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IE 2014 - 1st Workshop on Information ergonomics ? leveraging productivity by aligning human-information ecologies

Date2014-09-16 - 2014-09-19


VenueGraz, Austria Austria



Topics/Call fo Papers

Contemporary knowledge work environment is creating new kinds of challenges for employees. Experiences of hurry, information overload, fragmentation, loss of control, always-on expectations, attention deficit and burnout are common. One hypothesis for this rise is that hectic rhythms of work, an abundance of information processing needs, the ubiquity of information technology appliances used for work as well as private purposes, and ill-structured working patterns are creating new pressures on human performance.
Today’s knowledge worker is typically deeply immersed into the digitally rich, ubiquitous work space during most of the wake hours. Information technology has enhanced knowledge work processes, especially communication related to the work processes, in several ways. But why does this environment cause negative symptoms and disturbances of worker well-being? Or does it cause? If, what could be done to diminish the harmful effects? What is the relation between characteristics of the ubiquitous, immersive, digital work environments and work wellbeing and productivity?

Last modified: 2014-04-03 06:26:59