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JSISE 2013 - Call for Papers The Journal of Information and Systems in Education, Vol.12



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Topics/Call fo Papers

JSiSE (Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education) has published The Journal of Information and Systems in Education annually since 2002. The editorial committee of the journal welcomes submissions of articles for volume 12 of the journal.
Computers and network communications technology, which are the bases of information technology (IT), have infiltrated various aspects of education, including styles of teaching and learning activities. Elementary, higher, enterprise, and lifelong educational institutions are incorporating various kinds of IT equipment in synchronous and asynchronous learning. Many advanced companies have identified that “e-learning” frameworks are very important to their employees in order to acquire knowledge and skills depending their jobs. In these developing environments for e-learning, learning technology research and contribution are getting increased attention for effective and successful e-learning. Although research in this area has continued for over 50 years, it remains one of the most critical issues for learning activities today.
The Journal of Information and Systems in Education aims to spread outstanding research and practice results in the field of learning technology to professionals all over the world. To contribute the progress of learning technology research and practice, researchers and practitioners are encouraged to submit their advanced results in the topics below.
The topics of papers include, but are not limited to:
? Learning technology systems: infrastructure, frameworks, architectures, etc.
? Methodology and pedagogy of e-learning: collective, instructional, collaborative, etc.
? Administration, maintenance, and evaluation of e-learning activities
? Core technology related to learning technology: database, artificial intelligence, etc.
? Sciences related to learning technology: cognitive science, educational psychology, etc.
Important Date:
The first submission deadline: March 29, 2013
Instructions for Authors:
Please refer to the “Authors Instruction” in the JSiSE Web site below in preparing manuscripts for submission.
Paper Submission:
Authors must submit their papers through the web submission system at:
Vol. 12 will be published on the J-STAGE Web site (
Contact Address:
JSiSE International Journal Editorial Office

Last modified: 2013-02-12 22:07:37