ARM 2013 - The 12th Workshop on Adaptive and Reflective Middleware (ARM 2013)
Topics/Call fo Papers
Following the success of the past workshops in this series [1?9], ARM2012 aims at providing researchers with a leading edge view on the state of the art in re?ective and adaptive middleware, and on the challenging problems that remain unsolved. The goal is to gather active researchers in this important ?eld, so as to gain insight on their experiences and the new approaches being proposed. This edition follows the path initiated in the 2006 edition, by bringing together a wider group of researchers that are involved in designing and reusing adaptive systems at di?erent system layers, including architectural, OS, virtualization technology, and network layers, as well as using di?erent techniques that are complementary to re?ection. The past four editions led us to believe that a forum that allows experts in these communities to interact with each other will support a more holistic approach to future research in adaptive and re?ective systems. The workshop should provide an exciting environment in which to leverage cooperation among researchers, contributing to the development of middleware technology.
Organizer: Paulo Ferreira, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal
Contact Info:
Organizer: Paulo Ferreira, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal
Contact Info:
Other CFPs
- 1st International Workshop on Middleware for Cloud-enabled Sensing (MCS 2013)
- International Workshop on Modeling and Evaluation of Middleware Systems (MEMS) 2013
- 2nd Workshop on Secure and Dependable Middleware for Cloud Monitoring and Management
- 8th ACM Workshop on Middleware for Next Generation Internet Computing
- International Workshop on Population Reconstruction
Last modified: 2013-07-10 23:21:49