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IWIS 2011 - IWIS 2011 : International Workshop on Impedance Spectroscopy



VenueChemnitz, Germany Germany



Topics/Call fo Papers

The International Workshop on Impedance Spectroscopy will cover topics related (but not limited) to the following list.

Principles and Fundamentals of Impedance Spectroscopy (IS)
IS for Energy Storage, Batteries and Fuel Cells
IS for Biomedical and Biological Applications
IS for Material Testing, Corrosion and Coatings Research
IS for Inductive, Capacitive and Resistive Sensors
IS for Solid State Systems
IS for Spectral Induced Polarisation in Geosciences
Localised EIS
Signal Processing and Modelling for IS
Instrumentation and Data Acquisition
Methods for Data Consistency Check
Electrochemical Mechanisms and Electrode Interfaces

Abstract Submission

Prospective participants to IWIS 2011 are invited to submit an abstract, which shall be written in English and limited to two pages including state of the art, main idea of the contribution, reached results and practical application.

Please use the IEEE template for the abstract (A4 sheet: MSW_A4_format.doc or bare_conf.tex).
The submission deadline is July, 15 2011.
All submissions to this e-mail, please.

Last modified: 2011-04-29 11:50:55