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CODS 2010 - The 4th International Conference on Complex Distributed Systems (CODS 2010)



VenueChongqing, China China



Topics/Call fo Papers

The 4th International Conference on Complex Distributed Systems (CODS 2010)

Chongqing, China, 12-14 July 2010

Call for Papers (PDF TXT)

One of the most distinguishing requirements upon Information and Communication Technologies is today's ever-changing, highly open dynamic environments in which large-scale ICT systems are situated to operate. Challenges for ICT systems engineering immediately arise including, e.g., systems scalability, systems ultra-dependability, systems convergence against uncertainty and emergence, and so forth. In recent years, emergence, adaptation, self-organization, self-management, etc. have received extensive interests in both academics and industries of software, computing and communications.

The CODS 2010 conference aims at providing an international forum for the researchers and practitioners in the related subject areas to exchange research results, experiences, as well as the visions of the future and the scientific and practical problems that challenge the current technology development.

Important Dates
9 April 2010 Submission of manuscripts
30 April 2010 Notification of acceptance
28 May 2010 Camera-Ready Version (CRV) due
12-14 July 2010 Conferences
Submission & Publication
online submission CODS 2009

Instructions on Manuscripts & Publication
Topics of particular interest include (but not limited to) the followings.

(1) Autonomic Networking and the Internet
- intelligent networks control/management
- next generation internet
- active/programmable networks
- adaptive networking
- context-aware networks
- future-generation internet
- intelligent networks
- internet traffic models and self-monitoring
- next generation networks architectures and protocols
- on-demand networking
- policy based management of network resources, services and access control
- scalable internet computing
- self-defending networks
- self-managed, self-configured networks, systems and services
- self-monitoring of network operations
- self-optimization of network performance
- self-organization and emergent behavior in P2P networks
- self-organization and self-configuration of networks
- self-organization in overlay networks
- self-organized ad hoc sensor networks
- self-organized service deployment
- self-protection, self-diagnosis, and self-healing of networking
- SLA/contract based network management for next generation networks
- user level programming of network services

(2) Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications
- 4G mobile communications and beyond
- wireless ad hoc networks
- wireless sensor networks

(3) Distributed Collaborative Systems
- collaborative computing
- distributed computing
- distributed data storage
- distributed multimedia systems
- distributed resource management
- distributed workflow management
- high-performance computing
- middleware technology
- parallel and distributed processing
- utility computing

(4) Service-Oriented Computing and Service-Oriented Architectures (SOAs)
- cloud computing
- distributed problem solving environments
- distributed knowledge-based systems
- e-science, e-commerce, e-healthcare
- grid computing
- grid resource management
- knowledge/semantic grids
- open grid service architectures
- virtual organization systems
- virtualized computing
- service discovery, composition and choreography
- service interaction/discovery protocols
- service programming
- service virtualization
- service-oriented architectures in converging networked environments
- service-oriented architectures in networking and communications
- service-oriented computing
- service-oriented software and systems engineering

(5) Self-organized Distributed Systems
- complex distributed systems
- emergence in distributed systems
- open complex systems
- peer-to-peer systems

(6) Web Systems
- semantic webs
- sensor webs
- social network
- web architectures
- web based distributed systems
- web programming
- web services

(7) Multi-Agent Systems
- autonomous agents
- collective/social intelligence
- distributed knowledge based systems
- distributed problem solving environments
- distributed intelligence
- knowledge grids
- multi-agent systems
- multi-robotic systems
- swarm intelligence

(8) Distributed Embedded Systems
- distributed manufacturing/production
- networked/wireless automation
- networked/distributed embedded systems
- networked/wireless robotics, swarm robotics
- supply chain collaboration and coordination

(9) Pervasive Systems
- ambient intelligence
- distributed power generation
- networked/wireless embedded systems
- pervasive computing / communications, pervasive services
- smart pervasive systems
- system-on-chip, MEMS, NEMS
- ubiquitous computing

(10) Trustworthiness of Distributed Systems
- security and privacy in distributed systems
- reliability and dependability of distributed systems

(11) Healthcare Systems
- healthcare systems architectures
- service-oriented architectures (SOAs) of health care systems
- pervasive healthcare
- healthcare supply-chain management

Program Chair

Prof. Dr. Sebastian A. Rodriguez
Director, Centro de Investigación de Tecnolgías Avanzadas de Tucumán
Facultad Regional Tucuman
Universidad Tecnológica Nacional

Last modified: 2010-06-04 19:32:22