WPT 2014 - The 2nd Water Pollution and Treatment Conference (WPT 2014)
Date2014-12-24 - 2014-12-26
VenueYoungor central Hotel, China
KeywordsWater Pollution; Water Treatment
Topics/Call fo Papers
水???(Water quality monitoring)
?用水安全(Safety of drinking water)
地下水?染控制与修?(Groundwater pollution control and remediation)
?境??和控制(Environmental monitoring and control)
水管理(Water management)
水修?(Water remediation)
河流湖泊?染(Pollution of rivers and lakes)
流域生?保?与?控(The ecological protection and monitoring in drainage basins)
???染(Agricultural pollution)
?水?理(Wastewater treatment)
近海?染和石油泄漏(Offshore pollution and oil spills)
???估(Risk assessment)
水?染治理新技?(New technologies of water pollution control)
水?染与健康(Water pollution and health)
?用水安全(Safety of drinking water)
地下水?染控制与修?(Groundwater pollution control and remediation)
?境??和控制(Environmental monitoring and control)
水管理(Water management)
水修?(Water remediation)
河流湖泊?染(Pollution of rivers and lakes)
流域生?保?与?控(The ecological protection and monitoring in drainage basins)
???染(Agricultural pollution)
?水?理(Wastewater treatment)
近海?染和石油泄漏(Offshore pollution and oil spills)
???估(Risk assessment)
水?染治理新技?(New technologies of water pollution control)
水?染与健康(Water pollution and health)
Other CFPs
- 12th IEEE International Workshop on Managing Ubiquitous Communications and Services MUCS 2015
- 20th European Microelectronics and Packaging Conference & Exhibition
- 4th Global Cancer Genomics Consortium Symposium (GCGC)
- 19th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing
- 29th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering
Last modified: 2014-10-23 14:40:21