MAPWC 2015 - 6-th International Workshop on Methods, Analysis and Protocols for Wireless Communication (MAPWC-2015)
Topics/Call fo Papers
Wireless communications are characterized by high bit-error rates and burst errors, which arise due to interference fading, shadowing, terminal mobility, and so on. Since the traditional design of the algorithms, methods and protocols of the wired Internet did not take wireless networks into account, the performance over wireless networks is largely degraded. Especially, the multi-hop communication aggravate the problem of wireless communication even further. To solve these problems, there has been increased interest to propose and design new algorithms and methodologies for wireless communication.
The aim of this workshop is to present the innovative researches, methods and numerical analysis for wireless communications and wireless networks. The workshop seeks original contributions in all relevant areas, including but not limited to the following topics.
Topics of Interest
Wireless Communication and Computing
Numerical Calculation for Wireless Communications
Microwave Communication Devices
Wireless Networks Protocol Analysis
Mobile Computing
Propagation, Diffraction and Scattering
Experimental and Simulation Evaluation
The aim of this workshop is to present the innovative researches, methods and numerical analysis for wireless communications and wireless networks. The workshop seeks original contributions in all relevant areas, including but not limited to the following topics.
Topics of Interest
Wireless Communication and Computing
Numerical Calculation for Wireless Communications
Microwave Communication Devices
Wireless Networks Protocol Analysis
Mobile Computing
Propagation, Diffraction and Scattering
Experimental and Simulation Evaluation
Other CFPs
- International Workshop on Business Intelligence and Distributed Systems (BIDS-2015)
- 5-th International Workshop on Multimedia, Web and Virtual Reality Technologies and Applications (MWVRTA 2015)
- Workshop on Next Generation Systems for Mobile and Cloud Computing, New-MCC 2015
- 8th International Workshop on Simulation and Modelling of Engineering & Computational Systems (SMECS 15)
- 3rd International Workshop on Cloud and Distributed System Applications (CADSA-15)
Last modified: 2015-02-28 11:55:42