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MSM 2014 - International Workshop on Mining, Modeling and Recommending 'Things' in Social Media (MSM'14)

Date2014-11-06 - 2014-11-09


VenueSantiago, Chile Chile



Topics/Call fo Papers

The goal of this workshop is to continue our vibrant discussion on social media mining and modelling with a special focus on recommender systems for social media applications. Hence, the workshop aims to attract and discuss various novel aspects of social media mining, modelling and doing recommendations on top of these data/models. In short the workshop invites topics such as social media mining methods/techniques, novel approaches to model users or things in social media, frameworks to harvest and/or display social media data and new social media recommender methods/techniques/algorithms or interfaces supporting users for instance in information finding, meta-data application etc. Thus, our goal is to bring together researchers and practitioners from all over the world with diverse backgrounds interested in 1) exploring different perspectives and approaches to mine (complex) and analyse social media data, 2) modelling social media users and 3) building applications such as recommender systems on top of this data/models.

Last modified: 2013-03-27 23:26:01