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ISEE 2014 - The Biannual Conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics

Date2014-08-13 - 2014-08-15


VenueReykjavik, Iceland Iceland



Topics/Call fo Papers

The ISEE 2014 conference’s overall aim is to examine how we can transition towards wellbeing and equity within planetary boundaries.
To achieve this aim the conference will concentrate on three overarching themes that all relate closely to the focal idea of the conference. The themes are: i) Planetary boundaries and resource constraints, ii) Equity and economic development dynamics, and iii) A great transition ahead? For each theme a number of sub-themes have been identified. In addition to the identified themes we also invite open session proposals and an open sub-theme for paper and poster abstracts. Please select the appropriate theme for your abstract submission. Below the individual themes are explained in more detail.
Planetary boundaries and resource constraints
Theme description. Within the theme planetary boundaries and resource constraints, we will examine how resources and the environment constrain the scale of the world economy and how natural resources and the environment need to be managed to support enhanced wellbeing. Particular focus will be given to Arctic, ecosystem services and stewardship of the commons in this context.
Models, scenarios of the global future - transitions or collapse?
Constraints on resources: energy, materials, water and land
Biodiversity and ecosystem services
Stewardship of the Commons
Equity and economic development dynamics
Theme description. Within the theme equity and economic development dynamics both international inequity and inequity within countries and their environmental implications will be discussed. How can economic development be redirected so as to address the interlinkage of inequity and environmental overuse and destruction? This theme also includes resource transfers between countries and degrowth in this context.
Degrowth for the rich; including sessions e.g. on environmental justice, institutional transformations for the no-growth society, complementary currencies, tax systems
Resources, population growth and the environment in the context of equity and economic development
Comparing environmental and sustainability policies in the developing and the developed world
Resource transfers between countries; including trade, investments, and financial flows including suggestions for institutional reform
A great transition ahead?
Theme description: There is a widening discussion within both the academic and policy literature about the necessity for, probabilities of and blockages to a great transition to a more sustainable global economic order. Some refer to conditions that threaten the industrial age (e.g. peak oil) and even the capitalist system as we know it, while others refer to accelerated innovations that will make possible capitalist modes of sustainable production and consumption for 9 billion people within planetary boundaries. A growing interest in long-wave theory and socio-metabolic transformation has emerged in the academic and popular literature. This theme focuses on these debates and trends.
Regional green futures; including special regional sessions on Latin America, China, Europe; including Nordic, India, Russia, Sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa and the Middle East, India, and North America
Visions, indicators and models of transitions; including population dynamics and demographic transitions, energy and technology transitions, innovation, economic transitions and frameworks for transitions (e.g. prosperity without growth, green growth, decoupling, post capitalism etc), natural capital accounting, indicators
Facilitating transitions; Drivers and Barriers: including the role of the private sector, actor networks, public, governments, social movements as well as academia focusing at the science-policy interface: How to be effective?
The role of cities in transitions
In addition we have an open category for paper and poster presentations as well as an open call for special sessions.

Last modified: 2013-10-11 06:36:14