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CQR 2011 - 2011 IEEE International Workshop Technical Committee on Communications Quality and Reliability (CQR 2011)



VenueFlorida, USA - United States USA - United States



Topics/Call fo Papers

IEEE Communications Society
2011 International Communications Quality and Reliability (CQR) Workshop

The IEEE CQR International Workshop is held annually with the purpose of bringing together industry and academic experts to present and discuss communications quality, reliability and security issues as they relate to real world issues. The output from the workshops adds to the community's body of knowledge and serves to inform, help form opinion, and to assist in the development of best practice and relevant standards.
Continuing the tradition of this series of workshops, CQR 2011 will provide an international technical forum for experts from industry and academia to exchange ideas and present results of ongoing research in the areas listed below. This year, special focus will be on the challenging issues related to the requirements, metrics, measurement, management, and dissemination of Communications Quality & Reliability.
You are invited to submit a paper related to various aspects of QoS and Reliability for the following networks/services:

Grid and Distributed Computing
Mobile and Ad Hoc Networks
Overlay Networks
Multimedia Networks and VoIP Services
VPN, MPLS and Multicast Services
Web Services
Broadband Audio Visual Services
Multi-sensory Communications
Current and Next-generation Internet
Emerging Technologies and Services
The detailed technical area includes:
Measurements Techniques
Network Architecture and Design
Network Security
Network Survivability
Operations, Administration and Maintenance
QoS Metrics and Measurement
QoS Policy and Assessment
QoE Assessment and Management
Security and Reliability Issues
Traffic Control
Traffic Modeling and Characterization
For additional information on this CFP, please contact:
Professor Yutaka Ishibashi, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan
Technical Program Chair, CQR2011
Please note that, CQR2011 has two programs: Technical and Strategic. The above Call For Paper covers the Technical Program only. The industry focused Strategic Program is organized separately. For more information on the Strategic Program, please visit the CQR2011 website or contact the General Program Co-Chairs.

Technical Paper Submission Guidelines
Papers should describe original work, and be 4-6 two-column and single-spaced pages or less in IEEE conference style. The cover page should clearly indicate the complete postal and electronic mailing addresses, as well as the phone and fax numbers of the contact author. Paper submissions must be made electronically via e-mail attachment in PDF format to .
Hardcopy submissions will not be accepted.

Download the Call For Paper

General Program Co-Chairs

Scott Poretsky, Allot Communications, USA
Michael Ryan, Verizon Wireless, USA
Technical Program Chair
Professor Yutaka Ishibashi, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan
Papers accepted for CQR 2011 will be included in the Workshop Proceedings, IEEE XPlore, and EI Index, with the exception that IEEE reserves the right to exclude any paper from distribution after the conference (e.g., removal from IEEE Xplore) if the paper is not presented at the conference. Papers that are removed from IEEE Xplore will not be available through the EI Index.

Key Dates
Dec. 13, 2010 Paper submission deadline
Feb. 14, 2011 Notification of acceptance
Mar. 14, 2011 Camera-ready paper submission deadline
May 10-12, 2011 CQR2011 Workshop

Technical Program Committee (TPC) Members





Yutaka Ishibashi (Chair)

Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan

Jun Li

Communications Research Centre, Canada
Paolo Bellavista

Universita di Bologna, Italy

Anil Macwan

Alcatel-Lucent, USA
Rocky K. C. Chang

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HK
Takumi Miyoshi

Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan

Chi-Ming Chen

Tutomu Murase

NEC, Japan
Eric Chen

NTT, Japan
Hidenori Nakazato

Waseda University, Japan

Kuan-Ta Chen

Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Hitoshi Ohnishi

The Open University of Japan

Hiroshi Fujinoki

Southern Illinois University, USA
Shinji Sugawara

Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
Stefano Giordano

University of Pisa, Italy
Dan Keun Sung

KAIST, Korea
Fabrizio Granelli

University of Trento, Italy
Sandra Tartarelli

NEC, Germany
Go Hasegawa

Osaka University, Japan

Ning Wang

University of Surrey, UK
Toru Hasegawa

KDDI R&D Laboratories Inc., Japan

Katsunori Yamaoka

Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

Kenji Hikichi

Fujitsu, Japan

Tatsuya Yamazaki

NICT, Japan

Hideaki Imaizumi

University of Tokyo, Japan

Tokumi Yokohira

Okayama University, Japan

Ryoichi Kawahara

NTT, Japan
Tetsuya Yokotani

Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Japan

JongWon Kim

Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
Homayoun Yousefi'zadeh

University of California, Irvine, USA
Aki Kobayashi

Kogakuin University, Japan
Weider Yu

San Jose State University, USA
C Q R Officers (2010-2011)

Vice Chair ? Operations
Vice Chair ? Programs
Vice Chair ? Publications
Advisory Board Chair
Advisory Board Chair Emeritus
Advisory Board Members

Hiromi Ueda, Tokyo University of Technology, Japan
Anil Macwan, Alcatel-Lucent, USA
Hideaki Yoshino, NTT Service Integration Laboratories, Japan
Peter Hoath, BT, UK
Wei-Der Yu, San Jose State Univ., USA
Yokotani Tetsuya, Mitsubishi Electric Co., Japan
Kevin Krantz, Ericsson, USA
Chi-Ming Chen, AT&T Labs, USA
Kenichi Mase, Niigata University, Japan
Karl Rauscher, EastWest Institute, USA
Koichi Asatani, Kogakuin University, Japan,
Kelly Krick, Ericsson, USA
Ray Bonelli, Consultant, USA

Last modified: 2010-08-22 03:06:43