e-CASE & e-Tech 2011 - 2011 International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology (e-CASE & e-Tech 2011)
Topics/Call fo Papers
practices and cases in e-commerce
systems and technologies of e-commerce
co-production in e-commerce service
applications of e-commerce service
economics issues of e-commerce
m-commerce and pervasive computing
e-commerce payment systems
data mining and business intelligence
entrepreneurship and business models
internet marketing and e-marketplaces
supply chain management
collaborative commerce
e-tailing and multi-channel selling
the latest trends in web services
e-commerce technology adoption
production of knowledge economy
knowledge economy and e-commerce
e-commerce business models
e-commerce, e-business strategies
customer relationship management
law, copyright, and intelligent property in e-commerce
business-to-business, business-to-customer, and business-to-government e-commerce
any aspects on buying, selling, marketing, distributing, and servicing of products
services over the Internet, wireless network, mobile phone, and other cybernetic systems
evolution of e-commerce
business-oriented or consumer-oriented e-commerce
cryptography for enabling e-commerce
future development of e-business,
e-business applications
trust or security for e-Commerce
digital economics, and digital content
EDI and the Internet
global or local e-commerce development
retailing in e-commerce (e-tailing), e-marketplaces
other relative topics
co-production in e-administrative services
innovation and diffusion of e-administrative services
practices and cases in e-governments, e-organizations, or e-institutions
system applications in e-governments, e-organizations, or e-institutions
technology integration in e-governments, e-organizations, or e-institutions
practices and cases in e-administration,
the impact of e-government
information policy, information security, information privacy, electronic democracy
policy in intelligent property, software industry, and information sharing
governmental e-processes and information access
measurement of performance of e-governments, e-organizations, or e-institutions
strategic management of e-governments, e-organizations, or e-institutions
e-government technology adoption
e-government service innovation
barriers to e-administration
evolution and future development of e-administration
government service performance via e-implementation
e-administration performance measurement
strategy for e-administration implementation
infrastructure for e-government or e-organization
e-administration cases
e-administration in developing countries
e-administration software
determinants influencing the success of e-administration implementation
e-administration and digital fracture
e- administration influence on e-activity between governments
e-administration influence on International e-collaboration between nations (e.g. China-UK)
the role of top management in executing e-administration
the development, promotion and adoption of e-technology based services
other relative topics
practices and cases in e-education
systems and technologies in e-education
applications and integration of e-education
e-learning evaluation and content
campus information systems
e-learning technologies, standards and systems
mobile learning
computer aided assessments
knowledge management
virtual learning environments
multimedia in e-learning
marketing and promoting e-learning
social benefits of e-learning
organization learning
technology adoption and diffusion of e-learning
barriers to e-education or e-learning
e-education development in libraries
e-education application in museums
e-education or e-learning cases in military
corporate, government, or in higher education
e-education or e-learning platform
technologies or software support e-education or e-learning
key factors of successful e-education implementation
barriers to web-based publishing
content development, evaluation indicators, social or cultural influence on e-education development
standards and interoperability of e-education platform/system
Infrastructure of e-learning or e-education environments
organizational e-learning strategies
how e-technology influences the teaching program
lifelong learning networks
personal learning environments
virtual universities, classrooms, and laboratories
other relative topics
practices and cases in e-society
systems and technologies in e-society
applications and integration of e-society
cyber law and cyber crime
intellectual property
social communications on the internet
internet security
trust and privacy issues in cyber society
online friendship and virtual relationship
cyber sex and cyber game
internet addiction
ethic in cyber society
crime prevention in information society
role and mission of cyber police
technology adoption and diffusion of e-society
issues on e-society or e-community such as privacy, rumor, fraud, crime, attitude, and addiction
governmental and social main concerns on e-community
the growth and development of global or local e-community/e-society
main impact on traditional communities, multimedia and web-casting on the web community
moral or ethic Issues from the impact of communication via Internet
the future of e-society
the regulatory environment of e-society
perception differences of trust between e-society and traditional society
e-technologies in human interaction, community, education, or knowledge sharing
technical or psychological issues for e-society
open standards or software on e-society
innovation diffusion or rumor spread via e-society
specific cases on e-society
other relative topics
Web Services and Application
Grid Services and Service-Oriented Computing
Web Intelligence, Agents and Personalization
Pervasive, Mobile and Peer-to-Peer Computing Technologies
Context-Aware, Location-based and Autonomous Computing
Security, Privacy, Trust and Reputation for e/m-Services
Payment Technologies for e/m-Services
Middleware for e/m-Services
Payment Protocols
Identity Management
Privacy Protection
Mobile devices
Data Mining
Data Warehousing
Real-time Data analysis (RFID / sensor data, etc.)
Risk and Revenue Management
Web 2.0
Web Design Experience
SOA and Web Services
Social Web
Mobile Web
Enterprise Web
e-Authoring Tools
e-Knowledge Management
Internet and the Web
Network Management for e-Environment
Quality Assurance of e-Technology
Web-Based Systems
Information Retrieval
Product Data Management
Project Management
Semantic Web
practices and cases in e-commerce
systems and technologies of e-commerce
co-production in e-commerce service
applications of e-commerce service
economics issues of e-commerce
m-commerce and pervasive computing
e-commerce payment systems
data mining and business intelligence
entrepreneurship and business models
internet marketing and e-marketplaces
supply chain management
collaborative commerce
e-tailing and multi-channel selling
the latest trends in web services
e-commerce technology adoption
production of knowledge economy
knowledge economy and e-commerce
e-commerce business models
e-commerce, e-business strategies
customer relationship management
law, copyright, and intelligent property in e-commerce
business-to-business, business-to-customer, and business-to-government e-commerce
any aspects on buying, selling, marketing, distributing, and servicing of products
services over the Internet, wireless network, mobile phone, and other cybernetic systems
evolution of e-commerce
business-oriented or consumer-oriented e-commerce
cryptography for enabling e-commerce
future development of e-business,
e-business applications
trust or security for e-Commerce
digital economics, and digital content
EDI and the Internet
global or local e-commerce development
retailing in e-commerce (e-tailing), e-marketplaces
other relative topics
co-production in e-administrative services
innovation and diffusion of e-administrative services
practices and cases in e-governments, e-organizations, or e-institutions
system applications in e-governments, e-organizations, or e-institutions
technology integration in e-governments, e-organizations, or e-institutions
practices and cases in e-administration,
the impact of e-government
information policy, information security, information privacy, electronic democracy
policy in intelligent property, software industry, and information sharing
governmental e-processes and information access
measurement of performance of e-governments, e-organizations, or e-institutions
strategic management of e-governments, e-organizations, or e-institutions
e-government technology adoption
e-government service innovation
barriers to e-administration
evolution and future development of e-administration
government service performance via e-implementation
e-administration performance measurement
strategy for e-administration implementation
infrastructure for e-government or e-organization
e-administration cases
e-administration in developing countries
e-administration software
determinants influencing the success of e-administration implementation
e-administration and digital fracture
e- administration influence on e-activity between governments
e-administration influence on International e-collaboration between nations (e.g. China-UK)
the role of top management in executing e-administration
the development, promotion and adoption of e-technology based services
other relative topics
practices and cases in e-education
systems and technologies in e-education
applications and integration of e-education
e-learning evaluation and content
campus information systems
e-learning technologies, standards and systems
mobile learning
computer aided assessments
knowledge management
virtual learning environments
multimedia in e-learning
marketing and promoting e-learning
social benefits of e-learning
organization learning
technology adoption and diffusion of e-learning
barriers to e-education or e-learning
e-education development in libraries
e-education application in museums
e-education or e-learning cases in military
corporate, government, or in higher education
e-education or e-learning platform
technologies or software support e-education or e-learning
key factors of successful e-education implementation
barriers to web-based publishing
content development, evaluation indicators, social or cultural influence on e-education development
standards and interoperability of e-education platform/system
Infrastructure of e-learning or e-education environments
organizational e-learning strategies
how e-technology influences the teaching program
lifelong learning networks
personal learning environments
virtual universities, classrooms, and laboratories
other relative topics
practices and cases in e-society
systems and technologies in e-society
applications and integration of e-society
cyber law and cyber crime
intellectual property
social communications on the internet
internet security
trust and privacy issues in cyber society
online friendship and virtual relationship
cyber sex and cyber game
internet addiction
ethic in cyber society
crime prevention in information society
role and mission of cyber police
technology adoption and diffusion of e-society
issues on e-society or e-community such as privacy, rumor, fraud, crime, attitude, and addiction
governmental and social main concerns on e-community
the growth and development of global or local e-community/e-society
main impact on traditional communities, multimedia and web-casting on the web community
moral or ethic Issues from the impact of communication via Internet
the future of e-society
the regulatory environment of e-society
perception differences of trust between e-society and traditional society
e-technologies in human interaction, community, education, or knowledge sharing
technical or psychological issues for e-society
open standards or software on e-society
innovation diffusion or rumor spread via e-society
specific cases on e-society
other relative topics
Web Services and Application
Grid Services and Service-Oriented Computing
Web Intelligence, Agents and Personalization
Pervasive, Mobile and Peer-to-Peer Computing Technologies
Context-Aware, Location-based and Autonomous Computing
Security, Privacy, Trust and Reputation for e/m-Services
Payment Technologies for e/m-Services
Middleware for e/m-Services
Payment Protocols
Identity Management
Privacy Protection
Mobile devices
Data Mining
Data Warehousing
Real-time Data analysis (RFID / sensor data, etc.)
Risk and Revenue Management
Web 2.0
Web Design Experience
SOA and Web Services
Social Web
Mobile Web
Enterprise Web
e-Authoring Tools
e-Knowledge Management
Internet and the Web
Network Management for e-Environment
Quality Assurance of e-Technology
Web-Based Systems
Information Retrieval
Product Data Management
Project Management
Semantic Web
Other CFPs
Last modified: 2010-06-14 00:11:13