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IISE 2010 - The 3rd International Conference on Industrial Informatics and Systems Engineering (IISE 2010)



VenueChongqing, China China



Topics/Call fo Papers

The 3rd International Conference on Industrial Informatics and Systems Engineering (IISE 2010)

Chongqing, China, 12-14 July 2010

There has been an important trend that systems in industries have become more and more large-scale and computer- and network-enabled. The behaviors of industrial systems became increasingly complex. Systems Engineering viewpoints and methodologies are desperately needed to tackle issues, for example, system assessment, testing and metrics of performance and long term effects, the intricate relationships between systems and their environments including emergent interactions among system components, and the couplings between systems software and hardware infrastructures. In order to address these challenges, knowledge how to master these complexities is required. Especially, distributed knowledge, its embodiment within the environment, for example by multi-agent systems, and the mastering of the dynamic interactions of these distributed knowledge items will be in the main focus of IISE 2010. Accordingly, system developments and evaluations have to include new criteria, for example, robustness, evolvability, dependability, engineerability, etc.

The IISE 2010 conference aims at providing an international forum for the researchers and practitioners in the related subject areas to exchange research results, experiences, as well as the visions of the future and the scientific and practical problems that challenge the current problems of industrial informatics and systems engineering.


Topics of particular interest include (but not limited to) the following areas.

(1) Systems Methodology
(2) Energy Systems
(3) Intelligent Transportation Systems
(4) Industrial Process / Manufacturing Systems Engineering
(5) Automation Technology
(6) Industrial Communications and Networks
(7) Intelligent Distributed Automation
A detailed list of topics can be seen at the conference website.


IISE 2010 only accepts manuscripts of original contributions. A manuscript for submission to the Conference should neither have been published nor have been under consideration for publication elsewhere. All manuscripts submitted will be sent to 3-4 members of the International Program Committees of the Conferences for peer reviews, based on which the acceptance decision will be made.

To make a submission of manuscript, please follow the online submission of IISE 2010

A manuscript for submission to the Conference should be prepared according to the Instructions for Authors of the Journal. Sample Word Doc and Latex file of Camera-Ready Versions (CRV) are available at There is a page limit of 8 formatted pages for the CRV of an accepted paper. Additional pages are subject to over-length charges.

Proceedings and Journal Publication

All accepted papers of the Conferences will be included in the electronic Proceedings of SIWN 2010, which will be available at the Conferences. At the same time, high quality papers of the Conferences will be published in the International Journal <> (ISSN 1757-4439) ( Decisions for the Proceedings and the Journal are solely based on the technical peer reviews conducted by the International Program Committees.

Program Chair

Professor Abder Koukam
Directeur du Laboratoire Systèmes et Transports
Laboratoire Systèmes et Transport
Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard
Rue Thierry Mieg
90010 Belfort cedex, France

International Program Committee

Hamideh Afsarmanesh, The Netherlands
Ahmed Al-Ashaab, UK
Hakim Artiba, France
Lubomir Bakule, Czech republic
Kamel Barkaoui, France
Kamel Bensebaa, Brazil
Abdelaziz Bensrhair, France
Krzysztof Cetnarowicz, Poland
Walid Chainbi, Tunisia
Maurizio Cirrincione, France
Tim Clarke, UK
Eric Coatanea, Finland
Massimo Cossentino, Italy
Hakim Fourar-Laidi, South Africa
Samuel Gomes, France
Pablo Gruer, France
Vincent Hilaire, France
Jaroslaw Kozlak, Poland
Andrew Kusiak, USA
Chris McMahon, UK
David Meignan, Canada
Abdellatif Miraoui, France
Davy Monticolo, France
H.J. Mueller, Germany
Peter Palensky, Austral
Bozenna Pasik-Duncan, USA
Sebastian Rodriguez, Argentine
Janah Saadi, France
Juergen Schneider, Germany
Valeria Seidita, Italy
Marcelo Simoes, USA
Shinsuke Tamura, Japan
Kleanthis Thramboulidis, Greece
Sara Tucci-Piergiovanni, Italy
Hong Wang, UK
Farouk Yalaoui, Finland
Ye Yao, China
Constantin Zamfirescu, Romania
Djemel Ziou, Canada

Important Dates
15 March 2010 Submission of manuscripts
12 April 2010 Notification of acceptance
10 May 2010 Camera-Ready Version (CRV) due
Technical Support:
IEEE SMCS Technical Committee on Self-Organized Distributed and Pervasive Systems (TC-SODPS)
The Foresight Academy of Technology

Last modified: 2010-06-04 19:32:22