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PHYCOM 2016 - Special Issue on Radio Access Network Architectures and Resource Management for 5G



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Topics/Call fo Papers

SI on Radio Access Network Architectures and Resource Management for 5G
Physical Communication, Elsevier
As a next step in the evolution of mobile communication systems, research carried out by industry and academia is currently focused on the development of the new generation of mobile and wireless systems, known as 5th Generation (5G) that targets a time horizon beyond 2020. 5G intends to provide solutions to the ever-increasing demand for mobile broadband services associated with the massive penetration of wireless equipment (e.g. smartphones, tablets, massive sensor networks); the expected tremendous increase in the demand for wireless Machine To Machine (M2M) communications; the requirements of extremely reliable communications for services such as e-health; and the proliferation of bandwidth-intensive applications including high definition video, 3D, virtual reality, etc.
5G will not be a simple evolution of the used radio access technology or network architecture, like it has been the case of previous generations such as 2G/3G/4G. Instead, more radical changes can be expected from the very beginning, even in the main concepts of cellular networks. These changes are needed to provide the necessary degree of flexibility that allows combining the heterogeneous components of 5G under a common holistic framework. In this context, this special issue puts its focus on the radio access part, and specifically on the new architectures and resource management techniques that will allow achieving the requirements expected for future 5G networks.
About the Topics of Interest
In particular, the topics of interest include but are not limited to
5G Cellular Network Architectures and adaptive topologies
Radio resource management for 5G
Interference coordination, avoidance, and mitigation for 5G cellular networks
Spectrum options and spectrum usage models for 5G networks
C-RAN, NFV, SDN and SDR for 5G radio access networks
Self Organizing Networks, planning and optimization of 5G Cellular Networks
Artificial intelligence concepts for radio access network management in 5G
Heterogeneous wireless access technologies for 5G
Efficient Radio Access Network for M2M in 5G
Energy management in 5G cellular networks
Important Dates
Submission deadline: 30th June 2015
Acceptance notification: 30th September 2015
Publication: January 2016
Submission Format and Guideline
All submitted papers must be clearly written in excellent English and contain only original work, which has not been published by or is currently under review for any other journal or conference. Papers must not exceed 25 pages (one-column, at least 11pt fonts) including figures, tables, and references. A detailed submission guideline is available as “Guide to Authors” at:
All manuscripts and any supplementary material should be submitted through Elsevier Editorial System (EES). The authors must select “5G RANArchit&ResourceMgmt” when they reach the “Article Type” step in the submission process. The EES website is located at:
All papers will be peer-reviewed by three independent reviewers. Requests for additional information should be addressed to the guest editors.
Guest Editors
Dr. Jordi Perez-Romero, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain
Prof. Xavier Lagrange, Telecom Bretagne / IRISA, France
Dr. Jad Nasreddine, Mobinets, Lebanon
Dr. Johann Marquez-Barja, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Editor in Chief
Prof. Ian F. Akyildiz
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
More information:
Dr. Johann M. Marquez-Barja
CTVR / the telecommunications research centre.
Trinity College Dublin. /

Last modified: 2015-03-25 22:27:39