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DAFx 2012 - 15th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects



VenueYork, UK - United Kingdom UK - United Kingdom



Topics/Call fo Papers

We are pleased to announce that the 15th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects will take place at The University of York, UK, between 17th and 21st September, 2012. This annual conference is a coming together of those working across the globe in research relating to digital audio processing for music, sound art, acoustics and related applications. The five-day program for this conference will include, in addition to presentations of papers reporting scientific and practical discoveries, concerts and a full social program.
The conference presentations will comprise key-note addresses, oral and poster presentations of submitted papers and tutorials/demonstrations. We would like to invite submissions of papers for presentation at DAFx-12 within the following general areas relevant to audio signal processing for music, sound art, acoustics and related applications:
Capture and analysis
Representation, transformation and modelling
Transmission and resynthesis
Effects and manipulation
Perception and evaluation
Physical modelling, virtual acoustic and analogue models
Sound design and composition
Hardware and software Design
At DAFx-12 we especially encourage submissions relating to:
Spatial audio (loudspeaker and headphone) processing
Processing/synthesis of the singing voice
Music/sound design applications/outcomes of sonification
After the successful introduction of state-of-the-art (STAR) papers at DAFx-11 there will be opportunities to present extended papers surveying the context, recent history and current state of a particular research area. Please note that only a few STAR papers can be accepted for presentation.
Acceptance to the conference for all submissions is subject to peer-review. Acceptance may be conditional upon changes being made to the paper as directed by reviewers. Accepted contributions will be published in the Conference Proceedings, which will be made freely accessible via the conference website. Prospective authors should prepare and submit a full-length paper, including all figures and references, according to one of the following two formats:
Oral presentations: 8 pages maximum, 20 minutes for presentation (15 minutes talk followed by 5 minutes Q&A)
Poster presentations: 4 pages maximum

Last modified: 2012-04-09 06:37:14