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PerNets 2011 - 5th IEEE Workshop on Personalized Networks (PerNets 2011)



VenueLas Vegas, USA - United States USA - United States



Topics/Call fo Papers

5th IEEE Workshop on Personalized Networks (PerNets 2011)

8th or 11th January, 2011, Las Vegas, Nevada

Satellite Workshop of 8th IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference

(IEEE CCNC 2011)

The ubiquitous nature of wireless networks has spawned many interesting applications that were unimagined hitherto. It has also brought many challenges for the communication and networking community to address. On one hand we see present day mobile devices are capable of providing many services that required several devices before. For example, most cell phones nowadays provide high speed data access, still and video cameras, PDA functionality, etc. These advances in device sophistication and service offerings, including wireless hotspots, have made a difference in the way we communicate. With increased user mobility and user's desire to always be connected, we have seen a growing interest in Personal Area Networks (PANs) and Body Area Networks (BANs). These networks can be tuned and applied meaningfully for individual users and their requirements. On the other hand the Internet has changed our way of interacting dramatically. These two major communication areas are having an in-depth influence on the way we communicate; it is worth considering them 'together' as the future communication vehicle.

Personalized Networks is one such future oriented concept where we seek to bring BANs, PANs, WLAN, sensor networks, ad hoc networks, home networks, vehicular networks and the Internet together onto one platform under one broader vision of future (4G) communication networks and the Internet of Your Things. The idea is to enable continuous and seamless connectivity of all the personal devices of a user, information sources, and network enabled controllers in an unobtrusive way, regardless of where these entities are located - be they local or remote. It is a microcosm of the persons themselves with their associated accessories somewhere on the Internet. It is equivalent to the Internet presence that has become a prominent concept in the last decade. This advanced overlay network is strongly person oriented and must be ad hoc, intelligent and must behave as a user-friendly virtual intelligent personal assistant to its owner. It is a personal distributed environment, global in scope that can co-exist on the present day Internet with its active participation. Such a platform enables many new applications, especially for users with rapidly changing communication demands that often operate in various contexts simultaneously. It can also provide the much needed user-friendliness to many services of today.

There are numerous issues which are challenging to the communication network community in realizing a Personalized Network. Most of them arise from the lack of current technology to deal in a transparent way with the dynamic and mobile nature of the entities, the unpredictable topology of the network, the power constraints of the mobile devices, and the heterogeneity of the networking and link-level technologies. Therefore, creating a Personalized Network yields new architectures, protocols, algorithms, platforms, middleware, etc. They take care of addressing, routing, resource and service discovery, the self-organization of the network, the localization of the devices/person, the complex security and privacy requirements, the offering of context aware services and service management. Many of these issues, ventured upon earlier under various mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) and mobile network research initiatives, need to be reconsidered in this case. These technologies have to meet strict requirements with respect to user perception, viable business models, usage of communication bandwidth, protocol complexity, robustness, availability of links and infrastructure, dependability and trust.

We seek original contributions which are aimed at finding solutions to the problems that are outlined above towards realization of a Personalized Network. We have identified the following major topics under which we try to categorize the submissions. However, we will consider any other original, interesting, and imaginative ideas and thoughts towards meeting this goal of a Personalized Network.

? Architectural framework of personalized networks
? Personalized Network Applications
? Personal Communications in the next generation Internet
? Context Awareness
? Internet of (your) Things technologies
? Resource, service and context discovery
? Self-organization and adaptation
? Addressing and routing
? Interworking between PANs, ad hoc networks, etc, and infrastructure-based heterogeneous networks
? Mobility of personalized networks
? Personalization of Virtual Resources
? Cooperative and Collaborative methods for Personal Networks
? Security, privacy and anonymity
? Zero configuration methods and other enablers for ease-of-use
? Dependability
? Application-driven communication substrates
? Personalized networks for group oriented networking
? New QoS concepts in personalized networks
? Mapping of functional requirements to physical devices and resources
? Modeling and simulation of personalized networks
? P2P paradigm in personalized networks
? Innovative applications or prototypes and demonstrations of such person centric applications are equally valued

Guidelines for Submission
Submitted papers must represent original material that is not currently under review in any other conference or journal, and has not been previously published. The paper should be used as the basis for a 20 - 30 minute workshop presentation.

Manuscripts should be written in English conforming to the IEEE standard conference format (8.5" x 11", Two-Column) and not exceed 5 pages in length. Submission of papers should be regarded as a commitment such that, if accepted, at least one author of the paper will register and attend the conference; otherwise it will be removed from the IEEE Digital Library after the conference.

Papers should be submitted in a .pdf or .ps format via EDAS paper submission website and then selecting the workshop submission link.
A separate cover sheet should show the title of the paper, the author(s) name(s) and affiliation(s), and the address (including e-mail, telephone, and fax) to which the correspondence should be sent.
Workshop Website
For more information please see the workshop website:

Important Dates
Paper Submission: 24 August 2010
Author Notification: 15 September 2010
Camera-ready Copy: 1 October 2010
Workshop date: 9 January 2011

Workshop General Chair
Ignas Niemegeers, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

Workshop Co-Chairs
Sonia Heemstra de Groot, University of Twente, Netherlands
Magda El Zarki, University of California, Irvine, USA

Workshop Publicity Chair
Paolo Bellavista, Università degli Studi di Bologna, Italy

Workshop Organizing Committee
Martin Jacobsson, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
R V Prasad, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Jing Wang, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Javad Vezifehdan, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

Last modified: 2010-06-18 11:46:52