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IAPEC 2011 - The 2011 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Colloquium (IEEE-IAPEC 2011)



VenueJohor Bahr, Malaysia Malaysia



Topics/Call fo Papers

The 2011 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Colloquium (IEEE-IAPEC 2011) will be held at Johor Bahru to share latest research findings besides getting to know Malaysia. The event is held between the 21 - 22 March 2010.

IEEE IAPEC 2011 will be organized and sponsored by IEEE Malaysia Section,
IEEE Malaysia Power Electronics, Industrial Electronics & Industrial Applications Joint Chapter.

The Proceedings of IAPEC 2011 will be included in the IEEE Xplore database.

Authors are invited to submit full papers describing original research. Areas of interest includes, but are not limited to the following colloquium tracks:

* Power Electronic Converters
* Power Electronic Applications
* Power Electronic in Power Systems
* Control Electronics for Power Electronics
* Industrial Electronics
* Electrical Machines
* Electrical Drives & Traction
* Mechatronics & Robotics
* Power Electronics Education

Submission Format :

To submit paper go to submission paper website (EDAS) at

Further information can be obtained from the following website :

Important Dates :

Deadline for Full Paper Submission (21 August 2010)

Call for Reviewers

The IAPEC 2011 will implement a double blind peer review process. Do sign up as a reviewer by sending email to :

Nik Rumzi Nik Idris
General Chair
2011 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Colloquium (IEEE-IAPEC 2011)

Last modified: 2010-10-07 09:21:06