ICTLE 2016 - 2016 5th International Conference on Traffic and Logistic Engineering (ICTLE 2016) - SCOPUS and Ei
Date2016-04-21 - 2016-04-23
VenueSharjah, UAE - United Arab Emirates
KeywordsTraffic Engineering; Logistic Engineering; Transportation
- 13th International Conference on Traffic and Logistic Engineering (ICTLE 2025)
- The 9th International conference on Teaching, Learning and Education (ICTLE)
- Scopus 2030 บทความวารสาร Scopus Rapid Publishing
- Scopus WOSジャーナルに掲載された記事100%保証された出版および検索サービス
- Scopus. Scopus期刊 出版服務 100%保證出版和檢索服務 同行評審的SCOPUS期刊出版物 2030
Topics/Call fo Papers
2016 5th International Conference on Traffic and Logistic Engineering (ICTLE 2016) will be held during April 21-23, 2016 in Sharjah, UAE, supported by American University of Sharjah, UAE.
---- Paper Publication
MATEC Web of Conferences (ISSN: 2261-236X) and Journal of Traffic and Logistics Engineering (ISSN: 2301-3680) with ***SCOPUS and Ei Compendex*** indexing.
---- Keynote Speakers
1. Prof. Essam Radwan, University of Central Florida, USA
2. Assoc. Prof. Akmal Abdelfatah, American University of Sharjah. UAE
3. Prof. Sherif Ishak, Louisiana State University, USA
---- City Introduction
Sharjah is the third largest and third most populous city in theUnited Arab Emirates, forming part of the Dubai-Sharjah-Ajman metropolitan area. It is located along the northern coast of the Persian Gulf on the Arabian Peninsula.Sharjah is the capital of the emirate of Sharjah. Sharjah shares legal, political, military and economic functions with the other emirates of the UAE within a federal framework, although each emirate has jurisdiction over some functions such as civil law enforcement and provision and upkeep of local facilities.
---- Visit American University of Sharjah on April 23.
---- Paper Topic (http://www.ictle.org/cfp.html)
1. Transportation Safety
2. Transportation Planning
3. Emergency Respnse Systems and Technologies
4. Intelligent Transportation Systems
5. Energy Saving and Alternative Energy
6. Automotive Exhaust Treatment and Environment Protection Technologies
7. New Technology on Transportation Infrastructure (Pavement, Bridge)
8. Highway Maintenance and Management
9. Transportation Management, Economics and Policy
10. Logistics Engineering
11. Vehicle Operations
12. Rail and Transit System
---- Submission Methods
Please log in the Electronic Submission System(http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ictle20...)
or submit your abstract/full paper to: ictle-AT-asr.org.
---- Conference Venue
Centro Sharjah
P.O. Box 3677, Sharjah, U.A.E.
Contact us
Ms Ada Lee, Conference Secretary
E-mail: ictle-AT-asr.org
Tel: +1-617-229-6820 (USA)
---- Paper Publication
MATEC Web of Conferences (ISSN: 2261-236X) and Journal of Traffic and Logistics Engineering (ISSN: 2301-3680) with ***SCOPUS and Ei Compendex*** indexing.
---- Keynote Speakers
1. Prof. Essam Radwan, University of Central Florida, USA
2. Assoc. Prof. Akmal Abdelfatah, American University of Sharjah. UAE
3. Prof. Sherif Ishak, Louisiana State University, USA
---- City Introduction
Sharjah is the third largest and third most populous city in theUnited Arab Emirates, forming part of the Dubai-Sharjah-Ajman metropolitan area. It is located along the northern coast of the Persian Gulf on the Arabian Peninsula.Sharjah is the capital of the emirate of Sharjah. Sharjah shares legal, political, military and economic functions with the other emirates of the UAE within a federal framework, although each emirate has jurisdiction over some functions such as civil law enforcement and provision and upkeep of local facilities.
---- Visit American University of Sharjah on April 23.
---- Paper Topic (http://www.ictle.org/cfp.html)
1. Transportation Safety
2. Transportation Planning
3. Emergency Respnse Systems and Technologies
4. Intelligent Transportation Systems
5. Energy Saving and Alternative Energy
6. Automotive Exhaust Treatment and Environment Protection Technologies
7. New Technology on Transportation Infrastructure (Pavement, Bridge)
8. Highway Maintenance and Management
9. Transportation Management, Economics and Policy
10. Logistics Engineering
11. Vehicle Operations
12. Rail and Transit System
---- Submission Methods
Please log in the Electronic Submission System(http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ictle20...)
or submit your abstract/full paper to: ictle-AT-asr.org.
---- Conference Venue
Centro Sharjah
P.O. Box 3677, Sharjah, U.A.E.
Contact us
Ms Ada Lee, Conference Secretary
E-mail: ictle-AT-asr.org
Tel: +1-617-229-6820 (USA)
Other CFPs
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Last modified: 2015-10-21 11:36:27