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SBES 2015 - 29th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering

Date2015-09-21 - 2015-09-26


VenueBelo Horizonte, MG, Brazil Brazil



Topics/Call fo Papers

SBES 2015: 29th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering
September 21 - 26, 2015
Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
The Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES), annually promoted by the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC), is the premier software engineering event in Latin America. SBES is held in conjunction with CBSoft ? Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice. The conference program includes technical research sessions, insightful ideas sessions, industry sessions, invited talks, courses, tutorials, panels, software engineering education forum, demonstration of software tools, a PhD and MSc thesis workshop, and several other satellite events. It typically gathers nearly 600 people, including academics, practitioners, and students.
This CFP welcomes technical papers related (but not limited) to:
- Industrial applications of software engineering
- Social aspects of software engineering
- Software dependability
- CSCW and software engineering
- Model-driven software development
- Requirements engineering
- Experimental software engineering
- Agent-oriented software engineering
- Aspect-oriented software engineering
- Component-based software engineering
- Software engineering for the World Wide Web
- Theoretical foundations of software engineering and formal methods
- Software product lines
- Software maintenance
- Methods, techniques, languages, and tools for software engineering
- Software metrics and measurements
- Software processes (including agile methods)
- Software quality and quality models
- Software reengineering
- Software reuse
- Software verification, validation, and testing
This CFP invites researchers and practitioners to submit original and unpublished papers for the event technical research and insightful ideas tracks.
Technical Research: This is the traditional SBES track, which publishes solid results with a strong contribution to the software engineering community. Papers on this track are reviewed based on its originality, relevance, technical soundness, and clarity of presentation, and must be no longer than 10 pages (IEEE style), including all figures and references.
Insightful Ideas: This track focuses on timely and inspiring ideas, with promising future results. As papers on this track mainly rely on intuition, a convincing articulation of thoughts is highly encouraged. Papers on this track are reviewed based on its novelty, relevance, rationale soundness, and clarity of presentation, and must be no longer than 6 pages (IEEE style), including all figures and references.
All authors of technical research papers are asked to inform after the paper abstract one or more of the following categories. This intends to guide the authors in preparing their submissions and to establish a consistent set of expectations in the review process.
Analytical: A paper in which the main contribution relies on new algorithms or mathematical theory. Examples include new bug prediction techniques, model transformations, algorithms for dynamic and static analysis, and reliability analysis. Such a contribution must be evaluated with a convincing analysis of the algorithmic details, whether through a proof, complexity analysis, or run-time analysis, among others and depending on the objectives.
Experimental (primary study): A paper in which the main contribution is the experimental study of a software engineering technology or phenomenon. This includes controlled experiments, quasi experiments, case studies, and surveys of professionals reporting qualitative or quantitative data and analysis results. Such a contribution will be judged on its study design, appropriateness and correctness of its analysis, and threats to validity. Replications are welcome.
Literature review (secondary study): A paper in which the main contribution is the synthesis of primary studies. Examples include systematic reviews and systematic mappings. Such a contribution should follow a sound methodology and provide a comprehensive coverage of the relevant literature. Moreover, it should answer relevant research questions with a deep synthesis of the results. Contributions that only provide metadata analysis (e.g., relevant authors, publications density by year, most influential papers, etc.) are not encouraged.
Technological: A paper in which the main contribution is of a technical nature. This includes novel tools, modeling languages, infrastructures, and other technologies. Such a contribution does not necessarily need to be evaluated with humans. However, clear arguments, backed up by evidence as appropriate, must show how and why the technology is beneficial, whether it is in automating or supporting some user task, refining our modeling capabilities, improving some key system property, etc.
Methodological: A paper in which the main contribution is a coherent system of broad principles and practices to interpret or solve a problem. This includes novel requirements elicitation methods, process models, design methods, development approaches, programming paradigms, and other methodologies. The authors should provide convincing arguments, with commensurate experiences, why a new method is needed and what the benefits of the proposed method are.
Submitted papers can be written in Portuguese or English. Submission in English is strongly encouraged since the symposium proceedings are submitted to the IEEE Digital Library. Papers submitted to SBES must not have been simultaneously submitted to any other forum (conference or journal), nor should they have already been published elsewhere. The acceptance of a paper implies that at least one of its authors will register for the symposium to present it.
All submissions must be in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) and must comply with the IEEE 2-column conference format available at Papers should be submitted electronically through JEMS system ( All technical research papers should inform after the abstract one or more of the aforementioned categories.
Submissions that are not in compliance with the required submission format or that are out of the scope of the conference will be rejected without reviewing. All other papers will be reviewed by at least three program committee members. The review process includes a rebuttal period where authors will have access to reviews and may argue and answer questions from referees before the final acceptance/rejection decision. The rebuttal is limited to a plain text up to 4,000 characters.
Authors that never published in SBES technical research track or at other international prestigious conferences in the field (on the program committee char discretion), and that intend to submit a paper to the technical research track, may request to participate in the mentoring program. The program will assign a member of the program committee to make a preliminary assessment of the work and give feedback before the submission deadline, increasing the chances of less experienced authors. Check the deadline to join the program in the Important Dates section, but we encourage the request to be made as soon as possible, since the number of papers in the program is limited and the assignment will be made in a first come first serve basis. ATTENTION, to join this program none of the authors may have previous publication in any SBES edition or any international prestigious conferences. The request must be made exclusively by email ( with the subject "Participation in the SBES 2015 Mentoring". You should include in the email body the working title of the work, the full list of authors, and an abstract.
Every year the SBES Steering Committee appoints a committee to award the symposium’s best papers. Awarded papers on both tracks are announced during the event. The best papers of the technical research track are invited to submit an extended version in English to the Research category of the Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development (JSERD) special issue. Moreover, the best paper of the insightful ideas track is invited to submit an extended version in English to the Review category of JSERD special issue.
Mentoring request deadline: February 22, 2015
Mentoring submission deadline: March 1, 2015
Paper registration (abstract submission) deadline: April 21, 2015
Paper upload deadline: April 28, 2015
Rebuttal period: June 11-18, 2015
Notification of acceptance: July 2, 2015
Camera-ready deadline: July 16, 2015
Program Chair
Leonardo Murta, UFF (Technical Research Track)
Eduardo Almeida, UFBA (Insightful Ideas Track)
Steering Committee
Eduardo Almeida, UFBA
Thais Batista, UFRN
Marcio Delamaro, USP
Leonardo Murta, UFF
Sergio Soares, UFPE and ISI-TICs

Last modified: 2014-10-22 13:20:22