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OCEANS 2010 - OCEANS '10 IEEE Sydney Conference and Exhibition Australia



VenueSydney, Australia Australia



Topics/Call fo Papers

Special topics for OCEANS’10 Sydney
? Advances in Integrated Marine Observing Systems
? Advances in Marine Management
? Advances in Underwater Imaging and Mapping
? Advances in Understanding of the Southern Ocean
? Advances in Exploration and Recovery for the Offshore Oil & Gas Industry
? Advances in Understanding of the Impact of Climate Change on the Oceans
? Advances in Understanding of Marine Environments in the Western Pacific

General OCEANS Topics
? Underwater acoustics and acoustical oceanography
? Sonar signal / image processing and communication
? Ocean observing platforms, systems, and instrumentation
? Remote sensing
? Ocean data visualisation, modelling, and information management
? Marine environment, oceanography, and meteorology
? Optics, imaging, vision, and EM systems
? Marine law, policy, management, and education
? Offshore structures and technology
? Ocean vehicles and floating structures

Critical Dates
Abstract submission opened 15 November 2009
Abstract submission closed 29 January 2010
Notification to authors 21 February 2010
Final paper submission 21 March 2010

Last modified: 2010-06-04 19:32:22