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IWEI 2011 - IWEI 2011 The International Working Conference on Enterprise Interoperability



VenueStockholm, Sweden Sweden



Topics/Call fo Papers

One of the characteristics of our economy today is that enterprises increasingly (need to) compete and collaborate in a global market, using the internet and other technical means to overcome the traditional barrier of geographical distribution. Another characteristic is continuous and rapid change and innovation, which may be internal or external to individual enterprises, but anyway affecting the way these enterprises can perform in relation to other enterprises and their market environment. The success of an enterprise therefore more and more depends on its ability to seamlessly interoperate with other agile enterprises, and be able to adapt to actual or imminent changes, instead of making some product or providing some service in the most efficient way.

The role of the current internet for enterprise interoperability is essential but at the same time very limited in the light of its potential. The Future Internet should be much more than a universal access and communication infrastructure. It should be able to empower enterprises to innovate by creating new business value in competition and together with other enterprises, based on relevant knowledge about each other and the market. It should do so in a sustainable and socially responsible fashion, making efficient use of physical resources with a minimal environmental footprint. The current internet should evolve into a universal business support system in which enterprises enjoy interoperability services that can be invoked on the fly according to their business needs. Such interoperability services may require physical sensing capabilities as well as extensively exploiting knowledge assets.

This working conference aims at identifying and discussing challenges and solutions with respect to enterprise interoperability, both at the business and the technical level, with a special focus on the use and realization of the Future Internet vision. The conference promotes the development of a scientific foundation for specifying, analysing and validating interoperability solutions; an architectural framework for addressing interoperability challenges from different viewpoints and at different levels of abstraction; a maturity model to evaluate and rank interoperability solutions with respect to distinguished quality criteria; and a working set of practical solutions and tools that can be applied to interoperability problems to date.

Topics of Interest
? Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and enterprise interoperability;
? Interoperability through service discovery and composition;
? Orchestration of services;
? Mediation between services;
? Model Driven Architecture (MDA) and enterprise interoperability;
? Model Driven Interoperability (MDI);
? Computation-independent interoperability models;
? Platform-independent interoperability models;
? Model-to-model transformations;
? Other reference models and architecture approaches;
? Open Distributed Processing (ODP) and enterprise interoperability;
? Enterprise architecture and enterprise modelling;
? Middleware and infrastructure approaches to facilitate and enhance interoperability;
? Business-IT alignment for interoperability;
? Reference ontology and mapping mechanisms;
? Self-organisation and adaptation for interoperability;
? Semantic annotations for information interoperability;
? Coordination and negotiation in networks of businesses;
? Cross-organizational business processes;
? Maturity models and quality criteria for evaluating interoperability solutions;
? Modelling, analysis and validation of interoperability;
? Non-functional aspects of interoperability, such as privacy, QoS, and reputation;
? Interoperability requirements, approaches and solutions in specific sectors;
? Case studies and experience reports on interoperability solutions.

Workshop organization

Organizing Committee
? General Chair: Pontus Johnson, KTH, Sweden
? Program Chair: Marten van Sinderen, University of Twente, Netherlands
? IFIP Liaison: Guy Doumeingts, INTEROP-VLab/GFI, France
? Local Organisation: Joakim Lillieskjöld, KTH, Sweden

International Program Committee (provisional)

? Stephan Aier, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
? Khalid Benali, LORIA - Nancy Université, France
? Peter Bernus, University Griffith, Australia
? Ricardo Chalmeta, University of Jaume I, Spain
? David Chen, Université Bordeaux 1, France
? Antonio DeNicola, LEKS-IASI-CNR, Italy
? Guy Doumeingts, INTEROP-VLab/GFI, France
? Yves Ducq, Université Bordeaux 1, France
? Ip-Shing Fan, Cranfield University, UK
? Ricardo Goncalves, New University of Lisbon, UNINOVA, Portugal
? Claudia Guglielmina, TXT e-solutions, Italy
? Sergio Gusmeroli, TXT e-solutions, Italy
? Axel Hahn, University of Oldenburg, Germany
? Jenny Harding, Loughborough University, UK
? Roland Jochem, University of Kassel, Germany
? Paul Johannesson, KTH, Sweden
? Leonid Kalinichenko, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation
? Bernhard Katzy, University of Munich, Germany
? Kurt Kosanke, CIMOSA Association, Germany
? Jean-Pierre Lorre, PEtALS Link, France
? Michiko Matsuda, Kanagawa Inst. of Technology, Japan
? Kai Mertins, Fraunhofer IPK, Germany
? Jörg Müller, Technische Universität Clausthal, Germany
? Philipp Offermann, Deutche Telecom T-Labs, Germany
? Andreas Opdahl, University of Bergen, Norway
? Angel Ortiz, Polytecnic University of Valencia, Spain
? Hervé Panetto, UHP Nancy I, France
? Hervé Pingaud, Ecole des Mines Albi Carmaux, France
? Raul Poler, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
? Raquel Sanchis, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
? Ulrike Steffens, OFFIS, Germany
? Raymond Slot, Hogeschool Utrecht, Netherlands
? Bruno Vallespir, Université Bordeaux 1, France
? Alain Wegmann, Ecole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne, Switzerland
? Xiaofei Xu, Harbin Institute of Technology, China

Last modified: 2010-07-24 14:00:53