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SM-MIMO 2014 - TUTORIAL on Spatial Modulation for MIMO Wireless Systems

Date2014-10-15 - 2014-10-17


VenueHanoi, Vietnam Vietnam



Topics/Call fo Papers

Instructor(s) name:
Marco Di Renzo, Chargé de Recherche CNRS CNRS ? SUPELEC ? Univ. Paris-Sud XI
3 rue Joliot-Curie, 91192 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Tel: +33 (0)1 69 85 17 36
Fax: +33 (0)1 69 85 17 65
Harald Haas, Professor
IDCOM, The University of Edinburgh
Fax: +44 (0)131 650-6554
Ali Ghrayeb, Professor
ECE Department, Concordia University Edinburgh, EH9 3JL, UK
Montreal, Quebec, H3G 1M8 Canada Tel: +44 (0)131 650-5591
Tel: 1 (514) 848-2424 ext 4120
Fax: 1 (514) 848-2802
Primary Audience:
Students, academic researchers, industry affiliates and individuals working for government, military, science and technology institutions who would like to learn more about innovative MIMO concepts for low-complexity and energy-efficient wireless communication systems, as well as their applications to emerging communication paradigms such as relay-aided, multi-user cooperation, small cell cellular networks, and optical wireless. The tutorial is intended to provide the audience with a complete overview of the potential benefits, research challenges, implementation efforts and applications to many future wireless communication systems and standards, with the inclusion of the emerging pre-standardization activities on large- scale (“massive”) MIMO systems.
Novelty, Importance, and Timeliness:
This tutorial addresses a very recent transmission technology for MIMO wireless systems, which has been receiving for the past few years the interest of a broad research community across all continents. Hence, it is expected to draw a lot of interest from the wireless communications community from different parts of the world. Even though SM has a history that goes back to the early 2000s, it is only during the last three or four years that it has gained momentum in the wireless community, especially with the advent of “massive” MIMO and green communications concepts. The number of researchers, both from the academia and industry, working on SM theory and applications is currently growing exponentially. These potential attendees of the proposed tutorial will definitely benefit from the broad tutorial outline, covering state-of-the-art, applications, implementation challenges and experimental activities.
Tutorial Motivation and Relevance:
The key challenge of future mobile communications research is to strike an attractive compromise between wireless network’s area spectral?efficiency and energy?efficiency. This necessitates new approaches to wireless system design, embracing the rich body of existing knowledge especially on Multiple?Input?Multiple?Output (MIMO) technologies. In the proposed tutorial, we intend to describe a new and emerging concept to wireless system design, which is conceived for single?RF large?scale MIMO communications and it is best-known as Spatial Modulation (SM). The concept of SM has established itself as a beneficial transmission paradigm, subsuming numerous members of the MIMO system?family. The research of SM has reached sufficient maturity to motivate its comparison to state?of?the?art MIMO communications, as well as to inspire its application to other emerging wireless systems such as relay?aided, cooperative, small?cell, optical wireless and power?efficient communications. Furthermore, it has received sufficient research attention to be implemented in testbeds, and it holds the promise of stimulating further vigorous inter?disciplinary research in the years to come.
The proposed tutorial is intended to offer a comprehensive state?of?the?art survey on SM?MIMO research, to provide a critical appraisal of its potential advantages, and to promote the discussion of its beneficial application areas and their research challenges leading to the analysis of the technological issues associated with the implementation of SM?MIMO. The tutorial is concluded with the description of the world’s first experimental activities in this vibrant research field.
This tutorial is based on the following publication: “M. Di Renzo, H. Haas A. Ghrayeb, S. Sugiura, L. Hanzo, “Spatial Modulation for Generalized MIMO: Challenges, Opportunities and Implementation”, Proceedings of the IEEE, vol 102, no. 1, pp. 56-103, Jan. 2014.
Tutorial Outline:
It is widely recognized that the Long Term Evolution Advanced (LTE-A) is the most promising physical?layer standard of fourth generation (4G) cellular networks. The power consumption of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector in the next decade will highly depend on the Energy Efficiency (EE) of this physical?layer standard. However, at the current stage, the LTE-A may be deemed to be conceived, designed and optimized based on the Spectral Efficiency (SE), with limited consideration of EE issues. In fact, especially at the physical?layer, the primary focus has been on achieving high data rates, without giving much cognizance of EE and implementation complexity. However, this approach is no longer acceptable to future cellular networks.
The LTE?A physical?layer standard heavily relies on MIMO technologies for enhancing the SE. MIMO communications constitute promising techniques for the design of fifth generation (5G) cellular networks. In simple terms, the capacity of MIMO systems is proportional to min{Nt,Nr}, where Nt and Nr represent the number of transmit and receive antennas. This implies that the throughput may be increased linearly with the number of antennas. As a consequence, MIMO techniques can provide high data rates without increasing the spectrum utilization and the transmit power. However, in practice, MIMO systems need a multiplicity of associated circuits, such as power amplifiers, RF chains, mixers, synthesizers, filters, etc., which substantially increase the circuit power dissipation of the Base Stations (BSs). More explicitly, recent studies have clearly shown that the EE gain of MIMO communications increases with the number of antennas, provided that only the transmit power of the BSs is taken into account and their circuit power dissipation is neglected. On the other hand, the EE gain of MIMO communications remains modest and decreases with the number of active transmit?antennas, if realistic power consumption models are considered for the BSs. These results highlight that the design of EE?MIMO communications conceived for multi?user multi?cell networks is a fairly open research problem. In fact, many system parameters have to be
considered, such as the bandwidth, the transmit power, the number of active transmit/receive antennas, the number of active users, etc., which all contribute to the fundamental transmit power vs. circuit power dissipation and multiplexing gain vs. inter?user interference trade?offs. As a result, while the SE advantages of MIMO communications are widely recognized, the EE potential of MIMO communications for cellular networks is not well understood. Hence, new air?interface transmission techniques have to be developed that are capable of improving SE and EE at the same time by at least an order of magnitude.
Conventional MIMO communications take advantage of all the antennas available at the transmitter by simultaneously transmitting multiple data streams from all of them. Thus, all transmit?antennas are active at any time instance. By appropriately choosing the transmission/precoding matrices, both multiplexing and transmit?diversity gains can be obtained using MIMOs. The reason behind this choice is that simultaneously activating all transmit?antennas results in SE optimization. Unfortunately, this choice does not lead to EE optimization. In fact, multiple RF chains at the transmitter are needed to be able to simultaneously transmit many data streams, each of them requiring an independent power amplifier that is known to dissipate the majority of the power consumed at the transmitter. These considerations imply that a major challenge of next?generation MIMO?aided cellular networks is the design of multi?antenna transmission schemes with a limited number of active RF chains aiming for reducing the complexity, to relax the inter?antenna synchronization requirements, and inter?channel interference, as well as the signal processing complexity at the receiver, whilst aiming for improving the EE.
In this context, single?RF MIMO design is currently emerging as a promising research field. The fundamental idea behind single?RF MIMO is to realize the gains of MIMO communications, i.e., spatial multiplexing and transmit?diversity, with the aid of many antenna?elements, of which only a few, possibly a single, activated antenna?elements (single?RF front?end) at the transmitter at any modulation instant. The rationale behind the multi?RF to single?RF paradigm shift in MIMO design originates from the consideration that large numbers of transmit?antennas (radiating elements) may be accommodated at the BSs (large?scale MIMO design), bearing in mind that the complexity and power consumption/dissipation of MIMO communications are mainly determined by the number of simultaneously active transmit?antennas, i.e., by the number of active RF chains.
Fueled by these considerations, SM has recently established itself as a promising transmission concept, which belongs to the single?RF large?scale MIMO wireless systems family, whilst exploiting the multiple antennas in a novel fashion compared to state?of?the?art high?complexity and power?hungry classic MIMOs. In simple terms, SM can be regarded as a MIMO concept that possesses a larger set of radiating elements than the number of transmit?electronics. SM?MIMO takes advantage of the whole antenna?array at the transmitter, whilst using a limited number of RF chains. The main distinguishing feature of SM?MIMOs is that they map additional information bits onto an “SM constellation diagram”, where each constellation element is constituted by either one or a subset of antenna?elements. These unique characteristics facilitate for high?rate MIMO implementations to have reduced signal processing and circuitry complexity, as well as an improved EE. Recent analytical and simulation studies have shown that SM?MIMOs have the inherent potential of outperforming many state?of?the?art MIMO schemes, provided that a sufficiently large number of antenna?elements is available at the transmitter, while just a few of them are simultaneously active.
In a nutshell, the rationale behind SM?MIMO communications design for spectral? and energy?efficient cellular networks is centered upon two main pillars: 1) Given the performance constraints, minimize the number of active antenna?elements in order to increase the EE by reducing the circuit power consumption at the transmitter (single?RF MIMO principle); 2) Given the implementation and size constraints, maximize the number of passive antenna?elements in order to increase both the SE and the EE by reducing the transmit power consumption (large?scale MIMO principle). This is realized by capitalizing on the multiplexing gain introduced by mapping additional bits onto the “SM constellation diagram”.
Detailed Outline (topics to be covered):
1. SM-MIMO: Operating Principle and Generalized Transceiver Design
a. Short overview of MIMO wireless systems
b. Advantages and disadvantages of MIMO, and motivation behind SM-MIMO
c. Generalized MIMO transceiver based on SM (transmitter, receiver, spatial- and signal-constellation diagrams)
d. Advantages and disadvantages of SM-MIMO (single-RF, single-stream decoding, low-complexity “massive”
implementation, etc.)
2. SM-MIMO: A Comprehensive Survey
a. Historical perspective
b. State-of-the-art on transmitter design
c. State-of-the-art on receiver design
d. State-of-the-art on transmit-diversity and space-time-coded SM-MIMO
e. State-of-the-art on performance and capacity analysis over fading channels
f. State-of-the-art on performance and design in the presence of multiple-access interference
g. State-of-the-art on robustness to channel state information at the receiver
3. SM-MIMO: Application Domains Beyond the PHY-Layer
a. Distributed/network implementation of SM-MIMO
b. Application to relaying-aided and cooperative wireless networks
c. Application to green networks: “Massive” SM-MIMO design and the GreenTouch initiative
d. Application to heterogeneous cellular networks
e. Application to visible light communications
4. SM-MIMO: Research Challenges and Opportunities
a. Open physical?layer research issues
b. Appraising the fundamental trade?offs of single? vs. multi?RF MIMO designs
c. Large?scale implementations: Training overhead for CSIT/CSIR acquisition
d. From single?user point?to?point to multi?user multi?cell SM?MIMO communications
e. Millimeter?wave communications: The need for beamforming gains
f. Small cell heterogeneous cellular networks: Towards interference engineering
g. Radio frequency energy harvesting: Taking advantage of the idle antennas
h. Leveraging the antenna modulation principle to a larger extent
5. SM-MIMO: From Theory to Practice - Experimental Results and Channel Measurements from a Testbed Platform
a. Description of the hardware testbed
b. Description of the measurements campaign
c. Real-world performance results and comparison with state-of-the-art MIMO
Bios of the Presenters
Marco Di Renzo (SM’05-AM’07-M’09) received the Laurea (cum laude) and the Ph.D. degrees in Electrical and Information Engineering from the Department of Electrical and Information Engineering, University of L’Aquila, Italy, in April 2003 and in January 2007, respectively. In October 2013, he received the Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR) degree majoring in Wireless Communications Theory, from the University of Paris-Sud XI, France. From August 2002 to January 2008, he was with the Center of Excellence for Research DEWS, University of L’Aquila, Italy. From February 2008 to April 2009, he was a Research Associate with the Telecommunications Technological Center of Catalonia (CTTC), Barcelona, Spain. From May 2009 to December 2009, he was an EPSRC Research Fellow with the Institute for Digital Communications (IDCOM), The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom (UK). Since January 2010, he has been a Tenured Academic Researcher (“Chargé de Recherche Titulaire”) with the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), as well as a faculty member of the Laboratory of Signals and Systems (L2S), a joint research laboratory of the CNRS, the Ecole Supérieure d’Electricité (SUPELEC), and the University of Paris-Sud XI, Paris, France. His main research interests are in the area of wireless communications theory, signal processing, and information theory. Dr. Di Renzo is the recipient of a special mention for the outstanding five?year (1997?2003) academic career, University of L’Aquila, Italy; the THALES Communications fellowship for doctoral studies (2003?2006), University of L’Aquila, Italy; the Best Spin?Off Company Award (2004), Abruzzo Region, Italy; the Torres Quevedo award for research on ultra wide band systems and cooperative localization for wireless networks (2008?2009), Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain; the “Dérogation pour l’Encadrement de Thèse” (2010), University of Paris?Sud XI, France; the 2012 IEEE CAMAD Best Paper Award from the IEEE Communications Society; the 2012 Exemplary Reviewer Award from the IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS of the IEEE Communications Society; the 2013 IEEE VTC-Fall Student Best Paper Award from the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society for the paper entitled "Performance of Spatial Modulation using Measured Real-World Channels"; the 2013 NoE-NEWCOM# Best Paper Award; the 2013 Top Reviewer Award from the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society; the 2013 IEEE/COMSOC Best Young Researcher Award for the EMEA Region; and the 2014 IEEE ICNC Best Paper Award for the IEEE Wireless Communications Symposium of the IEEE
Communications Society for the paper entitled " Performance Analysis of Spatial Modulation MIMO in a Poisson Field of Interferers”. He currently serves as an Editor of the IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS and of the IEEE TRNSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS (Heterogeneous Networks Modeling and Analysis).
Harald Haas (SM’98-AM’00-M’03) holds the Chair of Mobile Communications in the Institute for Digital Communications (IDCOM) at the University of Edinburgh. He is co-founder and part-time CTO of a university spin-out company pureVLC Ltd. His main research interests are in the areas of wireless system design and analysis as well as digital signal processing, with a particular focus on interference coordination in wireless networks, spatial modulation, and optical wireless communication. Professor Haas holds more than 23 patents. He has published more than 60 journal papers including a Science Article and more than 170 peer-reviewed conference papers. Nine of his papers are invited papers. He has co-authored a book entitled “Next Generation Mobile Access Technologies: Implementing TDD” with Cambridge University Press. Since 2007, he has been a Regular High Level Visiting Scientist supported by the Chinese “111 program” at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT). He was an invited speaker at the TED Global conference 2011. He has been shortlisted for the World Technology Award for communications technology (individual) 2011. He is Associate Editor of IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS. He has been chair and co-chair of the Optical Wireless Communications (OWC) workshop at Globecom 2011 and 2012 respectively. He recently has been awarded the EPSRC Established Career Fellowship. He recently received the 2013 IEEE VTC-Fall Student Best Paper Award from the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society. The paper is entitled "Performance of Spatial Modulation using Measured Real-World Channels".
Ali Ghrayeb (S’97-M’00-SM’06) received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Arizona, Tucson, USA in 2000. He is currently a Professor with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada. He is a co-recipient of the IEEE Globecom 2010 Best Paper Award. He holds a Concordia University Research Chair in Wireless Communications. He is the co-author of the book “Coding for MIMO Communication Systems” (Wiley, 2008). His research interests include wireless and mobile communications, error correcting coding, MIMO systems, wireless cooperative networks, and cognitive radio systems. Dr. Ghrayeb has instructed/co-instructed technical tutorials related to MIMO systems at several major IEEE conferences, including ICC, Globecom, WCNC and PIMRC. He served as a co-chair of the Communications Theory Symposium of IEEE Globecom 2011, Houston, Texas. He also served on many technical committees of IEEE conferences in different capacities. He serves as an Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, and the Physical Communications Journal. He served as an Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, an Associate Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY and the Wiley Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Journal.

Last modified: 2014-04-05 11:54:27