WCPEE 2015 - 7th World Congress on Power and Energy Engineering
- 2025 5th Power System and Green Energy Conference (PSGEC 2025)
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Topics/Call fo Papers
International Foundation for Modern Education and Scientific Research
The 7th World Congress on Power and Energy Engineering
Conference Theme
“Looking Towards the Future of Energy”
December 28 - 31, 2015
at Triumph Hotel
Cairo - Egypt
Conference Correspondence
Kindly, all correspondence concerning the conference should be addressed to:
International Foundation for Modern Education and Scientific Research
2181 Zahraa Nasr City, Apt. # 41, Nasr City, 11818
Cairo, Egypt
Phone: 002 ? 0100 ? 6896063
Fax: 002 ? 02 ? 26178868
Call for Papers
The organizers invite papers on the conference issues described
All our life activities depends on energy: electricity, natural gas, gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel, heating oil, …etc. A rather little, but growing, contribution is made from alternative sources such as wind, solar, geothermal, and biomass. Of these, biofuels and wind have made the most progress in becoming a meaningful alternative supply of energy. This still leaves the bulk of energy demand for electricity generation to be fulfilled by conventional means. Despite all of this, the hydrogen economy -the green answer to the world’s burgeoning energy needs- has far to go technology wise before being commercially feasible. There is always an alternative? The alternative is very simple …
(Roy L. Nerses, “Energy for the 21st century”)
INFOMESR has the pleasure to organize the 7th world congress on power and energy engineering, WCPEE’2015, in the period December 28 - 31, 2015. In addition to regularly scheduled scientific sessions, round tables, workshops, seminars, separate exhibition, invited keynote lectures, tutorials, and speakers will be devoted to the presentation of latest achievements in power and energy applications. This conference activity is intended to be a forum that facilitates and promotes communication and cooperation among conference participants.
Papers and participations are welcomed from academics, scholars, policy makers, teachers and enthusiasts in various disciplines, from all countries around the world. Students are encourage to submit papers and participate in the conference. International scientific communities, interested societies and individuals are invited to participate and attend the 7th world congress on power and energy engineering, WCPEE’2015, in the period: December 28 - 31, 2015.
All papers that refereed, accepted, presented and discussed during the conference plenary regular and poster sessions and included in the conference proceedings will be published in the International Journal on Power Engineering and Energy, IJPEE: http://infomesr.org/en/scientific-research/journal...
The International Journal on Power Engineering and Energy, IJPEE; has different impact factors: General Impact Factor, Global Impact Factor (GIF), International Impact Factor (IIF), ISI Impact Factor, Journals Impact Factor (JIF), SIS Impact Factor, and Universal Impact Factor.
The International Journal on Power Engineering and Energy, IJPEE; is also indexed in: Academic Resources , Advanced Science Index, CaRLO, CrossRef, DRJI , Directory of Science, Electronic Journals Library, GetCited, Global Society for Scientific Research (GSSR), Google Scholar, International Scientific Indexing, ISURS, Library of Congress, Linkedwords, NewJour, OCLC, Open Access, Research Bible, Scholar Steer, Scientific Index, SHERPA/RoMEO, Tu Clausthal, Ubl, UH, and WZB.
Sponsored By:
The world congress on power and energy engineering, WCPEE’2015, is sponsored by different educational and industrial organizations and institutes in Egypt and other 60 countries overall the world.
Important Deadlines:
- Submission of Abstracts: 30 June 2015
- Notification of Abstracts acceptance: 15 July 2015
- Submission of Full Paper: 30 September 2015
- Notification of full paper acceptance: 15 October 2015
- Camera-ready revised manuscript: 31 October 2015
- Program release: 15 November 2015
- The conference: 28 December 2015
Conference Language: English is the official conference language.
Abstract Submission:
The Abstract should not be more than 200 words in English with 3-4 keywords identified. It should also carry the full name(s) and contact details of the author(s). You must send your abstract as attached file (in .doc or .pdf format) to the conference email: admin-AT-infomesr.org before June 30, 2015.
Paper Submission:
To submit your paper, please, go to the conference paper submission process, download the paper template, write it according to the mentioned format and follow the instructions of submission process in the website: http://infomesr.org/en/scientific-research/paper-s... and send it before September 30, 2015.
Registration Fees:
1- Participation with a paper (US $/person):
a. Early (Before Sep. 30, 2015): 400
b. Normal (Before Oct. 31, 2015): 450
c. Late (On site): 500
2- Attendance only (US $/person):
a. Early (Before Sep. 30, 2015): 300
b. Normal (Before Oct. 31, 2015): 350
c. Late (On site): 400
The following table fees covers registration only that includes: Welcome reception, registration, attendance of all conference and exhibition activities, coffee breaks, conference proceedings, and publications. For Egyptian participants, fees will be the same rates but in L.E.
Conference Committees:
Honorary Chairman: Prof. A. A. Mitkees (Egypt)
General Chairman: Prof. F. M. Bendary (Egypt)
Co-Chairman: Dr. H. Abou-Al-Aneen (Egypt)
Steering Committee: Prof. W. Sabry (Egypt)
Ass. Prof. A. F. Abd-El-Gawad (Egypt)
Mr. A. Sharaf (Egypt)
Mr. M. Maspan (Egypt)
Mrs. A. Hassan (Egypt)
Mrs. A. Qatary (Egypt)
Advisory Committee: Prof. A. M. Al-Shaalan (Saudi Arabia)
Prof. Akash Singh (India)
Prof. C. K. Chanda (India)
Prof. E. Konguvel (India)
Prof. E. M. Jafarov (Turkey)
Prof. I. Felea (Romania)
Prof. M. H. Bataineh (Jordan)
Prof. Md. Ehsan (Bangladesh)
Prof. P. Sanjeevikumar (India)
Awards for Top Papers:
Prof. Fahim Khalifa award will be given for the best research paper. Award must be presented in person at the Conference. To be eligible for the research paper award, the paper must be provided and presented in the conference.
Travel, Accommodation and Tours:
Cairo can be reached by flight from all around the world to Cairo international airport (CAI). There are trains , taxi and shuttle buses from Cairo international airport to downtown Cairo. A variety of hotels with special rate in different standards will be available. Special programs of tours in Egypt will be prepared to enable you to get some information about Egyptian culture. Beside visits to cultural events and sight seeing will be arranged like: pyramids and sphinx, Egyptian museum, citadel area, famous Khan El-Khalili bazar, Alexandria (one day trip), Two days to visit Luxor and Aswan cities where you visit ElKarnak temple, the King’s valley , Tout Ankh Amoon and other events, or Two days in Sinai area to visit Dair Sant-Katreen, Mosa’s Mountain, El-Toor and Sharm El-Shikh cities in the Suez gulf. Also, a very special event … attendance the celebrations of the new year in a Nile cruise. For all enquiries: please, contact: alaa.nataly-AT-hotmail.com
Papers are welcomed for the following suggested topics:
- Advanced Metering
- Advanced Systems and Power Monitoring
- Advanced Technology Developments
- Asset Management and Condition-Based Maintenance
- Carbon Markets
- Computational Intelligence Methods
- Control Center Applications
- Distributed Generation
- Electrical Machines, Drives, Design and Applications
- Electricity Market Design, Regulation and Monitoring
- Electrification of Transportation and its Impact
- Embedded Applications and Smart Solutions
- Energy Efficiency and Consumption
- Energy Harvesting and Conversion Systems
- Energy Management and Storage Devices and Systems
- Energy Market, Policies and Economics
- Future Urban Electric Systems
- Government Support and Incentives
- Grid-Connected or Emergency Applications
- High Voltage Systems and Applications
- Hybrid Energy Systems
- Instrumentation and Control
- Materials and Technologies
- Measurements and Instrumentations
- Mechanical Energy Sources, Systems and Applications
- Mechatronics
- Micro-grids and Nano-grids
- Nuclear Energy
- Power and High Performance Robotic Systems
- Power Electronics
- Power Systems Analysis, Modeling, Simulation, Control and Stability
- Power Systems Communication
- Power Systems Generation, Transmission, Distribution, Planning and Management
- Power Systems Optimization and Sizing
- Power Systems Protection, Fault Detection and Operations
- Power Systems Quality, Electromagnetic Compatibility and Marketing
- Power Systems Security Management Process, Safety Aspects and Reliability
- Power Systems Theory and Applications
- Renewable Energy Power Systems, Applications and Economics
- Resiliency of Electrical Power Systems
- Resource Assessment and Forecasts
- Smart and Intelligent Grids, Meters and Cities
- Sustainability, Policies, Regulations and Environment
- Wide Area Systems
- Student Session
- Other Related Fields
The 7th World Congress on Power and Energy Engineering
December 28 - 31, 2015, Cairo, Egypt
The 7th World Congress on Power and Energy Engineering
Conference Theme
“Looking Towards the Future of Energy”
December 28 - 31, 2015
at Triumph Hotel
Cairo - Egypt
Conference Correspondence
Kindly, all correspondence concerning the conference should be addressed to:
International Foundation for Modern Education and Scientific Research
2181 Zahraa Nasr City, Apt. # 41, Nasr City, 11818
Cairo, Egypt
Phone: 002 ? 0100 ? 6896063
Fax: 002 ? 02 ? 26178868
Call for Papers
The organizers invite papers on the conference issues described
All our life activities depends on energy: electricity, natural gas, gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel, heating oil, …etc. A rather little, but growing, contribution is made from alternative sources such as wind, solar, geothermal, and biomass. Of these, biofuels and wind have made the most progress in becoming a meaningful alternative supply of energy. This still leaves the bulk of energy demand for electricity generation to be fulfilled by conventional means. Despite all of this, the hydrogen economy -the green answer to the world’s burgeoning energy needs- has far to go technology wise before being commercially feasible. There is always an alternative? The alternative is very simple …
(Roy L. Nerses, “Energy for the 21st century”)
INFOMESR has the pleasure to organize the 7th world congress on power and energy engineering, WCPEE’2015, in the period December 28 - 31, 2015. In addition to regularly scheduled scientific sessions, round tables, workshops, seminars, separate exhibition, invited keynote lectures, tutorials, and speakers will be devoted to the presentation of latest achievements in power and energy applications. This conference activity is intended to be a forum that facilitates and promotes communication and cooperation among conference participants.
Papers and participations are welcomed from academics, scholars, policy makers, teachers and enthusiasts in various disciplines, from all countries around the world. Students are encourage to submit papers and participate in the conference. International scientific communities, interested societies and individuals are invited to participate and attend the 7th world congress on power and energy engineering, WCPEE’2015, in the period: December 28 - 31, 2015.
All papers that refereed, accepted, presented and discussed during the conference plenary regular and poster sessions and included in the conference proceedings will be published in the International Journal on Power Engineering and Energy, IJPEE: http://infomesr.org/en/scientific-research/journal...
The International Journal on Power Engineering and Energy, IJPEE; has different impact factors: General Impact Factor, Global Impact Factor (GIF), International Impact Factor (IIF), ISI Impact Factor, Journals Impact Factor (JIF), SIS Impact Factor, and Universal Impact Factor.
The International Journal on Power Engineering and Energy, IJPEE; is also indexed in: Academic Resources , Advanced Science Index, CaRLO, CrossRef, DRJI , Directory of Science, Electronic Journals Library, GetCited, Global Society for Scientific Research (GSSR), Google Scholar, International Scientific Indexing, ISURS, Library of Congress, Linkedwords, NewJour, OCLC, Open Access, Research Bible, Scholar Steer, Scientific Index, SHERPA/RoMEO, Tu Clausthal, Ubl, UH, and WZB.
Sponsored By:
The world congress on power and energy engineering, WCPEE’2015, is sponsored by different educational and industrial organizations and institutes in Egypt and other 60 countries overall the world.
Important Deadlines:
- Submission of Abstracts: 30 June 2015
- Notification of Abstracts acceptance: 15 July 2015
- Submission of Full Paper: 30 September 2015
- Notification of full paper acceptance: 15 October 2015
- Camera-ready revised manuscript: 31 October 2015
- Program release: 15 November 2015
- The conference: 28 December 2015
Conference Language: English is the official conference language.
Abstract Submission:
The Abstract should not be more than 200 words in English with 3-4 keywords identified. It should also carry the full name(s) and contact details of the author(s). You must send your abstract as attached file (in .doc or .pdf format) to the conference email: admin-AT-infomesr.org before June 30, 2015.
Paper Submission:
To submit your paper, please, go to the conference paper submission process, download the paper template, write it according to the mentioned format and follow the instructions of submission process in the website: http://infomesr.org/en/scientific-research/paper-s... and send it before September 30, 2015.
Registration Fees:
1- Participation with a paper (US $/person):
a. Early (Before Sep. 30, 2015): 400
b. Normal (Before Oct. 31, 2015): 450
c. Late (On site): 500
2- Attendance only (US $/person):
a. Early (Before Sep. 30, 2015): 300
b. Normal (Before Oct. 31, 2015): 350
c. Late (On site): 400
The following table fees covers registration only that includes: Welcome reception, registration, attendance of all conference and exhibition activities, coffee breaks, conference proceedings, and publications. For Egyptian participants, fees will be the same rates but in L.E.
Conference Committees:
Honorary Chairman: Prof. A. A. Mitkees (Egypt)
General Chairman: Prof. F. M. Bendary (Egypt)
Co-Chairman: Dr. H. Abou-Al-Aneen (Egypt)
Steering Committee: Prof. W. Sabry (Egypt)
Ass. Prof. A. F. Abd-El-Gawad (Egypt)
Mr. A. Sharaf (Egypt)
Mr. M. Maspan (Egypt)
Mrs. A. Hassan (Egypt)
Mrs. A. Qatary (Egypt)
Advisory Committee: Prof. A. M. Al-Shaalan (Saudi Arabia)
Prof. Akash Singh (India)
Prof. C. K. Chanda (India)
Prof. E. Konguvel (India)
Prof. E. M. Jafarov (Turkey)
Prof. I. Felea (Romania)
Prof. M. H. Bataineh (Jordan)
Prof. Md. Ehsan (Bangladesh)
Prof. P. Sanjeevikumar (India)
Awards for Top Papers:
Prof. Fahim Khalifa award will be given for the best research paper. Award must be presented in person at the Conference. To be eligible for the research paper award, the paper must be provided and presented in the conference.
Travel, Accommodation and Tours:
Cairo can be reached by flight from all around the world to Cairo international airport (CAI). There are trains , taxi and shuttle buses from Cairo international airport to downtown Cairo. A variety of hotels with special rate in different standards will be available. Special programs of tours in Egypt will be prepared to enable you to get some information about Egyptian culture. Beside visits to cultural events and sight seeing will be arranged like: pyramids and sphinx, Egyptian museum, citadel area, famous Khan El-Khalili bazar, Alexandria (one day trip), Two days to visit Luxor and Aswan cities where you visit ElKarnak temple, the King’s valley , Tout Ankh Amoon and other events, or Two days in Sinai area to visit Dair Sant-Katreen, Mosa’s Mountain, El-Toor and Sharm El-Shikh cities in the Suez gulf. Also, a very special event … attendance the celebrations of the new year in a Nile cruise. For all enquiries: please, contact: alaa.nataly-AT-hotmail.com
Papers are welcomed for the following suggested topics:
- Advanced Metering
- Advanced Systems and Power Monitoring
- Advanced Technology Developments
- Asset Management and Condition-Based Maintenance
- Carbon Markets
- Computational Intelligence Methods
- Control Center Applications
- Distributed Generation
- Electrical Machines, Drives, Design and Applications
- Electricity Market Design, Regulation and Monitoring
- Electrification of Transportation and its Impact
- Embedded Applications and Smart Solutions
- Energy Efficiency and Consumption
- Energy Harvesting and Conversion Systems
- Energy Management and Storage Devices and Systems
- Energy Market, Policies and Economics
- Future Urban Electric Systems
- Government Support and Incentives
- Grid-Connected or Emergency Applications
- High Voltage Systems and Applications
- Hybrid Energy Systems
- Instrumentation and Control
- Materials and Technologies
- Measurements and Instrumentations
- Mechanical Energy Sources, Systems and Applications
- Mechatronics
- Micro-grids and Nano-grids
- Nuclear Energy
- Power and High Performance Robotic Systems
- Power Electronics
- Power Systems Analysis, Modeling, Simulation, Control and Stability
- Power Systems Communication
- Power Systems Generation, Transmission, Distribution, Planning and Management
- Power Systems Optimization and Sizing
- Power Systems Protection, Fault Detection and Operations
- Power Systems Quality, Electromagnetic Compatibility and Marketing
- Power Systems Security Management Process, Safety Aspects and Reliability
- Power Systems Theory and Applications
- Renewable Energy Power Systems, Applications and Economics
- Resiliency of Electrical Power Systems
- Resource Assessment and Forecasts
- Smart and Intelligent Grids, Meters and Cities
- Sustainability, Policies, Regulations and Environment
- Wide Area Systems
- Student Session
- Other Related Fields
The 7th World Congress on Power and Energy Engineering
December 28 - 31, 2015, Cairo, Egypt
Other CFPs
- 23rd IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering
- 3rd IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization
- International Work-Conference on Artificial and Natural Neural Networks
- 6th International Conference on EUropean Transnational Education ICEUTE 2015
- 8th Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems CISIS 2015
Last modified: 2014-12-07 23:06:48