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New-MCC 2015 - Workshop on Next Generation Systems for Mobile and Cloud Computing, New-MCC 2015

Date2015-11-04 - 2015-11-06


VenueKrakow, Poland Poland



Topics/Call fo Papers

In recent years, we have witnessed the convergence and mutual reinforcement linking together several interdependent trends: social interaction, mobility, cloud and information. The coupling of scientific domains such as Social Sciences, Mobile Computing, Cloud Computing, and Information Theory, led to clear advancements and breakthrough, and the development of a plentitude of interdisciplinary-related new research topics.
New models for computing and managing widely-distributed and highly-heterogeneous resources make possible the development of advanced physical computation, services, and software platforms. The physical limitations of wearable computing devices in terms of computation, storage or energy, can now be addressed through extensions into the Cloud.
The integration of Mobile and Cloud systems, over Social-based and Information-driven technology, lead to advances in several domains, such as Smart Cities, Ambient Assisted Living environments, Internet of Things or Cyber Physical Systems, where individuals and machines need to work together and put together their sensing, storing, networking and computing resources for a common and greater goal.
At the confluence of these domains, the success of future applications will depends on models and techniques for systems development and management, location and context sensing and awareness, and the capability to adapt to all activities of our social and business life. Thus, the objective of this Workshop is to share research ideas and results, emerging industry technologies, and latest advances related to the integration of Mobile and Cloud Services.

Last modified: 2015-02-28 11:51:55