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ENERDAY 2013 - 8th Conference on Energy Economics and Technology: Energy Policies and Market Design in Europe



VenueDresden, Germany Germany



Topics/Call fo Papers

Energy markets are more and more impacted by the continuous increase of energy from renewable sources. This implies new challenges with respect to security of supply, cost efficiency, profitability of conventional technologies as well as sustainability. The current market design as well as energy policies especially in the electricity sector shall be discussed in this context at the conference.
The objective of the 8th Conference on Energy Economics and Technology (“ENERDAY”) is to address challenges for energy systems, markets and policies, in particular concerning the impact of the increasing share of energy from renewable sources. Thereby contributions along the whole supply chain, from generation and transformation, via transmission and distribution up to the demand side are addressed. Particular emphasis is put on intensifying the dialogue between economic and technical issues.
Papers may be theoretical or applied, and may address the following issues:
I. Cross-sectional topics
Energy policies and strategies, e.g. investment incentives for conventional and/or renewable capacity, efficient promotion schemes for renewable energies, economics of storage technologies, regulatory framework, etc.
Market design issues, e.g. investments and prices, new sectoral designs (e.g. capacity markets, zonal/nodal prices), market coupling, impact of fluctuating renewable energies on prices, etc.
Future transmission and distribution grids, e.g. interconnectors in Europe, overlaying grid structure (e.g. high-voltage direct-current transmission), scenarios for grid extension, smart grids, etc.
Decentralized systems, e.g. market integration of decentralized power and heat systems, role of heat storage systems, smart grid technologies, smart meters and smart demand, energy efficiency and usage of renewable sources on household level, regulation, etc.
Developments in and impact on industry, e.g. energy conservation and efficiency measures in industry, renewable integration in production processes, impact of renewable energy cost allocation on industries, etc.
Energy and society, e.g. interaction between industry, society and energy, role of energy systems on the competitiveness of industries, acceptance and willingness-to-pay, etc.
II. Sectoral analyses and case studies
Electricity sector: sector design, investment, reserve markets, etc.
Heating sector: integration of renewables in the heating market, efficiency measures, combined heat and power, incentive schemes for renewable heating, etc.
Transport sector: hydrogen, electric mobility, traditional fossil fuels, trends in Germany, Europe, and world-wide etc.
Natural gas: e.g. network development, European internal market, security of supply.
Paper Proposals
Please send an extended abstract (one page, about 300 words, in English, including a short CV) until 4 March 2013 as word-file (or pdf-file) to:; the full version of the paper and presentation is due by 1 April 2013.
Date / Venue
The conference will take place on April 19th, 2013 at the Technische Universität Dresden with a pre-conference dinner on April 18th, 2013
Mandy Bauer, Chair of Energy Economics (EE2), TU Dresden;; tel.: +49-(0)351-463-39771.
Organizing Institutions
Chair of Energy Economics(EE2) at TU Dresden is specialized in the development of energy systems and markets.
DIW Berlin, the German Institute for Economic Research, is one of the leading economic research institutes in Germany carrying out fundamental research and policy advice, with a focus on transport, energy, and telecommunication economics.
The Workgroup for Infrastructure Policy (WIP) at Berlin University of Technology is focusing on organizational models, financing, and regulation of infrastructure sectors, mainly in transport and energy.
The Gesellschaft für Energiewissenschaft und Energiepolitik e. V. (GEE) is the German Chapter of the International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE).

Last modified: 2013-01-31 22:59:57