ONDM 2011 - The 15th International Conference on Optical Networking Design and Modeling - ONDM 2011
Topics/Call fo Papers
The 15th International Conference on Optical Networking Design and Modeling - ONDM 2011 - will be held in Bologna, Italy, on February 8-10, 2011. As it is established practice ONDM will focus on cutting-edge, state- of-the-art research in optical networking. ONDM will also encourage submissions of the research papers that relate the topics of optical networking to the other areas and disciplines, such as integration of optical and wireless networks or the role of optical network for the future Internet design. Controversial ideas and approaches and their open discussion are strongly encouraged.
Call for papers
Download the conference call for papers in pdf here or go to the call for paper page.
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: 24 September 2010
Acceptance Notification: 20 November 2010
Camera Ready Submission: 19 December 2010
Call for papers
Download the conference call for papers in pdf here or go to the call for paper page.
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: 24 September 2010
Acceptance Notification: 20 November 2010
Camera Ready Submission: 19 December 2010
Other CFPs
- IFIP WG8.1 Working Conference on Method Engineering ? Engineering Methods in the Service-Oriented Context
- Special Issue of the Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces: Interacting with Embodied Conversational Agents (JMUI 2011)
- 2011 IFLA APR Congress : International Federation of Landscape Architects Asia Pacific Regional Congress 2011
- 3rd International ICST Conference on IT Revolutions (ITRevolutions 2011)
- 2011 3rd International Students Conference on Electrodynamics and Mechatronics (SCE III)
Last modified: 2010-07-31 13:05:11