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CCETC 2012 - 8th Global Conference: Creative Engagements: Thinking with Children



VenueOxford, UK - United Kingdom UK - United Kingdom



Topics/Call fo Papers

8th Global Conference
Creative Engagements: Thinking with Children
Friday 29th June 2012 ? Sunday 1st July 2012
Mansfield College, Oxford, United Kingdom
Call for Papers:
The eighth meeting of this global research project
seeks explore the concept of genuine 'engagement'
within the overarching framework of 'creativity'.
Recognizing the many facets of 'creative
engagement' and the ideals and ideas associated
with children, childhood and learning, this
project is grounded in an inter-disciplinary
perspective and research. Some of the
broader areas of reference have been, and continue
to be historical and contemporary representations
of childhood, the complex issues surrounding
the notion and practices of creative engagement in
the context of pedagogy and the curriculum,
changing technologies and frequently instrumental
institutional imperatives and changes. More
generally, this project will also address the role
of creativity in social interaction, with
particular reference to children's development of
life skills, autonomy and independence in an
increasingly complex and demanding world.
Papers, presentations, reports and workshops are
invited on any of the following five focus areas:
1. The Creative Environmental Space
~ What spaces engender or inhibit creativity?
~What is the nature of the architecture of a
creative space?
~From Theory to Practice: Case studies of creative
spaces in actionWhat will the creative spaces of
the future look like? ~Children's views on
creative spaces
2. The Creative 'Inner' Space
~What is the role of memory in creativity?
~How is the concept of creativity 'framed' in
various disciplines?
~What are the origins of these forces and forms of
thinking, and links to creative thinking?
~What is the relationship between creativity and
divergent thinking?
~How are these developed and nurtured?
~How do various disciplines understand these forms
of thought, and praxis?
~What are the similarities/differences in
understanding between the related research
~How can these be fostered in a world dominated by
measurement, outcomes and benchmarks?
~Children's views on creativity.
3. Creativity, Engagement and Education
~How do various disciplines define the concept of
~What is the nature of genuine learning, genuine
engagement with learning and their relationship to
~What is creativity in theory and practice? What
is creative education? Can creative engagement be
~Engaging with, engagement for, and for whom?
~What does engagement mean for teachers, children
and classroom practice?
~How does genuine engagement and creative learning
relate to the architecture and physicality of the
classroom environment?
~Creative engagement in the areas of planning,
resourcing, organization, management and
~Good practice, classroom examples, and effective
strategies for promoting creativity within and
across curriculum subjects.
4. Creativity, Pedagogy and Curriculum
~Inter-disciplinary approaches to creative
engagement in teaching and curricula.
~Historical and contemporary representations of
childhood and adolescence: art, film and
~The future role of text, the visual media as form
of critical appraisal, developing creativity and
children's engagement.
~Children, creativity and visual literacy.
~Traditional literacies and creativity: what are
they and how do they fit in the visual age?
~Assessing Cziksentmihaly's work, and in
particular, the notion of 'flow'; how this is
understood by different disciplines.
~The role and nature multiple intelligences (re:
Howard Gardner) in developing creativity.
~Are there more intelligences than Gardner's 7.5 ?
e.g. spiritual/existential intelligence, and how
do these 'fit' with creativity?
~Pedagogy, curricular and extra-curricula
~Integrative case studies and examples of team
based teaching.
~Creativity in a crowded curriculum.
~Education, entertainment or edutainment, and the
'fit' with creativity?
~Teachers, creativity and professional
~How to assess, analyze and describe creative
~Institutions, education and designing systems to
develop children's learning in the 21st century
5. Critical and Cultural Thinking and Children
~What is the optimal macro and micro-culture for
developing creativity?
~What are the limits of cultural development for
~What are the enablers and inhibitors of
~What is critical thinking? Is it the same as
critical literacy?
~What is the nature of engagement with critical
thinking before school?
~Facilitating creativity: With what, who and when?
~What is the role of the 'significant other' in
developing critical engagement at home and in
~What are the conditions that foster critical
thinking at home and then in the school years?
~The rise of the far right Christian education
movement and the effect on critical thinking and
~Types of critical thinking and their relationship
to creativity.
~Cultural contexts of critical thinking.
~What are the links between self-esteem and
~What is the nature of, and links between teaching
creatively and teaching for creativity?
6.Engagement, Skills and Life Issues
~Emotion and links to creativity.
~Engaging in intercultural and human development
education with children.
~The role of parents in developing or fostering
creativity and engagement with life and learning.
~Engaging in intercultural and human development
education with children.
~The nature of school as an enabler or inhibitor
of creativity or engagement with learning as a
~The idea of moral, values and spiritual,
education as creative experiences.
~The role of play (in all forms) and the concept
of creativity.
~Children creatively engaging each other:
communication and cooperation; problem solving;
play and social issues ? ethnicity, immigration
~Creatively engaging the disabled.
~Exploring children's needs, wants, wishes,
desires and hopes.
~The nature of natural learning theories.
~Developing antinomy and independence.
~Developing life skills, social issues and
education for citizenship.
The Steering Group particularly welcomes the
submission of pre-formed panel proposals. Papers
will also be considered on any related theme. 300
word abstracts should be submitted by Friday 13th
January 2012. If an abstract is accepted for the
conference, a full draft paper should be submitted
by Friday11th May 2012. Abstracts should be
submitted simultaneously to both Organising
Chairs; abstracts may be in Word, WordPerfect, or
RTF formats with the following information and in
this order:
a) author(s), b) affiliation, c) email address, d)
title of abstract, e)body of abstract, f) up to 10
keywords. E-mails should be entitled: CE8 Abstract
Please use plain text (Times Roman 12) and abstain
from using footnotes and any special formatting,
characters or emphasis (such as bold, italics or
underline). Please note that a Book of Abstracts
is planned for the end of the year. We acknowledge
receipt and answer to all paper proposals
submitted. If you do not receive a reply from us
in a week you should assume we did not receive
your proposal; it might be lost in cyberspace! We
suggest, then, to look for an alternative
electronic route or resend.
Organising Chairs
Phil Fitzsimmons
Faculty of Education
The University of Wollongong
Dr Rob Fisher
Priory House, Wroslyn Road,
Freeland, Oxfordshire OX29 8HR
The conference is part of the 'At the Interface'
series of research projects run by ID.Net. It aims
to bring together people from different
areas and interests to share ideas and explore
various discussions which are innovative and
challenging. All papers accepted for and presented
at this conference will be eligible for
publication in an ISBN eBook. Selected papers may
be invited to go forward for development into 20-
25 page chapters for publication in a themed
dialogic ISBN hard copy volume.
For further details of the project, please visit:
For further details of the conference, please
Please note: Inter-Disciplinary.Net is a not-for-
profit network and we are not in a position to be
able to assist with conference travel or

Last modified: 2011-12-08 11:40:54