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MLMI 2010 - 7th Workshop on Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction



VenueBeijing, China China



Topics/Call fo Papers

12th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces and
7th Workshop on Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction

(ICMI-MLMI 2010)

Crown Plaza Zhongguancun, Beijing ,China , November 8-12, 2010

The Twelfth International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces and the Seventh Workshop on Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction will be held jointly in Beijing China during November 8-12, 2010. The main aim of ICMI-MLMI 2010 is to further scientific research within the broad field of multimodal interaction, methods, and systems, focusing on major trends and challenges, and working towards identifying a roadmap for future research and commercial success. The conference will continue to feature a single-track with keynote speakers, technical paper presentations, poster sessions, a doctoral consortium, and demonstrations of state of the art multimodal systems and concepts. The conference will be followed by workshops.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

? Multimodal input and output interfaces
? Multimodal human behavior analysis
? Machine learning methods for multimodal processing
? Fusion techniques and hybrid architectures
? Processing of language and action patterns
? Gaze and vision-based interfaces
? Speech and conversational interfaces
? Pen-based interfaces
? Haptic interfaces
? Brain-computer interfaces
? Cognitive modeling of users ? Multi-biometric interfaces
? Multimodal-multisensor interfaces
? Interfaces for attentive and intelligent environments
? Mobile, tangible and virtual/augmented multimodal interfaces
? Distributed/collaborative multimodal interfaces
? Tools and system infrastructure issues for designing multimodal interfaces
? Evaluation of multimodal interfaces
? AI techniques and adaptive multimodal interfaces

Announcement: Due to many requests, the paper submission deadline is extended to June 4, 2010 .

Submission Site:

More information about paper submission.

Important Dates

Workshop proposals: April 1, 2010

Workshop proposal acceptance notification: May 1, 2010

Paper submission: May 20, 2010 June 4, 2010

Author notification: July 20, 2010

Camera-ready due: August 20, 2010

Conference: Nov. 8-10, 2010

Workshops: Nov. 11-12, 2010

Advisory Board

Fabio Pianesi (FBK, Trento, Italy)
Samy Benjo (Google)
Herve' Bourlard (IDIAP, Switzerland)
Jean Carletta (University of Edinburgh)
James L. Crowley (INRIA Grenoble Rhone Alpes, France)
Trevor Darrell (UCB/ICSI, USA)
Sadoki Furui (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
Yuri Ivanov (MERL, USA)
Kenji Mase (University of Nagoya, Japan)
Sharon Oviatt (Incaadesigns, USA)
Catherine Pelachaud (CNRS, France)
Andrei Popescu Belis (IDIAP, Switzerland)
Alex Potamianos (TUC,Greece)
Steve Renals (University of Edinburgh)
Rainere Stiefelhagen (KIT & Fraunhofer IITB, Germany)
Matthew Turk (UC Santa Barbara, USA)
Wolfgang Wahlster (DFKI, Germany)
Jie Yang (Carnegie Mellon Universiy, USA)

Travel Grant

Sponsored by National Science Foundation (NSF),ICMI-MLMI'10 will support 10 US students to attend the conference. Detailed information for the application will be provided later.

Last modified: 2010-06-04 19:32:22