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2024 - Rethinking Emerging Biopharma’s Relationships with CROs



VenueONLINE-VIRTUAL, USA - United States USA - United States

KeywordsLife Sciences; Clinical Trials; Pharmaceutical


Topics/Call fo Papers

After approaching a contract research organization (CRO), does prioritization or working with the “A team” seem to be missing? Are turnaround times for sample analysis longer than anticipated?
Emerging biopharma and biotech often face several difficulties when outsourcing to generalized large CROs. However, a few tailored strategies can be deployed to avoid such hurdles and find specialized CRO partners that are a better fit for small- to mid-size companies.
Emerging biopharma have unique needs due to perhaps the level of resources and personnel capacity available or the funding and regulatory experience at hand. The traditional model of outsourcing has primarily evolved around the needs of large pharma over the past decades; owing to the growth in emerging biopharma today, the CRO–drug developer relationship needs to modernize and adapt to better serve small- to mid-size companies.
During this webinar, the panel will delve into the benefits of building specialized CRO partnerships for emerging biopharma and biotech. Various commonly faced hurdles will be analyzed to understand how R&D and drug development teams can rethink their outsourcing processes in the early stages to avoid issues in the future.
The increasing trend of outsourced testing across the pharmaceuticals industry is well known and shows no signs of abatement. So, the value driven by this model of drug development should not exclude small- to mid-size companies. The panelists will examine how to use outsourcing to speed up timelines, work within budgets and gain access to valuable scientific and regulatory experience.
Register for this webinar today to gain insights into effective outsourcing strategies tailored for emerging biopharma and biotech companies.
Keywords: Pharmaceutical, Drug Development, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Outsourcing, Biopharma, Pharmaceutical Supply Chain, CRO, Drug Manufacturing, Biopharmaceutical, Clinical Supply Chain, Analytical Testing, Bioanalytical Testing

Last modified: 2024-06-12 05:13:53