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IJDSN 2016 - Special issue on "Wireless Sensor Networks in Future Internet Scenarios: A Modeling Perspective"



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International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks
Special issue on "Wireless Sensor Networks in Future Internet Scenarios: A Modeling Perspective"
Call for Papers
Recently, research efforts about (Wireless) Sensor Networks (WSNs) are more and more moving toward the convergence with other technologies into the vision of the Future Internet. This term has gained popularity in indicating a collection of innovative technologies that are transforming the Internet into a pervasive and ubiquitous global ICT platform. In such a new vision people, things, data, computing, and storage resources are connected anytime and anyplace. Examples of technologies or paradigms enabling such new scenarios are the Internet of Things (IoT), the Cloud of Things (CoT), Software Defined Networks (SDNs), and Mobile Crowd Sensing (MCS). While WSNs represent a mature research field, the convergence of such technologies with the WSN paradigm calls for a new, vigorous, and determined attempt to meet the challenges of this new evolution and dominate its complexity.
This process requires adequate mechanisms, policies, and tools for dealing with the infrastructure and application nonfunctional properties, thus allowing predicting the WSN infrastructure and application behavior. This is important when service level agreements (SLAs) and quality of service- (QoS-) driven policies want to be specified. Analytical modeling and simulation are effective tools to achieve such a goal.
This special issue aims to focus on the analytical and simulative analysis of WSN infrastructures and applications in the context of Future Internet scenarios from the infrastructure provider, the service provider, and the final user points of view and to encourage researchers to publish their results in this journal. The special issue will accept both original research papers and review articles related to theory and practice in designing simulative and analytical models, exploiting them to the reliability, availability, and performance study of technologies, architectures, middleware, and framework lying on the vision of the integration of WSNs in Future Internet scenarios. Case studies are among the topics of the special issue as applications of modeling techniques in designing complex WSNs and Future Internet scenarios. The papers will be peer-reviewed and will be selected on the basis of their quality and relevance to the theme of the special issue.
Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
- Analytical or simulative models of WSNs in Future Internet scenarios
- Reliability and availability evaluations of WSNs architectures, protocols, algorithms, and applications in the context of Future Internet
- Performance analysis of WSNs in Future Internet scenarios
- WSNs and IoT analytical modeling and simulation
- Quantitative evaluation of Social Internet of Things and WSNs integrations
- WSNs and MCS application analytical modeling and simulation
- Analytical modeling and simulation of new scenarios integrating WSNs with SDNs
- New techniques for scalable and accurate analysis of Future Internet scenarios
- Tools for analytical and simulative evaluation of WSNs in Future Internet scenarios
- Evaluation of WSNs and Future Internet applications
- Models for integrated heterogeneous systems with mixed modes of simulated, emulated, and physical WSN devices
- Big data management models within WSN and IoT/Cloud of Things architectures
- Modeling QoS in Future Internet
- Case studies about WSNs and Future Internet integration from a modeling perspective
Authors can submit their manuscripts via the Manuscript Tracking System at
Manuscript Due: Friday, 16 October 2015
First Round of Reviews: Friday, 8 January 2016
Publication Date : Friday, 4 March 2016
Lead Guest Editor
Marco Scarpa, University of Messina, Messina, Italy
Guest Editors
Adnan Al-Anbuky, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand
Symeon Papavassiliou, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece
Francesco Longo, University of Messina, Messina, Italy

Last modified: 2015-05-19 23:08:56