MIC-WCMC 2011 - Mosharaka International Conference on Conference on Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (MIC-WCMC2011)
Topics/Call fo Papers
Mosharaka International Conference on Conference on Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (MIC-WCMC2011) to be held in Amman, Jordan in the period 3-5 June 2011 (http://mosharaka.net/?Cat=Conferences&Pag=ConfHome...).
Here is the online paper submission link:
This conference accepts paper submissions in the following tracks/topics:
Wireless Communication Systems (WCS)
Channel Coding - Code Division Multiple Access Systems - Communication Channels - Communication System Performance Analysis - Differentially Coherent Detection - Digital Modulation Techniques - Free-Space Optical Communications - IMT-2000 (UMTS, CDMA2000, etc.) - Interference Modeling and Mitigation - Joint Source-Channel Coding - Low Density Parity Check Coding - Low-Power Wireless Communications - MIMO Wireless Communications - Power Management in Communications - Smart Antennas - Software-Defined Radio - Source Coding - Space-Time Coding - Synchronous Communications - Time Division Multiple Access Systems - Wireless Bio-Instrumentation
Wireless Communication Networks (WCN)
Cellular Communication Networks - GSM Wireless Systems - Multi-Hop Networks - Network Access Control - Network Measurements and Testbeds - Network Modeling and Simulation - Network Performance - Network Protocols and Standards - Next Generation Networks - Roaming and Handoff Mechanisms - Spectrum Sharing and Coexistence - WiMAX Technology - Wireless Access Techniques - Wireless Ad hoc Networks - Wireless Mesh Networks
Mobile Computing and Applications (MCA)
Cellular Mobile Computing - Content Distribution Networks - Content-Based Image Retrieval - Data Management and Query Processing - Distributed Agents - Grid computing - Handheld & Wearable Computers - Information Infrastructures - Internet Appliances - Mobile Agents - Optimization of Computing Algorithms - Personal Multimedia Systems - Vehicular Communication Networks - Vehicular Telematics
You can make paper submissions to other Mosharaka International Conferences, (technically sponsored by the IET, in the form of publishing special journal issues based on extended versions of their papers) here: http://mosharaka.net/?Cat=Conferences&Pag=PaperSub...
Here is the online paper submission link:
This conference accepts paper submissions in the following tracks/topics:
Wireless Communication Systems (WCS)
Channel Coding - Code Division Multiple Access Systems - Communication Channels - Communication System Performance Analysis - Differentially Coherent Detection - Digital Modulation Techniques - Free-Space Optical Communications - IMT-2000 (UMTS, CDMA2000, etc.) - Interference Modeling and Mitigation - Joint Source-Channel Coding - Low Density Parity Check Coding - Low-Power Wireless Communications - MIMO Wireless Communications - Power Management in Communications - Smart Antennas - Software-Defined Radio - Source Coding - Space-Time Coding - Synchronous Communications - Time Division Multiple Access Systems - Wireless Bio-Instrumentation
Wireless Communication Networks (WCN)
Cellular Communication Networks - GSM Wireless Systems - Multi-Hop Networks - Network Access Control - Network Measurements and Testbeds - Network Modeling and Simulation - Network Performance - Network Protocols and Standards - Next Generation Networks - Roaming and Handoff Mechanisms - Spectrum Sharing and Coexistence - WiMAX Technology - Wireless Access Techniques - Wireless Ad hoc Networks - Wireless Mesh Networks
Mobile Computing and Applications (MCA)
Cellular Mobile Computing - Content Distribution Networks - Content-Based Image Retrieval - Data Management and Query Processing - Distributed Agents - Grid computing - Handheld & Wearable Computers - Information Infrastructures - Internet Appliances - Mobile Agents - Optimization of Computing Algorithms - Personal Multimedia Systems - Vehicular Communication Networks - Vehicular Telematics
You can make paper submissions to other Mosharaka International Conferences, (technically sponsored by the IET, in the form of publishing special journal issues based on extended versions of their papers) here: http://mosharaka.net/?Cat=Conferences&Pag=PaperSub...
Other CFPs
- fourth international conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2011)
- Technical Symposium at ITU Telecom World 2011 (ITU WT11) Global Technical Symposium on Communications Technologies and Enablers
- The first ICOST summer school 9th International Conference on Smart Homes and Health Telematics ICOST 2011
- CALL FOR PAPERS International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI) - Volume 8, Issue 6 - November 2011 Issue
- CALL FOR PAPERS International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI) - Volume 8, Issue 5 - September 2011 Issue
Last modified: 2010-12-09 11:15:55