ITNG 2011 - The International Conference on Information Technology - New Generations (ITNG)
VenueLas Vegas, USA - United States
Topics/Call fo Papers
The International Conference on Information Technology - New Generations (ITNG) is an annual event focusing on state of the art technologies pertaining to digital information and communications. The applications of advanced information technology to such domains as astronomy, biology, education, geosciences, security and health care are among topics of relevance to ITNG. Visionary ideas, theoretical and experimental results, as well as prototypes, designs, and tools that help the information readily flow to the user are of special interest. High Performance Computing, Computing Architectures, and Innovative Methods of Computing are examples of the related topics. The conference features keynote speakers, the best student award, poster award, service award and a technical open panel, and workshops/exhibits from industry, government and academia.
Other CFPs
- Special Track on Quantum Information Computing and Communications (STQICC)
- The Second IEEE International Workshop on Mobile Computing and Networking Technologies (WMCNT2010)
- 7th National Conference of the Romanian Society of Cultural Anthropology
- Japan Christopher Sun International Campaign
- 2011年 第2回 IEEE Computer Society Kansai Chapter 技術講演会
Last modified: 2010-06-29 09:14:18