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IARCE 2025 - 025 5th International Conference on Industrial Automation, Robotics and Control Engineering (IARCE 2025)

Date2025-11-21 - 2025-11-23


VenueGuilin, China, China China

KeywordsIndustrial Automation; Control Engineering


Topics/Call fo Papers

★2025 5th International Conference on Industrial Automation, Robotics and Control Engineering (IARCE 2025),will take place in Guilin, China from November 21 to 23, 2025.
★Publication and Indexing
All accepted and presented papers will be published in the digital conference proceedings, which will be sent for review and submitted for indexing by major citation databases such as Ei Compendex, Scopus, etc.
★Special Sessions
Special Session Ⅰ: Bionic Robot and Bionic Intelligence
Special Session Ⅱ: Aerial Co-Manipulation System: Control, Planning, and Applications
Special Session Ⅲ: Multimodal Information Perception and Human- Machine Interaction
Special Session Ⅳ: Robot Self-detection, Self-prediction and Self-repair
Special Session Ⅴ: Intelligent Robotics for Industrial Inspection and Maintenance
Special Session Ⅵ: Intelligent Perception and Intelligent Computing
★Keynote Speakers
Prof. Dezhong Yao,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China,AIMBE Fellow
Prof. Honghai Liu,Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen, China,IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow and JSPS Fellow
Prof. Badong Chen,Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
Prof. Xingming Zhao,Fudan University, China
★Program Preview/ Program at a glance
November 21: Registration + Icebreaker Reception
November 22: Opening Ceremony+ KN Speech+ Technical Sessions
November 23: Technical Sessions+ Half day tour/Lab tours
★Paper Submission
Submit Via CMT:
★Contact US
Ms. Riva Huang
★Topics of Interest
Systems and control
Robotic systems
AI and applications
S01. Systems Engineering Theory and Technology
S02. Control Theory and Technology
S03. Control Systems and Applications
S04. System Modeling Theory, Simulation Technology and Virtual Reality
S05. Automatic Detection Technology and Device
S06. Navigation, Guidance and Control
S07. AI-driven Automation
S08. Knowledge Automation
S09. Emerging Automation Theory and Technology
S10. Fault Diagnosis and Fault-tolerant Control
S11. Micro-nano Electromechanical Devices and Control

Last modified: 2025-03-13 17:57:24