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2024 - Future of Chromatography Resins: Improved Resolution in Bioprocessing



VenueONLINE-VIRTUAL, USA - United States USA - United States

KeywordsLife Sciences; Pharma Manufacturing & Supply Chain; Laboratory Technology


Topics/Call fo Papers

Discover an informative webinar that explores the future of chromatography resins and the use of environmentally friendly technology for biotherapeutic purification.
The Evolution of Chromatography Resins
Chromatography resins are crucial in the purification process of biotherapeutic products, including everything from monoclonal antibodies to cell and gene therapies. With increase in the awareness of their environmental impact, it is critical to ensure green, sustainable choices are made whenever possible.
Many resins currently are made from microplastics and require careful disposal to prevent environmental contamination, which contributes to higher costs. In this webinar, the featured speaker will talk about an eco-friendly alternative. Developed from agarose, a natural polysaccharide sourced from marine algae, these chromatography resins do not compromise on performance.
Register for this webinar today to gain insights into how environmentally friendly chromatography resins can be used for developing sustainable purification technologies in bioprocessing.
Keywords: Drug Discovery, Process Development, Biotherapeutics, Chromatography, Bioprocess, Analytical Testing, Laboratory Technology, Bioanalytical Testing, Downstream Processing, Basic Research

Last modified: 2024-06-12 05:13:08