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ITRevolutions 2011 - 3rd International ICST Conference on IT Revolutions (ITRevolutions 2011)



VenueCordoba, Spain Spain



Topics/Call fo Papers

The Third International Symposium IT Revolutions 2011 will bring together top technical professionals from industry, researchers and academia to exchange information and results on recent work on systems, technologies, processes and applications.

The conference will address current and future trends in the state of the technology for solving and managing daily practices, and foster interdisciplinary collaborative research in this area. Conference aims will focus on all aspects about the role and deployment of the new information and communications technologies in the 21st Century lifestyle, taking special attention to the newest emerging wireless technologies and its integration in any life scenario, covering topics from eHealth and Ambient Assisted Living to Energy Sustainability and Smart Grids applications and practices.

IT Revolutions 2011 will be held in Cordoba, Spain, World Heritage City, from 23 to 25 of March.


IT Revolutions is asking for submissions of technical papers for oral and poster presentations.
The peer reviewed papers will be published by Springer in the series of Lecture Notes of ICST (LNICST).
Papers reporting new developments in all areas of application of the IT's are invited, including but not limited to those listed below.

eGreen Energy
Alternative Energy Generation Sources, Power Quality, Sustainability, Smart Grids & Distributed Systems, Recyclable Engineering.

Smart Buildings
Home Automation, Safety and Security Systems, Energy Management in Building, AMRs, Wired and Wireless Multimedia, 6LoWPAN, Peer to Peer, Mesh Grids, DTV and DVB-T.

eHealth and Ambient Assisted Living
Applied Signal Processing, Mobile Broadband, Wireless LAN, IEEE 802.11 Standards, Bluetooth, RFID, NFC, WPAN, Mesh Networking, Reliability, QoS Security, Handheld and Wearable Computers, 6LoWPAN.

Smart environments and user Experience
Internet of Things, Smart environments, ITs and city life, ITs in wellness and homecare, business usage and leisure activities, ITs and tourism, sensing location and context-awareness, user interaction models for ITs applications, field trials and pilots, context-awareness systems, modeling and representation of smart scenarios, applications for AmI environments.

Agrobusiness applications
Crop control, Food and Goods Tracking, Sensor and Controls, Power Consumption.

Grid and Cloud Computing
Data mining, Biometrics, Privacy, Encryption, Ubiquitous and pervasive Systems, Mobile Computing and Communications, IPv6.

Pervasive Learning, Games, Entertainment, ubiquitous learning models and ontologies, Technological Issues in Education, E-content Management and Development, Virtual Universities.

All the detailed information about this event will also be available at this web site.

We look forward to meeting you in Marxh at our IT Revolutions 2011 International Symposium, Cordoba.


Francisco Bellido
General Chair
Prof. Dr., University of Cordoba (Spain)

Last modified: 2010-09-15 01:55:48