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CLIC-it 2014 - First Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics

Date2014-12-09 - 2014-12-10


VenuePisa, Italy Italy



Topics/Call fo Papers

CLiC-it, Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics, is a new event aiming to establish a reference forum for research on Computational Linguistics of the Italian community. CLiC-it covers all aspects of automatic language understanding, both written and spoken, and targets state-of-art theoretical results, experimental methodologies, technologies, as well as application perspectives, which may contribute to advance the field.
The spirit of the Conference is inclusive. In the conviction that the complexity of language phenomena needs cross-disciplinary competences, CLiC-it intends to bring together researchers of related disciplines such as Computational Linguistics, Linguistics, Cognitive Science, Machine Learning, Computer Science, Knowledge Representation, Information Retrieval and Digital Humanities. CLiC-it is open to contributions on all languages, with a particular emphasis on Italian.
The first edition of CLiC-it, CLiC-it 2014, will be held in Pisa on December 9-10 2014, and it will be co-located with with EVALITA 2014, the fourth edition of the evaluation campaign of Natural Language Processing and Speech tools for Italian. CLiC-it will provide additional opportunities to discuss research aspects related with EVALITA, as well as new tasks and new evaluation methodologies.
CLiC-it 2014 Co-Chairs
Roberto Basili (University of Rome Tor Vergata)
Alessandro Lenci (University of Pisa)
Bernardo Magnini (Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento)
The conference invites the submission of papers on research in all aspects of automated language processing. Relevant topics for the conference include, but are not limited to, the following areas (in alphabetical order):
Cognitive Modeling of Language Processing and Psycholinguistics
Area chairs: Marco Baroni (University of Trento) and Vito Pirrelli (ILC-CNR, Pisa)
Topics: Models of human language acquisition, incremental parsing, Multimodal acquisition of linguistic knowledge, Grounded Learning, Applications of cognitive models of language, e.g., in tutoring systems, human evaluation, clinical and cognitive neuroscience settings.
Digital Humanities
Area chairs: Sara Tonelli (Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento) and Fabio Massimo Zanzotto (University of Rome Tor Vergata)
Topics: Text Readability, Language Complexity, Historical Content Analysis, NLP for Literature, NLP and Digital Libraries, Linguistics and Social Media Analysis.
Information Extraction
Area chairs: Maria Teresa Pazienza (University of Rome Tor Vergata) and Paola Velardi (University of Rome Sapienza)
Topics: Information Extraction, Question Answering, Semantic Web applications, NLP for the Web and social media, Summarization.
Information Retrieval
Area chair: Fabrizio Sebastiani (ISTI-CNR, Pisa)
Topics: Spoken and written Document Retrieval, Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis, Text Classification.
Linguistic Resources
Area chairs: Elisabetta Jezek (University of Pavia) and Monica Monachini (ILC-CNR, Pisa)
Topics: Corpora, Annotation schema, Lexical resources for Italian, Standard for Resources, Ontologies, Linguistic aspects of Computational Linguistics, Crowdsourcing, Evaluation methods.
Machine Translation
Area chair: Marcello Federico (Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento)
Topics: Cross-Language Processing, Text and Speech Translation, Computer Aided Translation, Bilingual Dictionaries, Parallel and Comparable Corpora, Crowd-sourcing methods for Machine Translation.
Pragmatics and Creativity
Area chairs: Rodolfo Delmonte (University of Venezia) and Malvina Nissim (University of Bologna)
Topics: Anaphora, Metaphor, Discourse, Emotions in language, Language Creativity.
Semantics and Knowledge Acquisition
Area chairs: Gianni Semeraro (University of Bari) and Alessandro Moschitti (University of Trento)
Topics: Word Sense Disambiguation, Entity Recognition and Linking, Relation Extraction, Semantic Role Labeling, Semantic Similarity, Textual Entailment, Ontology Population, Formal Semantics, Distributional Semantics, Automatic construction/alignment of Resources, Ontology Learning.
Spoken Language Processing
Area chairs: Franco Cutugno (University of Napoli Federico II) and Cinzia Avesani (ISTC-CNR, Padova)
Topics: Automatic Speech Recognition, Phonology, Prosody, Dialogue Systems, Interactive Systems.
Syntax and Parsing
Area chairs: Giuseppe Attardi (University of Pisa) and Alessandro Mazzei (University of Torino)
Topics: Morphological Analysis, Parsing, POS tagging, Pipelines for Italian, Standard for Interoperability.
CLiC-it 2014 has the goal of a broad technical program. We invite papers in the following four broad categories: theoretical computational linguistics, empirical/data-driven approaches, resources/evaluation, applications/tools. We also invite papers describing a challenge in the field, position papers, survey papers, and papers that describe a negative result.
Papers may consist of up to four (4) pages of content, and two (2) additional pages of references. Paper can be either in English or Italian, with the abstract both in English and Italian. Accepted papers will be published on-line and will be presented at the conference either orally or as a poster. The deadline for paper submissions is July 15, 2014.
Paper submissions should follow the two-column format. We strongly recommend the use of LaTeX style files or Microsoft Word style files according to the ACL format, which are available in the "Submissions" section of this site.
Submission must be electronic in PDF, using the Easychair submission software at
Reviewing will not be blind, so there is no need to remove author information from manuscripts.
Pisa, Italy, University and CNR
31/1/2014: First call for papers
15/7/2014: Deadline for paper submission
15/9/2014: Notification to authors
15/10/2014: Camera ready version of the accepted papers
9-10/12/2014: CLiC-it Conference

Last modified: 2014-02-08 14:32:38