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MWVRTA 2015 - 5-th International Workshop on Multimedia, Web and Virtual Reality Technologies and Applications (MWVRTA 2015)

Date2015-11-04 - 2015-11-06


VenueKrakow, Poland Poland



Topics/Call fo Papers

As advent of multimedia, web and virtual reality technologies, different types of networks, paradigms and platforms of distributed computation are emerging as new forms of the computation in the new millennium. Among these paradigms and technologies, Web computing, multimodal communication, and tele-immersion software are among most important. One of the main targets behind these technologies and paradigms is, from the scientific perspective, to enable the solution of very complex problems of the denominated family of eScience problems that arise in different branches of science, engineering and the industry. The aim of this workshop is to present the innovative researches, and technologies as well methods and techniques related to new concept, service and appication software in Emergent Computational Systems, Multimedia, Web and Virtual Reality. The workshop seeks original contributions in all relevant areas, including but not limited to the following topics.

Last modified: 2015-02-28 11:52:25