S4SC 2015 - 6th Workshop on Semantics for Smarter Cities (S4SC 2015)
Topics/Call fo Papers
6th Workshop on Semantics for Smarter Cities
(S4SC 2015)
collocated with the 14th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2015)
Bethlehem, PA, USA
October 11-12, 2015
Important Dates (All deadlines are Hawaii time)
? full paper submission: July 1, 2015
? notification of acceptance: July 31, 2015
? submission of camera ready version: August 7, 2015
? Workshop date: October 11/12, 2015
Scope and Objectives
This workshop will explore the interfaces between the Web, the Web of Data, and the City Smart environment. It will further explore how the Web, and the intelligences built on top of, and around the Web, can make the notion of the Smart Connected City possible and realizable.
The workshop aims to gather researchers, city departments, service providers, application developers, entrepreneurs, and citizens to present and debate Semantic Web technologies, Linked Data and data analytics and evaluations for smart city applications as well as impact of user engagements and social networks. The workshop will also focus on related standardisation activities in W3C, IEEE and ETSI.
It continues on from the successful earlier workshops on the same theme at:
The 5th Workshop on Semantics for Smarter Cities (http://blog.soton.ac.uk/s4sc/)
SemCity13 (http://aida.ii.uam.es/wims13/semcity.php)
AAAI 14 (http://research.ihost.com/semanticcities14/)
AAAI 12 (http://research.ihost.com/semanticcities12/)
IJCAI 13 (http://research.ihost.com/semanticcities13/)
Topics of Interest
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
1. Semantic platforms to integrate, manage and publish government data
Provenance, access control and privacy-preserving issues in open data
Collaborative and evolving semantic models for cities. Challenges and lessons learned
Semantic data integration and organization in cities: social media feeds, sensor data, simulation models and Internet of things in city models
Big data and scaling out in semantic cities. Managing big data using knowledge representation models
Knowledge acquisition, evolution and maintenance of city data
Challenges in managing and integrating real-time and historical city data
Big Data in Dynamic Smart City Environments
2. Process and standards for defining, publishing and sharing open city (government) data
Platforms and best practices for city data interoperability
Foundational and applied ontologies for semantic cities
Publishing Public and Government Data and Open Data
3. Robust inference models for semantic cities
Large-scale / stream-based reasoning
Semantic event detection and classification
Spatio-temporal reasoning, analysis and visualization
Machine Learning and Semantics
4. City applications involving semantic models
Intelligent user interfaces and contextual user exploration of semantic data relating to cities
Use cases, including, but not limited to, transportation (traffic prediction, personal travel optimization, carpool and feet scheduling), public safety (suspicious activity detection, disaster management), healthcare (disease diagnosis and prognosis, pandemic management), water management (flood prevision, quality monitoring, fault diagnosis), food (food traceability, carbon-footprint tracking), energy (smart grid, carbon footprint tracking, electricity consumption forecasting) and buildings (energy conservation, fault detections)
5. City as a Smart Utility
Internet of Things
Interaction Paradigms in the Smart City
Smart City operating systems
Semantic Complex Event Reasoning
City services discovery
Service Ranking, Provenance, and Semantic Web Discovery
Sustainability issues in developing Smart City Applications
Impact of Smart City services and applications
Discovery of Data and Sensors
Submission Types and Publication
For providing a forum for sharing novel ideas, S4SC?15 welcomes a broad spectrum of contributions, including:
Full research papers
Position papers
Case studies
Descriptions of experiments
How to submit
Authors of accepted works are expected to attend the conference to present their work. The maximum length of:
Short papers, up to 6 pages
Full Research papers, up to 16 pages
Position papers, up to 4 pages
Case Studies papers, up to 16 pages
Demo papers, and descriptions of experiments, including evaluation reports (up to 16 pages)
Submissions to the Demo track should describe what will be demonstrated (this may include screenshots and sample script for the demo). Authors are encouraged to include a link to where the demo (live or recorded video) can be found. Authors are advised to make clear in their submission:
What is the research background and application context of the demonstration?
What are the key technologies used, and how does the demonstrated system, application or infrastructure relate to pre-existing work?
What will be the key concepts learnt by participants of the demonstration?
Submissions must be in PDF formatted in the style of the Springer Publications format for Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). For details of the LNCS style, see Springer?s Author Instructions.
Paper submissions to be made electronically through the EasyChair submission system at: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=s4sc2015
Important Dates (All deadlines are Hawaii time)
? full paper submission: July 1, 2015
? notification of acceptance: July 31, 2015
? submission of camera ready version: August 7, 2015
? Workshop date: October 11 or 12, 2015 (exact date will be confirmed)
Organising Committee
- Tope Omitola, University of Southampton, UK
- John Breslin, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
- Payam Barnaghi, University of Surrey, UK
- Jan Holler, Ericsson, Sweden
- Biplav Srivastava, IBM Research, India
- John Davies, BT, UK
- Manfred Hauswirth, Technical University of Berlin/Fraunhofer FOKUS
- Amit Sheth, Wright State University, USA
- Ralf Toenjes, University of Applied Science Osnabrück, Germany
Program Committee
- Herwig Schreiner, Siemens, Austria
- Spyros Kotoulas, IBM Research, Smarter Cities Technology Centre, Dublin, Ireland
- Monika Solanki, University of Oxford
- Septimiu Nechifor, Siemens, Romania
- Pramod Anantharam, Kno.e.sis, Wright State University
- Rosario Uceda-Sosa, IBM
- Mirko Presser, Alexandra Institute, Denmark
- Konstantinos Vandikas, Ericsson, Sweden
- Andreas Emrich, DFKI/University of Saarbrucken, Germany
- Alessandra Mileo, Insight Centre, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
- Taha Osman, Nottingham Trent University, UK
- Sebastian Rios, University of Chile
- Jose Gomez-Perez, Expert System, Spain
- Maria Bermudez, University of Surrey, UK
- Sarah Gallacher, ICRI-Cities, UCL, UK
- Frieder Ganz, Adobe, Germany
(S4SC 2015)
collocated with the 14th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2015)
Bethlehem, PA, USA
October 11-12, 2015
Important Dates (All deadlines are Hawaii time)
? full paper submission: July 1, 2015
? notification of acceptance: July 31, 2015
? submission of camera ready version: August 7, 2015
? Workshop date: October 11/12, 2015
Scope and Objectives
This workshop will explore the interfaces between the Web, the Web of Data, and the City Smart environment. It will further explore how the Web, and the intelligences built on top of, and around the Web, can make the notion of the Smart Connected City possible and realizable.
The workshop aims to gather researchers, city departments, service providers, application developers, entrepreneurs, and citizens to present and debate Semantic Web technologies, Linked Data and data analytics and evaluations for smart city applications as well as impact of user engagements and social networks. The workshop will also focus on related standardisation activities in W3C, IEEE and ETSI.
It continues on from the successful earlier workshops on the same theme at:
The 5th Workshop on Semantics for Smarter Cities (http://blog.soton.ac.uk/s4sc/)
SemCity13 (http://aida.ii.uam.es/wims13/semcity.php)
AAAI 14 (http://research.ihost.com/semanticcities14/)
AAAI 12 (http://research.ihost.com/semanticcities12/)
IJCAI 13 (http://research.ihost.com/semanticcities13/)
Topics of Interest
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
1. Semantic platforms to integrate, manage and publish government data
Provenance, access control and privacy-preserving issues in open data
Collaborative and evolving semantic models for cities. Challenges and lessons learned
Semantic data integration and organization in cities: social media feeds, sensor data, simulation models and Internet of things in city models
Big data and scaling out in semantic cities. Managing big data using knowledge representation models
Knowledge acquisition, evolution and maintenance of city data
Challenges in managing and integrating real-time and historical city data
Big Data in Dynamic Smart City Environments
2. Process and standards for defining, publishing and sharing open city (government) data
Platforms and best practices for city data interoperability
Foundational and applied ontologies for semantic cities
Publishing Public and Government Data and Open Data
3. Robust inference models for semantic cities
Large-scale / stream-based reasoning
Semantic event detection and classification
Spatio-temporal reasoning, analysis and visualization
Machine Learning and Semantics
4. City applications involving semantic models
Intelligent user interfaces and contextual user exploration of semantic data relating to cities
Use cases, including, but not limited to, transportation (traffic prediction, personal travel optimization, carpool and feet scheduling), public safety (suspicious activity detection, disaster management), healthcare (disease diagnosis and prognosis, pandemic management), water management (flood prevision, quality monitoring, fault diagnosis), food (food traceability, carbon-footprint tracking), energy (smart grid, carbon footprint tracking, electricity consumption forecasting) and buildings (energy conservation, fault detections)
5. City as a Smart Utility
Internet of Things
Interaction Paradigms in the Smart City
Smart City operating systems
Semantic Complex Event Reasoning
City services discovery
Service Ranking, Provenance, and Semantic Web Discovery
Sustainability issues in developing Smart City Applications
Impact of Smart City services and applications
Discovery of Data and Sensors
Submission Types and Publication
For providing a forum for sharing novel ideas, S4SC?15 welcomes a broad spectrum of contributions, including:
Full research papers
Position papers
Case studies
Descriptions of experiments
How to submit
Authors of accepted works are expected to attend the conference to present their work. The maximum length of:
Short papers, up to 6 pages
Full Research papers, up to 16 pages
Position papers, up to 4 pages
Case Studies papers, up to 16 pages
Demo papers, and descriptions of experiments, including evaluation reports (up to 16 pages)
Submissions to the Demo track should describe what will be demonstrated (this may include screenshots and sample script for the demo). Authors are encouraged to include a link to where the demo (live or recorded video) can be found. Authors are advised to make clear in their submission:
What is the research background and application context of the demonstration?
What are the key technologies used, and how does the demonstrated system, application or infrastructure relate to pre-existing work?
What will be the key concepts learnt by participants of the demonstration?
Submissions must be in PDF formatted in the style of the Springer Publications format for Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). For details of the LNCS style, see Springer?s Author Instructions.
Paper submissions to be made electronically through the EasyChair submission system at: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=s4sc2015
Important Dates (All deadlines are Hawaii time)
? full paper submission: July 1, 2015
? notification of acceptance: July 31, 2015
? submission of camera ready version: August 7, 2015
? Workshop date: October 11 or 12, 2015 (exact date will be confirmed)
Organising Committee
- Tope Omitola, University of Southampton, UK
- John Breslin, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
- Payam Barnaghi, University of Surrey, UK
- Jan Holler, Ericsson, Sweden
- Biplav Srivastava, IBM Research, India
- John Davies, BT, UK
- Manfred Hauswirth, Technical University of Berlin/Fraunhofer FOKUS
- Amit Sheth, Wright State University, USA
- Ralf Toenjes, University of Applied Science Osnabrück, Germany
Program Committee
- Herwig Schreiner, Siemens, Austria
- Spyros Kotoulas, IBM Research, Smarter Cities Technology Centre, Dublin, Ireland
- Monika Solanki, University of Oxford
- Septimiu Nechifor, Siemens, Romania
- Pramod Anantharam, Kno.e.sis, Wright State University
- Rosario Uceda-Sosa, IBM
- Mirko Presser, Alexandra Institute, Denmark
- Konstantinos Vandikas, Ericsson, Sweden
- Andreas Emrich, DFKI/University of Saarbrucken, Germany
- Alessandra Mileo, Insight Centre, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
- Taha Osman, Nottingham Trent University, UK
- Sebastian Rios, University of Chile
- Jose Gomez-Perez, Expert System, Spain
- Maria Bermudez, University of Surrey, UK
- Sarah Gallacher, ICRI-Cities, UCL, UK
- Frieder Ganz, Adobe, Germany
Other CFPs
Last modified: 2015-05-18 23:34:07