Nets4Cars 2016 - 11th International Workshop on Communication Technologies for Vehicles: Nets4Cars-2016
Date2016-09-13 - 2016-09-14
VenueHalmstad, Sweden
Topics/Call fo Papers
11th International Workshop on Communication Technologies for Vehicles: Nets4Cars-2016-Fall
September 13 - 14, 2016
Halmstad, Sweden
(Halmstad University, Trade Center Halmstad, Floor 22)
technically co-sponsored by IEEE.
in conjunction with
* 8th International Workshop on Resilient Networks Design and Modeling RNDM-2016
* 2nd Management Committee Meeting of CA COST Action CA15127
* Proceedings will be published in IEEE Xplore and indexed by relevant databases
* Extended version of top papers on vehicular networking will be considered for publication in a special issue of IEEE Wireless Communications "Emerging Technologies for 5G Enabled Vehicular Networks" (IEEE)
* Extended versions of papers will be considered for publication "Special Issue on Connected Vehicles: Applications and Communication Challenges" of Mobile Information Systems (Hindawi)
* Extended versions of top papers on reliability issues with analytic and optimization orientation will be considered for publication in a special issue of Networks journal (Wiley)
We invite prospective authors for contributions in the theory or practice of intelligent transportation systems (ITS) in the framework of the following main topics (not limited to):
* Vehicular networking
* Cooperative applications and services
* Automated driving
Authors are invited to submit full papers comprising original work, not previously published or being under review, in English of maximum 7 pages in IEEE double-column format. All the submissions will be peer-reviewed by the Technical Program Committee.
Submission link
Alexey Vinel, Halmstad University, Sweden
Antonella Molinaro, University of Calabria Region, Italy
Jaizki Mendizabal, CEIT, Spain
Joel Rodrigues, University of Beira Interior, Portugal
Kishor Trivedi, Duke University, USA
Marion Berbineau, IFSTTAR, France
Mohamed Kassab, HanaLab, Tunisia
Thomas Strang, DLR, Germany
Tsutomu Tsuboi, Nagoya Electric Works Co., Ltd., Japan
Yan Zhang, Simula Research Lab, Norway
* Paper submission (STRICT DEADLINE) June 30, 2016
* Notification of acceptance July 20, 2016
* Camera ready version August 10, 2016
September 13 - 14, 2016
Halmstad, Sweden
(Halmstad University, Trade Center Halmstad, Floor 22)
technically co-sponsored by IEEE.
in conjunction with
* 8th International Workshop on Resilient Networks Design and Modeling RNDM-2016
* 2nd Management Committee Meeting of CA COST Action CA15127
* Proceedings will be published in IEEE Xplore and indexed by relevant databases
* Extended version of top papers on vehicular networking will be considered for publication in a special issue of IEEE Wireless Communications "Emerging Technologies for 5G Enabled Vehicular Networks" (IEEE)
* Extended versions of papers will be considered for publication "Special Issue on Connected Vehicles: Applications and Communication Challenges" of Mobile Information Systems (Hindawi)
* Extended versions of top papers on reliability issues with analytic and optimization orientation will be considered for publication in a special issue of Networks journal (Wiley)
We invite prospective authors for contributions in the theory or practice of intelligent transportation systems (ITS) in the framework of the following main topics (not limited to):
* Vehicular networking
* Cooperative applications and services
* Automated driving
Authors are invited to submit full papers comprising original work, not previously published or being under review, in English of maximum 7 pages in IEEE double-column format. All the submissions will be peer-reviewed by the Technical Program Committee.
Submission link
Alexey Vinel, Halmstad University, Sweden
Antonella Molinaro, University of Calabria Region, Italy
Jaizki Mendizabal, CEIT, Spain
Joel Rodrigues, University of Beira Interior, Portugal
Kishor Trivedi, Duke University, USA
Marion Berbineau, IFSTTAR, France
Mohamed Kassab, HanaLab, Tunisia
Thomas Strang, DLR, Germany
Tsutomu Tsuboi, Nagoya Electric Works Co., Ltd., Japan
Yan Zhang, Simula Research Lab, Norway
* Paper submission (STRICT DEADLINE) June 30, 2016
* Notification of acceptance July 20, 2016
* Camera ready version August 10, 2016
Other CFPs
- Second International Workshop on 'Applied Intelligent Information Systems' (AIIS 2016)
- Tenth International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM 2016)
- 2nd IEEE International Symposium on Security and Privacy in Social Networks and Big Data (IEEE SocialSec 2016)
- 3rd International Conference on Internet of Vehicles
- 16th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology
Last modified: 2016-06-22 23:23:51