CCIE 2014 - 2014 The 5th International Conference on Computing, Control and Industrial Engineering
Date2014-10-27 - 2014-10-28
VenueWuhan, China
Keywords Product Design ; Materials Science ; Civil Engineering
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Topics/Call fo Papers
CCIE 2014 Online Submission:
Information on Scientific :
2014 The 5th International Conference on Computing, Control and Industrial Engineering (CCIE2014) will be held by WuHan University of Technology from 27-28th, October,2014.
The conference is sponsored by WuHan University of Technology, Hubei Mechanical Engineering Society, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), Hubei University of Technology, Caterpillar Inc. of American and Ordos College of Inner Mongolia University and it lasted two days. It is expected to have about more than 150 delegates and scholars from many countries and regions participating in and 15 are foreigners.
Each session attracted more than 200 domestic and foreign experts and scholars to participate in. More than 150 outstanding papers collected in each session had been retrieved by EI and ISTP. The participants spoke highly of the careful organization and effects of the conference.The conference is a periodic meeting and it has successful experience for it has been held there times from 2010 to 2013.According to the requirements of previous representatives, the 5th conference will provide an idea-exchange and discussion platform for the researchers and project managements .So that they can discuss the applications of computing, control technology and Industrial Engineering .And it will promote the development of the fields. The well-known experts and scholars will be invited to the conference to report and exchange their achievement in groups over one and half days .The conference papers will be published aboard and the EI and ISTP index will be submitted. And 15 outstanding papers will be selected to SCI (E) to be searched. And participation and contributions of the scholars and the engineering and technical personnel home and aboard will be welcomed.
The 5th International Conference on Computing, Control and Industrial Engineering (CCIE2014) will be published by TTP Press, Advanced Materials Research ,ISSN:1662-8985. Indexed by Elsevier: SCOPUS and Ei Compendex (CPX) Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA), Chemical Abstracts (CA), Google and Google Scholar, ISI (ISTP, CPCI, Web of Science), Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE), etc.All published papers will be indexed by EI AND ISTP within 2-3 months after the conference ends.
The details of the previous conferences are as follows:
1.Undertaker of 2010 The 1st International Conference on Computing, Control and Industrial Engineering(CCIE2010) .China University of Geosciences (Wuhan).Conference Venue .Chuyuan Hotel of Wuhan, 198 delegates participated in the meeting. The type of the paper's index,EI and ISTP ,The amount of the index.220 papers.
2, Undertaker of 2011 The 2nd International Conference on Computing, Control and Industrial Engineering (CCIE2011) .Huazhong University of Science and Technology.Conference Venue ,Wuhan International Academic Exchange Center of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 211 delegates participated in the meeting. The type of the,paper's index,EI and ISTP .The amount of the index.210 papers.
3, Undertaker of 2012 The 3rd International Conference on Computing, Control and Industrial Engineering (CCIE2012). Hubei University of Technology .Conference Venue..Students Center of Hubei University of Technology, 205 delegates participated in the meeting. The type of the paper's index.EI and ISTP.The amount of the index.155 papers.
4,CCIE 2013,145 papers have been indexed by EI one month later after the conference ends.
The conference topics include, but are not limited to:
A. Product Design and Industrial Engineering
Mechanical engineering and its automation system
Measurement and control technology and instrument
Process equipment and control engineering
Packaging engineering
Industrial engineering
Mechanical Design
Intelligent automation& control& optimization
Manufacturing control and automation
Macaronis, robotics, robotic control
Robust control ,Tolerant control
B. Materials Science and Engineering
Metal material engineering
Inorganic nonmetal materials engineering
Polymer materials and engineering
Materials science and engineering
Composite materials and engineering
Welding technology and engineering
Powder materials science and engineering
Renewable resources of science and technology
Rare earth project
Polymer materials processing engineering
Biological functional materials
Electronic packaging technology
Functional materials professional
Nano materials and technology
New energy material and devices
Superconducting materials, optoelectronic materials
C. Civil Engineering
Geological Engineering and Underground Architecture
Geotechnical engineering reinforcement technology
Geotechnical liquid property and stability evaluation
Blasting engineering and test technology
Underground construction numerical simulation technology Soil mechanics,
Geotechnical engineering (including water conservancy)
Geotechnical engineering reliability design
Civil engineering construction of the new technology
D. Construction Engineering
Reinforced concrete and composite structures theory and application
Long-span structure and high-rise structure
Structural health monitoring and structural testing technology
New kind of hybrid structural system and innovation design method
Construction monitoring and control of large structure
Advanced structure experiment technology
Advanced sensor technology and sensor networks
High performance materials, smart materials and structures
Structure identification and damage detection
Structural reliability and durability
Disaster early warning and disaster reduction in civil engineering structures
Structure repair, alteration and strengthened
Information on Scientific :
2014 The 5th International Conference on Computing, Control and Industrial Engineering (CCIE2014) will be held by WuHan University of Technology from 27-28th, October,2014.
The conference is sponsored by WuHan University of Technology, Hubei Mechanical Engineering Society, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), Hubei University of Technology, Caterpillar Inc. of American and Ordos College of Inner Mongolia University and it lasted two days. It is expected to have about more than 150 delegates and scholars from many countries and regions participating in and 15 are foreigners.
Each session attracted more than 200 domestic and foreign experts and scholars to participate in. More than 150 outstanding papers collected in each session had been retrieved by EI and ISTP. The participants spoke highly of the careful organization and effects of the conference.The conference is a periodic meeting and it has successful experience for it has been held there times from 2010 to 2013.According to the requirements of previous representatives, the 5th conference will provide an idea-exchange and discussion platform for the researchers and project managements .So that they can discuss the applications of computing, control technology and Industrial Engineering .And it will promote the development of the fields. The well-known experts and scholars will be invited to the conference to report and exchange their achievement in groups over one and half days .The conference papers will be published aboard and the EI and ISTP index will be submitted. And 15 outstanding papers will be selected to SCI (E) to be searched. And participation and contributions of the scholars and the engineering and technical personnel home and aboard will be welcomed.
The 5th International Conference on Computing, Control and Industrial Engineering (CCIE2014) will be published by TTP Press, Advanced Materials Research ,ISSN:1662-8985. Indexed by Elsevier: SCOPUS and Ei Compendex (CPX) Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA), Chemical Abstracts (CA), Google and Google Scholar, ISI (ISTP, CPCI, Web of Science), Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE), etc.All published papers will be indexed by EI AND ISTP within 2-3 months after the conference ends.
The details of the previous conferences are as follows:
1.Undertaker of 2010 The 1st International Conference on Computing, Control and Industrial Engineering(CCIE2010) .China University of Geosciences (Wuhan).Conference Venue .Chuyuan Hotel of Wuhan, 198 delegates participated in the meeting. The type of the paper's index,EI and ISTP ,The amount of the index.220 papers.
2, Undertaker of 2011 The 2nd International Conference on Computing, Control and Industrial Engineering (CCIE2011) .Huazhong University of Science and Technology.Conference Venue ,Wuhan International Academic Exchange Center of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 211 delegates participated in the meeting. The type of the,paper's index,EI and ISTP .The amount of the index.210 papers.
3, Undertaker of 2012 The 3rd International Conference on Computing, Control and Industrial Engineering (CCIE2012). Hubei University of Technology .Conference Venue..Students Center of Hubei University of Technology, 205 delegates participated in the meeting. The type of the paper's index.EI and ISTP.The amount of the index.155 papers.
4,CCIE 2013,145 papers have been indexed by EI one month later after the conference ends.
The conference topics include, but are not limited to:
A. Product Design and Industrial Engineering
Mechanical engineering and its automation system
Measurement and control technology and instrument
Process equipment and control engineering
Packaging engineering
Industrial engineering
Mechanical Design
Intelligent automation& control& optimization
Manufacturing control and automation
Macaronis, robotics, robotic control
Robust control ,Tolerant control
B. Materials Science and Engineering
Metal material engineering
Inorganic nonmetal materials engineering
Polymer materials and engineering
Materials science and engineering
Composite materials and engineering
Welding technology and engineering
Powder materials science and engineering
Renewable resources of science and technology
Rare earth project
Polymer materials processing engineering
Biological functional materials
Electronic packaging technology
Functional materials professional
Nano materials and technology
New energy material and devices
Superconducting materials, optoelectronic materials
C. Civil Engineering
Geological Engineering and Underground Architecture
Geotechnical engineering reinforcement technology
Geotechnical liquid property and stability evaluation
Blasting engineering and test technology
Underground construction numerical simulation technology Soil mechanics,
Geotechnical engineering (including water conservancy)
Geotechnical engineering reliability design
Civil engineering construction of the new technology
D. Construction Engineering
Reinforced concrete and composite structures theory and application
Long-span structure and high-rise structure
Structural health monitoring and structural testing technology
New kind of hybrid structural system and innovation design method
Construction monitoring and control of large structure
Advanced structure experiment technology
Advanced sensor technology and sensor networks
High performance materials, smart materials and structures
Structure identification and damage detection
Structural reliability and durability
Disaster early warning and disaster reduction in civil engineering structures
Structure repair, alteration and strengthened
Other CFPs
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Last modified: 2014-01-02 17:24:55