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DSD 2014 - Speed Dating of Linked Building Data Vocabularies

Date2014-09-16 - 2014-09-19


VenueGraz, Austria Austria



Topics/Call fo Papers

We propose an interactive workshop that aims at the creation of a common registry and mapping of various knowledge models, structured vocabularies, and interoperability standards form the fields of building and construction in architecture and civil engineering. Instead of aiming at a rigid axiomatic high? level pivot? or upper? ontology to which everything is mapped (á la SUO/SUMO), a light?weight approach using vocabularies with ‘softer’ semantics such as SKOS & DC will be pursued. This allows the rapid, ad hoc creation of many relations among concepts without risking to invalidate intricate description logic models while staying faithful to the LOD spirit that cherishes the emergence of synergetic effects by means of machine ?readable interrelations.

Last modified: 2014-04-03 06:28:41