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JSTQE Nonlinear-Optical Signal Processing 2011 - JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS on Nonlinear-Optical Signal Processing



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Topics/Call fo Papers

Nonlinear-Optical Signal Processing
Submission Deadline: November 14, 2010
The IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics invites contributions of original papers in the area of nonlinear-optical signal processing.
All-optical processing of high-speed signals, enabled by nonlinear-optical devices, is a critical function for future optical communication, computing, and military applications. Progress in nonlinear materials, such as highly nonlinear fibers, photonic-crystal structures, silicon and chalcogenide waveguides, quasi-phase-matched crystals etc., has led to the reduction of the powers required for nonlinear-optical signal processing down to levels compatible with compact semiconductor lasers, and has paved the way to on-chip integration of such processing devices and systems. These advances enable the development of novel optical signal processing architectures and schemes that can bring nonlinear-optical signal processing to practical deployment. The purpose of this issue of JSTQE is to document the state of the art and recent developments in the field, from both experimental and theoretical perspectives. Solicitation topics include (but are not limited to):
Nanophotonic nonlinear-optical devices Optical data format conversion
Nonlinear-optical applications of plasmonics Optical limiting
Nonlinear processing systems on-a-chip 2R and 3R regeneration
Quantum information processing All-optical clock recovery
Phase-sensitive amplification All-optical switching / gating
Phase conjugation Parallel multi-wavelength processing
Wavelength conversion Optical buffering
Frequency translation Optical burst / packet switching
Frequency comb generation All-optical OTDM multiplexing / demultiplexing / sampling
Nonlinear pulse shaping Optical bi-stability
The Guest Editors for this issue are: Michael Vasilyev (University of Texas at Arlington, USA), Yikai Su (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China), and Colin J. McKinstrie (Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, USA).
The deadline for submission of manuscripts is November 14, 2010; printed publication is scheduled for November/December 2011. JSTQE aims for rapid time from submission to online publication. Ideally, accepted papers will be posted online at the IEEE Xplore website within 6 weeks after the authors have uploaded their Final Files, if there are no page proof corrections.
Online submission is mandatory at: . Please select the Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics from the drop down menu.
All submissions will be reviewed in accordance with the normal procedures of the Journal.
For inquiries regarding this special Nonlinear-Optical Signal Processing Issue, please contact:
JSTQE Editorial Office - Chin Tan Lutz
IEEE/Photonics Society, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA
Phone: 732-465-5813, e-mail:
The following supporting documents are required during manuscript submission:
PDF or MS Word manuscript (double-columned, 12 pages for an Invited Paper, 8 pages for a Contributed Paper). Manuscripts over the standard page limit will have an overlength charge of $220.00 imposed per page. Biographies of ALL authors are mandatory, photos are optional. You may find the Tools for Authors link useful:
Completed IEEE Copyright Form. Copy and paste the link below:
Completed Color Agreement/decline form. Please e-mail to request this form.
MS Word document list of ALL Authors’ FULL Contact information as stated below:
Last name (Family name): / First name: Suffix (Dr./Prof./Ms./Mr.): / Affiliation: / Dept. / Address: / Telephone: / Fax: / E-mail: / Alternative E-mail:

Last modified: 2010-12-03 13:22:51