jit 2013 - Special Issue on Integration of IoT with Future Internet
Topics/Call fo Papers
Journal of Internet Technology
(http://jit.niu.edu.tw/, Indexed by SCI-E)
Special Issue on Integration of IoT with Future Internet
Theme and Scope
The Internet of Things (IoT) is the terminology used for uniquely identifiable objects (or, things) and their virtual representations in an Internet-like structure. The idea of IoT considers same ubiquitous environment as that is for ubiquitous or pervasive computing. Basic difference between pervasive computing and IoT is that when the same setting is seen from the conceptual angle, it is termed pervasive environment but when seen from the angle of identifiable objects taking part in the system, it is called IoT, an Internet-like network of networks. IoT is often considered to be an integrated part of Future Internet. However, the conceptual definitions of these two, separate them in various ways. While IoT is clearly defined by this time, Future Internet is still standing as a cloudy term. Future Internet refers to a wide variety of research issues related to the idea of some kind of huge network of networks that can connect numerous networking devices around the globe. The objective is to get an Internet like establishment but not in the way we have it today. Some new vision and ideas are sought for. If simply a relatively faster and larger Internet with new devices and technologies is brought forward at the end, it could end up just as an extension of the current Internet that we have. As the basic vision behind Future Internet is that it is not the Internet that we have seen so far, it may have a new way of operational method, it may have a new method of connecting devices, and there might be even complete clean-slate approach of developing it. As the full operational definition is not yet finalized, there are numerous research issues that can be worked on. This special issue is envisioned to compile the most recent works on the recent advancements in the IoT and Future Internet technologies. Any work combining both issues is most welcome. Also, any work pertaining to the integration or separation of IoT and Future Internet will be considered. A list of sample topics are mentioned below though the list should not be considered exhaustive (all works must be related to IoT or Future Internet):
- Exploitation of embedded processors and IP connectivity
- Global device positioning
- Data services architecture in Future Internet
- RFID and Sensor technologies in IoT and Future Internet
- Resource management in small devices
- Software imperative
- Heterogeneous network integration
- Global supply chain security
- Governance, security, and socio-economic factors
- Autonomous and controlled networks
- Wireless technologies in IoT and Future Internet
- Energy saving and green computing in Future Internet
Instructions for Manuscript Submissions
This special issue aims to foster state-of-the-art research in the relevant areas as mentioned above. The submitted papers must be written in English and describe original research which is not published nor currently under review by other journals or conferences. Author guidelines for preparation of manuscript can be found at http://jit.niu.edu.tw/preparation2.php. The covering letter should indicate the names of the authors and their affiliations, addresses, and e-mails. Submission should be e-mailed as an all-in-one PDF or Word file directly to the corresponding author, Al-Sakib Khan Pathan on or before December 15, 2012. (CC to others is encouraged). Conference papers should be extended at least 30% or above and must be attached also. There is publication charge for each accepted paper.
Important Dates
Manuscript Submission Due: December 15, 2012
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection/Revision: April 15, 2013
Revised Manuscript Due: May 15, 2013
Tentative Publication Date: TBA
Guest Editors
Dr. Al-Sakib Khan Pathan (Corresponding Editor)
Department of Computer Science, KICT
International Islamic University Malaysia
Email: sakib.pathan-AT-gmail.com , sakib-AT-iium.edu.my
Dr. Rashid Saeed
Sudan University of Science & Technology
Email: rashid.saeed-AT-sustech.edu , eng_rashid-AT-ieee.org
Dr. Mohamed Ali Feki
Alcatel Lucent Bell Labs
Email: Mohamed_Ali-AT-Alcatel-Lucent.com , mohamedali.feki-AT-gmail.com
Dr. Nguyen H. Tran
Kyung Hee University
Email: nguyenth-AT-networking.khu.ac.kr
Best Regards,
Al-Sakib Khan Pathan, Ph.D.
Founding Head, NDC Laboratory, KICT, IIUM
Assistant Professor & FYP Coordinator, Department of Computer Science
Kulliyyah (Faculty) of Information and Communication Technology
International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)
Jalan Gombak, 53100, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA
Tel: +603-61964000 Ext. 5653, Cell: +60163910754
E-Mails: spathan-AT-ieee.org, sakib-AT-iium.edu.my
Personal URL: http://staff.iium.edu.my/sakib/
NDC Lab URL: http://staff.iium.edu.my/sakib/ndclab/
(http://jit.niu.edu.tw/, Indexed by SCI-E)
Special Issue on Integration of IoT with Future Internet
Theme and Scope
The Internet of Things (IoT) is the terminology used for uniquely identifiable objects (or, things) and their virtual representations in an Internet-like structure. The idea of IoT considers same ubiquitous environment as that is for ubiquitous or pervasive computing. Basic difference between pervasive computing and IoT is that when the same setting is seen from the conceptual angle, it is termed pervasive environment but when seen from the angle of identifiable objects taking part in the system, it is called IoT, an Internet-like network of networks. IoT is often considered to be an integrated part of Future Internet. However, the conceptual definitions of these two, separate them in various ways. While IoT is clearly defined by this time, Future Internet is still standing as a cloudy term. Future Internet refers to a wide variety of research issues related to the idea of some kind of huge network of networks that can connect numerous networking devices around the globe. The objective is to get an Internet like establishment but not in the way we have it today. Some new vision and ideas are sought for. If simply a relatively faster and larger Internet with new devices and technologies is brought forward at the end, it could end up just as an extension of the current Internet that we have. As the basic vision behind Future Internet is that it is not the Internet that we have seen so far, it may have a new way of operational method, it may have a new method of connecting devices, and there might be even complete clean-slate approach of developing it. As the full operational definition is not yet finalized, there are numerous research issues that can be worked on. This special issue is envisioned to compile the most recent works on the recent advancements in the IoT and Future Internet technologies. Any work combining both issues is most welcome. Also, any work pertaining to the integration or separation of IoT and Future Internet will be considered. A list of sample topics are mentioned below though the list should not be considered exhaustive (all works must be related to IoT or Future Internet):
- Exploitation of embedded processors and IP connectivity
- Global device positioning
- Data services architecture in Future Internet
- RFID and Sensor technologies in IoT and Future Internet
- Resource management in small devices
- Software imperative
- Heterogeneous network integration
- Global supply chain security
- Governance, security, and socio-economic factors
- Autonomous and controlled networks
- Wireless technologies in IoT and Future Internet
- Energy saving and green computing in Future Internet
Instructions for Manuscript Submissions
This special issue aims to foster state-of-the-art research in the relevant areas as mentioned above. The submitted papers must be written in English and describe original research which is not published nor currently under review by other journals or conferences. Author guidelines for preparation of manuscript can be found at http://jit.niu.edu.tw/preparation2.php. The covering letter should indicate the names of the authors and their affiliations, addresses, and e-mails. Submission should be e-mailed as an all-in-one PDF or Word file directly to the corresponding author, Al-Sakib Khan Pathan on or before December 15, 2012. (CC to others is encouraged). Conference papers should be extended at least 30% or above and must be attached also. There is publication charge for each accepted paper.
Important Dates
Manuscript Submission Due: December 15, 2012
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection/Revision: April 15, 2013
Revised Manuscript Due: May 15, 2013
Tentative Publication Date: TBA
Guest Editors
Dr. Al-Sakib Khan Pathan (Corresponding Editor)
Department of Computer Science, KICT
International Islamic University Malaysia
Email: sakib.pathan-AT-gmail.com , sakib-AT-iium.edu.my
Dr. Rashid Saeed
Sudan University of Science & Technology
Email: rashid.saeed-AT-sustech.edu , eng_rashid-AT-ieee.org
Dr. Mohamed Ali Feki
Alcatel Lucent Bell Labs
Email: Mohamed_Ali-AT-Alcatel-Lucent.com , mohamedali.feki-AT-gmail.com
Dr. Nguyen H. Tran
Kyung Hee University
Email: nguyenth-AT-networking.khu.ac.kr
Best Regards,
Al-Sakib Khan Pathan, Ph.D.
Founding Head, NDC Laboratory, KICT, IIUM
Assistant Professor & FYP Coordinator, Department of Computer Science
Kulliyyah (Faculty) of Information and Communication Technology
International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)
Jalan Gombak, 53100, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA
Tel: +603-61964000 Ext. 5653, Cell: +60163910754
E-Mails: spathan-AT-ieee.org, sakib-AT-iium.edu.my
Personal URL: http://staff.iium.edu.my/sakib/
NDC Lab URL: http://staff.iium.edu.my/sakib/ndclab/
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Last modified: 2012-03-10 22:03:17