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UX-REC 2014 - 1st Workshop on User-focused Content Recommendation: Personalization, Visualization and Privacy 2014

Date2014-09-16 - 2014-09-19


VenueGraz, Austria Austria



Topics/Call fo Papers

Personalized access to digital libraries has become of increasing interest in the past years. The European commission’s research program acknowledges this interest with dedicated calls for projects in the areas of digital libraries, and access to cultural heritage. Personalized access to cultural heritage and other long-tail domains demands new research effort in user modeling, personalization strategies, search, recommender systems and information visualization.With the current debate on personal privacy, the awareness for privacy in web context and the demand for privacy-preserving services has increased.
In this workshop recent advances in personalization, privacy-preserving recommenders and personalized search with a special emphasis on long-tail content will be interactively discussed. Focus will be also given to personalized result presentation and adaptive visualizations.

Last modified: 2014-04-03 06:25:30