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2011 - AIED Workshops, 15th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education AIED 2011



VenueChristchur, New Zealand New Zealand

Keywordsartificial intelligence; education; intelligent systems; educational systems; training; tutoring systems


Topics/Call fo Papers


AIED2011 workshops are designed to provide an opportunity for in-depth discussion of current and emerging topics of interest to the AIED community. We encourage workshop proposals that bring together people working on new and developing research topics that favor highly interactive discussions. Other factors that will be taken into account to evaluate the proposals include coherence, broad audience and cross-disciplinary appeal, novelty and innovation of the topic, and the existence of previous successful editions.

Proposals should provide information justifying why a workshop on this topic is beneficial and of interest to the AI community. Workshop organizers and participants are also expected to attend the main AIED conference.

Proposal requirements and format

(2 - 4 pages, 12pt, single space, 1cm margins)

* Title

* Length of workshop: full or half-day

* Description of the workshop's content and themes

* Detailed description of the workshop topic's importance to AIED community

* Names, short biographies, and contact information of workshop chair(s)

* List of organizing/program committee members. To ensure a workshop is of interest to the broader AIED community, members should be from multiple universities.

* Proposed format of the workshop (e.g., approximate timeline) and type of activities (e.g., paper presentations, discussions, demos, etc.)

* Please indicate any potential solicitation plans for workshop funding from sources, such as international projects, research networks, or industry. (External funding is not required for acceptance.)

Submission information

Those interested in organizing a workshop should submit their proposal to both the AIED2009 workshop chairs:

* Cristina Conati (

* Isabel Fernandez-Castro (

Important dates

* Proposal submission: January 19, 2011

* Workshop decisions: February 11, 2011

* Workshop paper submissions: March 29, 2011

* One-page Summary for conference proceedings: April 7, 2011

* Workshop camera-ready copy due: June 1, 2011

* Workshops: June 27 and 28, 2011

Workshop publications

Approved workshops will have separate proceedings independent from the main conference. Workshop chairs will provide a one-page summary of their workshop that will be included in the main conference proceedings.

Workshop Chairs

Cristina Conati & Isabel Fernandez-Castro

Last modified: 2010-12-08 13:21:23