GAPE 2014 - Conference on Global Aspects of Personnel Economics
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Topics/Call fo Papers
We are pleased to announce the Conference on Global Aspects of Personnel Economics, which is hosted by Aarhus University on 27-28 August 2014.
The purpose of the conference is to bring together researchers in the field of Personnel Economics who are interested in the organisation of firms and human resource management in a global context.
To attend the conference on Global Aspects of Personnel Economics, it is necessary to present a paper. All abstracts and papers are reviewed and authors will be given notice of acceptance.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Personnel policies in multinational companies
Cross-country differences in incentive systems usage
Differences in the management of foreign and native employees
The roles of culture for determining how workplaces and jobs are designed
Are some personnel management practices universally good, while others are not?
Outsourcing, offshoring and Human Resource Management
Deadline for submission of abstract and paper is 10 April 2014.
Notice of acceptance is 1 May 2014.
Keynote Speaker
We are happy to announce that the founding father of Personnel Economics, Professor Edward P. Lazear
(Stanford University) is the keynote speaker at the conference. Edward P. Lazear is a labor economist and his research centers on employee incentives, promotions, compensation, and productivity in firms. His current research is on entrepreneurship, leadership, and their relation to Personnel Economics.
The purpose of the conference is to bring together researchers in the field of Personnel Economics who are interested in the organisation of firms and human resource management in a global context.
To attend the conference on Global Aspects of Personnel Economics, it is necessary to present a paper. All abstracts and papers are reviewed and authors will be given notice of acceptance.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Personnel policies in multinational companies
Cross-country differences in incentive systems usage
Differences in the management of foreign and native employees
The roles of culture for determining how workplaces and jobs are designed
Are some personnel management practices universally good, while others are not?
Outsourcing, offshoring and Human Resource Management
Deadline for submission of abstract and paper is 10 April 2014.
Notice of acceptance is 1 May 2014.
Keynote Speaker
We are happy to announce that the founding father of Personnel Economics, Professor Edward P. Lazear
(Stanford University) is the keynote speaker at the conference. Edward P. Lazear is a labor economist and his research centers on employee incentives, promotions, compensation, and productivity in firms. His current research is on entrepreneurship, leadership, and their relation to Personnel Economics.
Other CFPs
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Last modified: 2014-02-21 23:40:43