LAW 2013 - The 7th Linguistic Annotation Workshop & Interoperability with Discourse
Topics/Call fo Papers
We welcome submissions of long (8 pages) and short (4 pages) papers, posters, and demonstrations, relating to any aspect of linguistic annotation, including:
(a) Annotation procedures:
Innovative automated and manual strategies for annotation
Machine learning and knowledge-based methods for automation of corpus annotation
Creation, maintenance, and interactive exploration of annotation structures and annotated data
(b) Annotation evaluation:
Inter-annotator agreement and other evaluation metrics and strategies
Qualitative evaluation of linguistic representation
(c) Annotation access and use:
Representation formats/structures for merged annotations of different phenomena, and means to explore/manipulate them
Linguistic considerations for merging annotations of distinct phenomena
(d) Annotation guidelines and standards:
Best practices for annotation procedures and/or development and documentation of annotation schemes
Interoperability of annotation formats and/or frameworks among different systems as well as different tasks, frameworks, modalities, and languages
(e) Annotation software and frameworks:
Development, evaluation and/or innovative use of annotation software frameworks
(f) Annotation schemes:
New and innovative annotation schemes
Comparison of annotation schemes
Workshop Theme
We encourage submission of papers relating to this year's theme, Interoperability with Discourse. We are particularly interested in the comparison and interoperability of different models and techniques used for and in conjunction with discourse annotation, focusing on any of the following goals:
(a) Creation of new insights within the field of discourse (by juxtaposing two or more points of view as reflected by different annotation schemes or annotation techniques).
(b) Fostering interoperability between pragmatic and semantic phenomena in discourse, ranging from functional categories (e.g. methods, results, hypotheses,etc.) to traditional discourse relations (connectives, anaphora, metonymies, etc.)
(c) Connecting syntactic, semantic and pragmatic layers of annotation.
(d) Working towards a framework, representation standards, tools and methods that will allow the integration and co-existence of current and future discourse-related annotation schemes.
Workshop Challenge
This year's workshop continues the tradition of the LAW Challenge, established last year, which provides funding for travel etc. to the individual or team that best meets a set of criteria. This year, the judges will give special consideration to papers closely related to the workshop theme, i.e., (1) integrating functional discourse annotation from one or more corpora with other types of annotation; and (2) demonstrating how interoperability can increase the understanding of the discourse. However, all papers addressing annotation interoperability or integration will be considered. For further information, please visit
(a) Annotation procedures:
Innovative automated and manual strategies for annotation
Machine learning and knowledge-based methods for automation of corpus annotation
Creation, maintenance, and interactive exploration of annotation structures and annotated data
(b) Annotation evaluation:
Inter-annotator agreement and other evaluation metrics and strategies
Qualitative evaluation of linguistic representation
(c) Annotation access and use:
Representation formats/structures for merged annotations of different phenomena, and means to explore/manipulate them
Linguistic considerations for merging annotations of distinct phenomena
(d) Annotation guidelines and standards:
Best practices for annotation procedures and/or development and documentation of annotation schemes
Interoperability of annotation formats and/or frameworks among different systems as well as different tasks, frameworks, modalities, and languages
(e) Annotation software and frameworks:
Development, evaluation and/or innovative use of annotation software frameworks
(f) Annotation schemes:
New and innovative annotation schemes
Comparison of annotation schemes
Workshop Theme
We encourage submission of papers relating to this year's theme, Interoperability with Discourse. We are particularly interested in the comparison and interoperability of different models and techniques used for and in conjunction with discourse annotation, focusing on any of the following goals:
(a) Creation of new insights within the field of discourse (by juxtaposing two or more points of view as reflected by different annotation schemes or annotation techniques).
(b) Fostering interoperability between pragmatic and semantic phenomena in discourse, ranging from functional categories (e.g. methods, results, hypotheses,etc.) to traditional discourse relations (connectives, anaphora, metonymies, etc.)
(c) Connecting syntactic, semantic and pragmatic layers of annotation.
(d) Working towards a framework, representation standards, tools and methods that will allow the integration and co-existence of current and future discourse-related annotation schemes.
Workshop Challenge
This year's workshop continues the tradition of the LAW Challenge, established last year, which provides funding for travel etc. to the individual or team that best meets a set of criteria. This year, the judges will give special consideration to papers closely related to the workshop theme, i.e., (1) integrating functional discourse annotation from one or more corpora with other types of annotation; and (2) demonstrating how interoperability can increase the understanding of the discourse. However, all papers addressing annotation interoperability or integration will be considered. For further information, please visit
Other CFPs
Last modified: 2013-02-23 20:42:48