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AAG 2016 - AAG Symposium on Geography and Urban Health

Date2016-03-29 - 2016-04-02


VenueSan Francisco, USA - United States USA - United States



Topics/Call fo Papers

The International Society for Urban Health (ISUH) and the Association of American Geographers (AAG)
AAG Annual Meeting, San Francisco, March 29-April 2, 2016
Joint ISUH and AAG Symposium: April 1-2, 2016
ISUH Annual Meeting: April 3-4, 2016
Other Co-Sponsors:
The International Geospatial Health Research Network
The AAG Health and Medical Geography Specialty Group (HMGSG)
The International Society for Urban Health and the Association of American Geographers are pleased to announce a joint symposium on Geography and Urban Health. The symposium will highlight national and international cross-disciplinary approaches for enhancing collaboration in team science, technology transfer, designs for urban health, and advancing global urban health.
The AAG Annual Meeting will begin on March 29, 2016. On Friday, April 1, there will be a Joint Plenary Session that will have strong appeal to health geographers and urban health researchers, population health researchers, and other urban health researchers. The Plenary will be followed by a reception for those attending the Plenary Session.
Sessions for the Joint ISUH and AAG Symposium will be held on Friday, April 1 and Saturday, April 2 within the 2016 AAG Annual Meeting. We would like to bring together national and international scholars, practitioners, and policy makers from different specialties, institutions, sectors, and continents to share ideas, findings, methodologies, and technologies, and to establish, and strengthen personal connections, communication channels, and research collaborations.
We welcome papers on all aspects of urban and global health, as well as health and medical geography - most broadly defined - and their intersections with other branches of geography or GIScience. Topics may include but are not limited to:
? Research Collaborations:
- Scientific collaborations in geography and urban health
- urban health and heath geography
- Collaborating to advance global urban health policy
? Environmental Health
- Disease mapping
- Assessment of the impact of environmental exposures (physical and/or social) on health
- Exposure monitoring utilizing real-time GPS/GIS methods
- EcoGeographic genetic epidemiology: gene-environment interactions
- Disease ecologies
? Infectious and Communicable Diseases
- Infectious diseases and their relations to climate change
- Spatiotemporal modeling of infectious and communicable diseases
? Behaviors
- Mobilities and health
- Spatial analysis of substance abuse and treatment
- Social environments and mental health
? Healthcare Service
- Accessibility of healthcare services and its optimization
- Healthcare provision, access, and utilization
- Health disparities and inequalities
- Global health research and public health initiatives
? Methodologies and technologies
- Methodological issues in health research (e.g., MAUP, UGCoP)
- Spatial uncertainties in health studies
- CyberGIS and high performance computing in health studies
- Geospatial big data and health
- Crowd sourcing of geospatial data for health research
- mHealth and global health service delivery initiatives
To participate in the Joint AAG-ISUH Geography and Urban Health symposium within the 2016 AAG Annual Meeting, please submit your abstract at When you receive confirmation of a successful abstract submission, please then forward this confirmation to: The abstract deadline is October 29, 2015.
Registration in either conference allows access to BOTH conferences (AAG and ISUH) as well as the joint plenary and reception.
For more information, please visit or contact members of the Symposium organizing committee at
Organizing Committee of the Joint ISUH and AAG Symposium:
Mei-Po Kwan (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
Mark Rosenberg (Queens University, Canada)
Alex Ross (WHO Center for Health Development, Kobe, Japan)
Gerard Salem (University of Paris Nanterre, France)
Xun Shi (Dartmouth College, USA)
Yonette Thomas (Chair) (Senior Advisor, AAG; Scientific Advisor on Urban Health to the New York Academy of Medicine)
Susan Thompson (The University of New South Wales, Australia)
David Vlahov (University of California, San Francisco, USA)
Blaise Nguendo Yongsi (University of Yaounde II, Sao, Cameroon)

Last modified: 2015-09-12 08:00:43