications infrastructure, and thereby organize to
create their own. In recent years, ad-hoc networks have been attracting increased attention from the
research and engineering communities, motivated by applications like digital battlefield, asset tracking,
air-borne safety, situational awareness, and border protection. As we move towards a world that connects
all things, these issues become ever more relevant. Dynamic topologies, bandwidth constraints, energyconstrained operations, wireless vulnerabilities, and limited physical security are among the
characteristics that differentiate mobile ad hoc networks from fixed multi-hop networks.
This symposium aims to provide a forum for sharing ideas among researchers and practitioners working
on state-of-the-art solutions to the challenges of wireless ad hoc and sensor networks. We seek papers that
describe original and unpublished contributions addressing various aspects of ad hoc and sensor
networks. Topics include but are not limited to,
? Applications and Evolutions of Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
? Autonomic Networking
? Implementation Challenges
? Novel Measurement Techniques
? Physical Layer Design of Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
? Frequency and Channel Allocation Algorithms
? Topology Control and Management
? Opportunistic or delay-tolerant communications
? Algorithms and Modeling for Localization, Target Tracking, and Mobility Management
? Time Synchronization in Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
? Architectures of Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
? MAC Protocols for Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
? QoS Provisioning in MAC and Routing for Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
? Analytical, Mobility, and Validation Models for Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
? Performance Evaluation and Modeling
? Integrated Simulation and Measurement based Evaluation of Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems ? New Simulation Languages, Methodologies, and Tools for Wireless Systems
? Analysis of Correctness and Efficiency of Protocols
? Data Management, Data Aggregation, Data Dissemination, and Query Processing
? Distributed Algorithms in Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
? Pricing Modeling and Solutions
? Pervasive and Wearable Computing
? Co-existence Issues of Hybrid Networks
? Energy Saving and Power Control Protocols for Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
? Resource Management Algorithms in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
? Real-world Measurements or Testbeds
? Cross-layer Design and Infrastructure
? Energy Efficiency Considerations on the Design or Implementation of Ad Hoc and Sensor
? Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks
? Cognition in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
Submission Guidelines
Please follow the author instructions at http://www.conf-icnc.org/2014/author.htm. Direct paper
submission website of this symposium can be found at http://www.conf-icnc.org/2014/cfp.htm.
Short biography of co-chairs
Cheng Li received the B. Eng. and M. Eng. degrees from Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, P. R.
China, in 1992 and 1995, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from
Memorial University, St. John’s, Canada, in 2004. He is currently an Associate Professor at the Faculty of
Engineering and Applied Science of Memorial University, St. John’s, Canada. His research interests
include mobile ad hoc and wireless sensor networks, wireless communications and mobile computing,
switching and routing, and broadband communication networks. He is an editorial board member of Wiley
Wireless Communications and MobileComputing, an associate editor of Wiley Security and
Communication Networks, and an editorial board member of Journal of Networks, International Journal
of E-Health and Medical Communications and KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems.
He has served a technical program committee (TPC) co-chair for the ACM MSWiM'13, IEEE WiMob’11
and QBSC’10. He has served as a co-chair for various technical symposia of many international
conferences, including the IEEE GLOBECOM and ICC. He has served as the TPC member for many
international conferences, including the IEEE ICC, GLOBECOM, and WCNC. Dr. Li is a registered
Professional Engineer (P.Eng.) in Canada and is a Senior Member of the IEEE and a member of the IEEE
Communication Society, Computer Society, Vehicular Technology Society, and Ocean Engineering
Lingjia Liu, received the Ph.D. degree at Texas A&M University in Electrical and Computer
Engineering, the B.S. degree with highest honor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in Electronic
Engineering. He is currently working as an Assistant Professor in the Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science Department at the University of Kansas (KU). Prior to joining the EECS at KU, he
spent more than three years in Samsung Research America ? Dallas (SRA-D) leading Samsung's work on
downlink multi-user MIMO, Coordinated multipoint (CoMP) transmission, and Heterogeneous Networks
for 3GPP LTE/LTE-Advanced standards where he has more than 10 essential intellectual property rights
(IPRs). His general research interests lie in the areas of wireless communication systems including delaysensitive communications, energy-efficient communications, multi-user MIMO systems, coordinated multipoint transmissions, and heterogeneous networks. Lingjia Liu is a recipient of the Texas
Telecommunications Engineering Consortium (TxTEC) Fellowship from the Department of Electrical
and Computer Engineering at Texas A&M University in 2003 - 2004. He received the Global Samsung
Best Paper Award in 2008 and 2010 respectively. He is the best paper final runner-up for the ICC 2012
Wireless Communication Symposium. He has also been selected by the National Engineers Week
Foundation Diversity Council as New Faces of Engineering 2011 and was recognized during the 2011
National Asian American Engineers of the Year Awards Banquet in Seattle. Lingjia Liu served as the
Vice President of the Dallas Fort-Worth Chapter of the Chinese Institute Engineers ? USA (CIE/USA -
DFW) from 2009 to 2011. He is currently serving as Technical Program Committee (TPC) co-Chairs and
Members of various international conferences. He is also serving as an Editor for IEEE Transactions on
Wireless Communications, and as Associate Editors for EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications
and Networking as well as Wiley's International Journal on Communication Systems. He is co-editor of
special issues of several journals.
Honggang Wang is an assistant professor at UMass Dartmouth and is an affiliated faculty member of
Advanced Telecommunications Engineering Laboratory at University of Nebraska-Lincoln. His research
interests include wireless healthcare, Body Area Networks (BAN), cyber security, multimedia
communications, wireless communications and networks, cognitive radio networks, multimedia sensor
networks, smart grid communications and Cyber-physical system. He has published more than 90 papers
in his research areas, including more than 20 publications in prestigious journals such as IEEE
Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, IEEE Journal on Selected
Areas in Communications, and IEEE Transactions on Information Technology Biomedicine. He also
published papers in prestigious conferences such as INFOCOM, ICDCS, ICC, Globecom and ICME. He
is the winner of the Best Paper Award of the 2008 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking
Conference (WCNC). He serves as a lead guest editor of IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health
Informatics (J-BHI), a guest editor of IEEE sensors journal, an Associate Editor of Wiley's Security
and Communication Networks (SCN) Journal and KSII Transactions on Internet and Information
Systems. He also serves as a TPC chair or Co-Chair of more than 10 conferences and workshops. He is a
TPC Chair of 8th International Conference on Body Area Networks (BODYNETS 2013), which will
be held in Boston. He is the TPC member for IEEE INFOCOM 2013-2014, IEEE ICC 2011-2013,
IEEE Globecom 2010-2013, IEEE WiMob 2008, 2009. He currently serves as a Board Co-Director of
IEEE MMTC (Technical Committee on Multimedia Communications) Services and Publicity.
Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Symposium, ICNC 2014
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, February 3-6, 2014
Symposium Co-chairs
Cheng Li, Memorial University, Canada, Email: licheng-AT-mun.ca
Lingjia Liu, The University of Kansas, lingjialiu-AT-ittc.ku.edu
Honggang Wang, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, hwang1-AT-umassd.edu
The Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Symposium focuses on all topics related to ad hoc networks
and sensor networks. A wireless sensor network is a wireless network consisting of populations of
spatially distributed nodes with limited resources that can cooperatively monitor physical or
environmental conditions at different locations. Each node is capable of computation, sensing, and
communication. Challenges may be exacerbated by the presence of mobile nodes in the network. Such
networks may consist, for example, of independent and isolated fixed devices that gather environmental
data, they may be embedded in urban environments in order to facilitate actuation over managed
resources, or may be fixed to and move with the object of interest. Ad hoc networks may exist in
environments where there is no pre-existing communications infrastructure, and thereby organize to
create their own. In recent years, ad-hoc networks have been attracting increased attention from the
research and engineering communities, motivated by applications like digital battlefield, asset tracking,
air-borne safety, situational awareness, and border protection. As we move towards a world that connects
all things, these issues become ever more relevant. Dynamic topologies, bandwidth constraints, energyconstrained operations, wireless vulnerabilities, and limited physical security are among the
characteristics that differentiate mobile ad hoc networks from fixed multi-hop networks.
This symposium aims to provide a forum for sharing ideas among researchers and practitioners working
on state-of-the-art solutions to the challenges of wireless ad hoc and sensor networks. We seek papers that
describe original and unpublished contributions addressing various aspects of ad hoc and sensor
networks. Topics include but are not limited to,
? Applications and Evolutions of Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
? Autonomic Networking
? Implementation Challenges
? Novel Measurement Techniques
? Physical Layer Design of Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
? Frequency and Channel Allocation Algorithms
? Topology Control and Management
? Opportunistic or delay-tolerant communications
? Algorithms and Modeling for Localization, Target Tracking, and Mobility Management
? Time Synchronization in Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
? Architectures of Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
? MAC Protocols for Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
? QoS Provisioning in MAC and Routing for Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
? Analytical, Mobility, and Validation Models for Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
? Performance Evaluation and Modeling
? Integrated Simulation and Measurement based Evaluation of Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems ? New Simulation Languages, Methodologies, and Tools for Wireless Systems
? Analysis of Correctness and Efficiency of Protocols
? Data Management, Data Aggregation, Data Dissemination, and Query Processing
? Distributed Algorithms in Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
? Pricing Modeling and Solutions
? Pervasive and Wearable Computing
? Co-existence Issues of Hybrid Networks
? Energy Saving and Power Control Protocols for Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
? Resource Management Algorithms in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
? Real-world Measurements or Testbeds
? Cross-layer Design and Infrastructure
? Energy Efficiency Considerations on the Design or Implementation of Ad Hoc and Sensor
? Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks
? Cognition in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
Submission Guidelines
Please follow the author instructions at http://www.conf-icnc.org/2014/author.htm. Direct paper
submission website of this symposium can be found at http://www.conf-icnc.org/2014/cfp.htm.
Short biography of co-chairs
Cheng Li received the B. Eng. and M. Eng. degrees from Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, P. R.
China, in 1992 and 1995, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from
Memorial University, St. John’s, Canada, in 2004. He is currently an Associate Professor at the Faculty of
Engineering and Applied Science of Memorial University, St. John’s, Canada. His research interests
include mobile ad hoc and wireless sensor networks, wireless communications and mobile computing,
switching and routing, and broadband communication networks. He is an editorial board member of Wiley
Wireless Communications and MobileComputing, an associate editor of Wiley Security and
Communication Networks, and an editorial board member of Journal of Networks, International Journal
of E-Health and Medical Communications and KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems.
He has served a technical program committee (TPC) co-chair for the ACM MSWiM'13, IEEE WiMob’11
and QBSC’10. He has served as a co-chair for various technical symposia of many international
conferences, including the IEEE GLOBECOM and ICC. He has served as the TPC member for many
international conferences, including the IEEE ICC, GLOBECOM, and WCNC. Dr. Li is a registered
Professional Engineer (P.Eng.) in Canada and is a Senior Member of the IEEE and a member of the IEEE
Communication Society, Computer Society, Vehicular Technology Society, and Ocean Engineering
Lingjia Liu, received the Ph.D. degree at Texas A&M University in Electrical and Computer
Engineering, the B.S. degree with highest honor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in Electronic
Engineering. He is currently working as an Assistant Professor in the Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science Department at the University of Kansas (KU). Prior to joining the EECS at KU, he
spent more than three years in Samsung Research America ? Dallas (SRA-D) leading Samsung's work on
downlink multi-user MIMO, Coordinated multipoint (CoMP) transmission, and Heterogeneous Networks
for 3GPP LTE/LTE-Advanced standards where he has more than 10 essential intellectual property rights
(IPRs). His general research interests lie in the areas of wireless communication systems including delaysensitive communications, energy-efficient communications, multi-user MIMO systems, coordinated multipoint transmissions, and heterogeneous networks. Lingjia Liu is a recipient of the Texas
Telecommunications Engineering Consortium (TxTEC) Fellowship from the Department of Electrical
and Computer Engineering at Texas A&M University in 2003 - 2004. He received the Global Samsung
Best Paper Award in 2008 and 2010 respectively. He is the best paper final runner-up for the ICC 2012
Wireless Communication Symposium. He has also been selected by the National Engineers Week
Foundation Diversity Council as New Faces of Engineering 2011 and was recognized during the 2011
National Asian American Engineers of the Year Awards Banquet in Seattle. Lingjia Liu served as the
Vice President of the Dallas Fort-Worth Chapter of the Chinese Institute Engineers ? USA (CIE/USA -
DFW) from 2009 to 2011. He is currently serving as Technical Program Committee (TPC) co-Chairs and
Members of various international conferences. He is also serving as an Editor for IEEE Transactions on
Wireless Communications, and as Associate Editors for EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications
and Networking as well as Wiley's International Journal on Communication Systems. He is co-editor of
special issues of several journals.
Honggang Wang is an assistant professor at UMass Dartmouth and is an affiliated faculty member of
Advanced Telecommunications Engineering Laboratory at University of Nebraska-Lincoln. His research
interests include wireless healthcare, Body Area Networks (BAN), cyber security, multimedia
communications, wireless communications and networks, cognitive radio networks, multimedia sensor
networks, smart grid communications and Cyber-physical system. He has published more than 90 papers
in his research areas, including more than 20 publications in prestigious journals such as IEEE
Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, IEEE Journal on Selected
Areas in Communications, and IEEE Transactions on Information Technology Biomedicine. He also
published papers in prestigious conferences such as INFOCOM, ICDCS, ICC, Globecom and ICME. He
is the winner of the Best Paper Award of the 2008 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking
Conference (WCNC). He serves as a lead guest editor of IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health
Informatics (J-BHI), a guest editor of IEEE sensors journal, an Associate Editor of Wiley's Security
and Communication Networks (SCN) Journal and KSII Transactions on Internet and Information
Systems. He also serves as a TPC chair or Co-Chair of more than 10 conferences and workshops. He is a
TPC Chair of 8th International Conference on Body Area Networks (BODYNETS 2013), which will
be held in Boston. He is the TPC member for IEEE INFOCOM 2013-2014, IEEE ICC 2011-2013,
IEEE Globecom 2010-2013, IEEE WiMob 2008, 2009. He currently serves as a Board Co-Director of
IEEE MMTC (Technical Committee on Multimedia Communications) Services and Publicity.
Other CFPs
Last modified: 2013-05-11 10:51:23